Nine Realms Sword Master

Chapter 3875: end

Chapter 3875 Final Chapter


A breeze blew through this world that had been silent for a long time.

Snake Snake slowly opened his eyes and looked at the towering Long Jue headquarters in front of him.

For some reason, she felt like she had had a dream, a very long dream.

In her dream, she found that the whole world was covered in dust, time stopped, and everyone seemed to be sealed in the scroll.

In this picture, she seems to have spent a long time, but it also seems to be a dream.

Only in this dream, she saw the white night come and go, go and come again.

It seems that Bai Ye is the only one in the world who can move...

At this time, a figure came over.

It was Long Yue.

"Miss Longyue?"

Snake Snake opened his mouth and wanted to say something, but was unable to speak.

She saw that Long Yue's face at this moment was full of despair, anxiety, hesitation and uneasiness...

She was staring at the sky, as if looking for something. Soon, Long Yue jumped up to the sky, opening her mouth to shout something, but no sound came out.

"Miss Longyue, are you okay?"

Snake called out.

Long Yue opened her mouth, then lowered her mouth again, but her eyes were full of complexity.

"what happened?"

"What's going on?"

"Do you...have an inexplicable feeling?"

Long Yue opened her lips lightly and whispered.

Snake Snake was silent for a moment and nodded slightly: "I feel like I had a dream. This dream was very long. I didn't see anyone. I seemed to only see Master Bai..."

"I feel the same way..."

"This might...not be a dream..."

At this time, a large group of people came over.

The leader was Xu Ziming.

These are all members of Cangtianya and Longjue.

"What did you find?"

Snake asked.

"After conquering the Dark Dynasty, Master Bai sealed the lower planes like us, and the time of the entire world was stopped. Master Bai must have to face an indescribably powerful existence that cannot be resisted, so he had no choice but to protect us. Now, maybe Bai Your Excellency has resolved the crisis..."

Xu Ziming said hoarsely.

"Then where did he go?"

The snake cries.

Xu Ziming said nothing.

Long Yue was staring at the nine heavens. For a long time, he murmured: "I can feel it... I can feel it... He is there! He is up there..."


Everyone raised their heads and stared at the sky...

" he there? Is he there?"

Bai Zhixin opened her little mouth slightly and murmured.

No one knows where Bai Ye is, but they can all clearly feel that there is someone they look forward to and miss day and night on those nine days.

Long Yue looked at it quietly, trying to calm her thoughts.

While waiting for Long Jue's world to return to the ranks of the heavens and the world, people also got news about Bai Ye from the mouths of other creatures in the world.

That was a call from the nine heavens.

However, countless strong men who accompanied Bai Ye to kill the Nine Heavens have long since disappeared with the wind, and no one knows the truth above the Nine Heavens.

Long Yue took a deep breath, and settled Cangtian Cliff and Long Jue's headquarters in Qingge Continent with Snake Snake and others.

This move also received support from the Bai family.

They believe that sooner or later, they will wait for Bai Ye to return.

The scenery that lasted hundreds of years is fleeting.

After reconstruction, Luo City has restored its former prosperity and order. The city wall has been renovated, towering and strong, like an indestructible barrier, silently guarding the city and its residents. The streets were widened, flat stone roads were paved, and the shops on both sides reopened one after another. Citizens were busy walking through the streets and alleys with hope and expectation.

In the center of the city, a statue stands majestically, attracting the attention of countless pedestrians. That is the statue of Bai Ye. He is wearing a sword uniform, with his hands behind his back, his eyes as sharp as a torch, looking up at the sky.

Many people don't know the origin of this sculpture. They don't even know who it is or why it was erected here. Only some powerful people living in Luo City understand that it is a supreme existence that cannot be mentioned.

Over the past hundreds of years, some of Long Jue's top brass have chosen to stay in Los Angeles. Qi Mei, Mo Qingbingyu, Leng Yourong and others are all tired of the fighting and fighting in the world, and just want to spend the rest of their lives peacefully in this peaceful land.

Maybe they still want to wait for something.

There are still some people among Long Jue who are pursuing the way to eternal life. They were not satisfied with the concentration of spiritual energy in this continent, and resolutely went to Lishengzhou or a higher plane to practice.

On this day, the sun was shining brightly, and Long Yue sat under a big tree outside the city to take a nap.

She was used to days like this.

In her opinion, maybe this is her dream.

It seems that I haven't woken up from this dream yet.


At this moment, the ground suddenly shook.

Long Yue opened her eyes suddenly.

She felt a powerful and domineering aura permeate the air.

At the same time, all the Long Jue people in Luo City felt this aura and rushed out.

"what happened?"

Bai Zhixin jumped out and landed outside the city, staring at the source of the breath.

Now, she is the head of the Bai family. She no longer has the childishness of the past, replaced by stability and maturity.

"What a terrible smell, it seems that the person who came here is evil!"

Long Yue stood up and said lightly.

as expected.

A large number of dark figures appeared in the distant sky.

They were like a tide, rushing towards us.

After a while, they gathered outside Luo City.

At a glance, there were tens of thousands of people with varying strengths, and there was even a figure of the Great Emperor among them.

The rushing murderous intention surged.

"Where is Long Jue's man?"

A man in black armor and red cloak rushed forward and shouted to the people in Luo City.

"Who are you?"

Long Yue asked deeply.

"We are all immortals. We heard that Long Jue has the secret of the Nine Heavens, so we came here to seek it out. Since you are the people of Long Jue! So quickly surrender and capture you. We will capture you and let the people of Long Jue hand over the secret of the Nine Heavens. come out!"

The man laughed.

"Today's Long Jue is just a name. When people ask about immortality, they just follow fate. There are no secrets. It's useless for you to catch us and find anyone."

Long Yue shook his head.

The old friends went their separate ways, and Long Jue was just a memory in everyone's mind. Otherwise, no one would provoke him.

"Stop talking nonsense, if you don't surrender without mercy, don't blame us for being ruthless!"

The man sneered: "You listen to the order, the generals will go in and capture them all. If you resist, you will be killed without mercy!"


The people behind him all had fierce looks in their eyes, and their expressions were extremely greedy.

Long Yue and others were not afraid at all, and one by one they took out their weapons and prepared to fight.

But that's it.


A breeze suddenly blew up, gently blowing over the faces of Long Yue and others.

Long Yue felt as if someone's warm palm had brushed against her heart.

She closed her eyes subconsciously, but when she opened them, she saw that the figures of tens of thousands of people in front of her had turned into grains of sand and dispersed in the wind.

Instead, a tall figure stood in front of him.

Bai Zhixin, Huan Shiying, Leng Yourong and others opened their eyes wide and looked at the figure in great surprise.

Long Yue was even more stunned on the spot.

"white night…"

Long Yue opened his mouth, his heart beating wildly, and his pupils swelled countless times.

"I'm going somewhere to find some lost friends!"

"I want to go to all the heavens and worlds to establish a set of order so that the creatures in the world can stay away from disputes, killings, and darkness..."

The man smiled slightly, turned around, and stretched out his hand to everyone.

"Are you... willing to go with me?"

(Complete book)

"I don't know if anyone will read the extra. If anyone does, I'll write a few chapters."

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