Nine Realms Sword Master

Chapter 3298: pretty close

Chapter 3298

When Bai Ye brought people to the main hall, he saw many people standing in the main hall.

Among them is Xuhe of Nanting.

Bai Ye glanced at his eyes and closed his eyes, frowning slightly.

When he was in the main court of the South before, the Marquis of God questioned the people of the Nanting court, but Xu He was punished badly enough.

Plus he messed things up, causing Nan Shengzhe to be furious.

Logically speaking, the reason why Xuhe couldn't perform the trick was also because of Bai Ye's appearance.

So Xu He should hate Bai Ye very much at the moment.

"Hey, isn't this Mr. Xuhe? It's like three autumns if we don't see each other every day!"

Bai Ye squeezed out a smile, then cupped his fists in a salute: "I've met Mr. Xuhe."

"Palace Master Bai, don't be too polite, I'm here for business."

Xu He said expressionlessly.

Just as Bai Ye guessed, Xu He really hated Bai Ye very much.

But Xuhe didn't hate him to the extreme.

After all, if Bai Ye hadn't screwed things up, Xuhe would have been executed long ago.

Now that the road has turned around, as long as I kill Bai Ye and make Mr. Nan Shengzhe feel at ease, then I can avoid death.

Bai Ye, Bai Ye, don't blame me, although you saved me unintentionally, it was definitely not your intention, so killing you is not considered revenge.

Xu He secretly thought in his heart.

"Official business? Dare I ask Mr. Xuhe, is it an official business assigned by Mr. Shenhou?"

Bai Ye asked with a smile.

"Of course not, it's an errand entrusted to you by Master Nanshengzhe, why don't you kneel down and accept the order?"

Xu He said calmly.

"An errand sent by Mr. Nan Shengzhe?"

Bai Ye pretended to be surprised, then waved his hands again and again, and said with a smile: "If that's the case, please forgive Bai Ye for not being able to accept the order."


Xu He was furious: "Bai Ye, what do you mean? Do you want to resist the decree?"

"No, no, Mr. Xuhe, don't get angry, I really can't get away from it."

Bai Ye shook his head and smiled helplessly: "Master Xuhe, you also know that Lord Shenhou has taken me very seriously recently, and specially assigned me a lot of tasks, and ordered to recruit the entire Wushuang Temple. The current Wushuang Temple is for Lord Shenhou. Service, we will not accept any errands, and we have no time to take care of any errands, so please go back and tell Mr. Nan Shengzhe that Bai Ye cannot follow his orders!"


He blew his beard and stared in harmony.

But the other party is now relying on Shenhou, even if he calls Nan Shengzhe to come, it will not help.

"That's all! Since you don't accept the order, I will report to Lord Nan Shengzhe. How the Lord handles you is up to you, and you can handle it yourself."

"see a visitor out!"

Bai Ye waved his hand.


Must stand together.

"Oh? Master Xuhe, is there anything else?"

"Hmph, what's the hurry, Master Bai? Naturally, I'm here for more than one thing!"

Xu He said coldly: "Master Nanshengzhe issued an order, requesting that from now on, the amount of materials paid by Wushuang Temple to Nanting will be tripled every year! In other words, you must keep the amount of materials paid after one month. More than 100 million, understand?"

"What? Five hundred million?"


Those people fainted, I'm afraid they won't reach 500 million!

Liu Yang, Zhao Shang and others beside him were shocked.

"If you don't reach the amount, you won't be cut immediately. This is an order issued by Mr. Nan Shengzhe himself. I don't see any of you who dare not obey!"

Xu He threw the imperial edict in his hand towards Bai Ye, snorted coldly, and flung his sleeves away.

Bai Ye quietly watched the edict falling at his feet, his face was calm and indifferent, without any anger on his face.

"Hall Master, the Southern Saints made it clear that they want us to bear the loss for them!"

Liu Yang stepped forward, glanced at the edict, and said angrily.

"I see."

Bai Yedan said: "If he wants three times, give him three times. Anyway, he won't be able to eat for long!"

"Your Excellency has a plan?"

"Don't worry, nothing will happen. Let the brethren feel wronged during this period of time. Let's cut down on food and gather enough tribute materials to pay next month."

"As you order, my lord..."

The two sighed and could only agree.

As soon as Xuhe led the people out of the Wushuang Temple, they found Huangshan and waited.

"Master Xuhe, you have come here with a mission this time. If we can't kill Bai Ye, how can we go back and report to Lord Saint!"

A Nanting expert couldn't help but said.

"Of course I know it's not easy to do business, but I can't help it. You have also seen that Bai Ye is a tough one. I can't trick him out of the Wushuang Temple!"

" should this be done?"

Everyone looked hesitant and at a loss.

"Don't worry, I've already made preparations. Since he refuses to come out, then I'll go in and kill him!"

"What's the master plan, Mr. Xuhe?"

Everyone's eyes focused on Xu Hei, and they all asked questions.

"We're just waiting here. They must think we've returned to God's Court. Wait for a few Wushuang guards to come out. You go and slaughter them for me, then pretend to be their identities, sneak into the Wushuang Temple, and find an opportunity to destroy Bai Ye!"

Xu He said in a deep voice.

"Our camouflage technique is not professional, I'm afraid it will be seen through!"

One hesitated.

"Afraid? I have a treasure, which can be perfectly disguised, not to mention what kind of things are in the Wushuang Temple? A group of old, weak, sick and disabled, with low strength, how can they see your disguise? What's more, when you just entered Did you find it? The Peerless Temple is deserted, there are not many people at all, and the overall strength is not even as good as some ordinary temples!"

Xu He snorted coldly.

The man froze for a moment and nodded again and again: "That's right, I heard that they killed a lot of people in pursuit of Lord Zhang Luo before, and the current Wushuang Temple is at the end of its strength, and its talents are withered. In such a place, we can take it even if we attack by force." Down!"

"A strong attack is definitely not going to work. The Lord Saint said that if I want to handle this matter beautifully, then no one can be present at the time of Miebai Ye! You can't leave any lies, otherwise you will be caught by the gods, and you and I will die. A hundred times and a thousand times are not enough!"

Must agree.

People nodded, and immediately decided to follow Xu He's plan.

At the same time, Bai Ye was still waiting in the main hall.

"Did you see Xuhe and the others go back?"

Seeing Xue Zhongjian entering the main hall, Bai Ye immediately asked.

"We have to secretly watch them enter the space gate."

Xue Zhongjian immediately cupped his fists and said.

"Can you find out where they went through the space gate?"

Bai Ye asked again.

Xue Zhongjian was taken aback: "My lord, are you worried that they didn't go back?"

"There was news from the Divine Court that the Nansheng Zhe wanted to kill me, and not long after the news came, Xuhe and the others arrived. Do you think they are really going to deliver an order to me?"

Bai Ye said in a deep voice.

When people heard it, their breathing trembled.

"Is he the killer sent by Nan Shengzhe to kill your lord?"

Xue Zhongjian couldn't believe it.

"Eight or nine is close to ten!"

Bai Ye nodded.

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