Nine Realms Sword Master

Chapter 851: You take responsibility

The Sun Moon City is under the ‘Sun Moon Peak’, and there is already a huge crowd at this moment.

Li Zhun led the law enforcement team to report to the'Adjudication Management Department' in the center of the city, and Xuan'er headed to a teahouse to the south.

There were more than a few people participating in the Shenwu final election in the Feiying area. In addition to Baiye, Ximu and others, there were more than a dozen people who arrived early.

They were waiting in the teahouse early. In addition to these people, there were many delegations from other regions.

Most of the delegations waiting in the teahouse are ranked below fifty, and many of them are not very powerful. Those who rank before 50 are not here, but rest in the special building under the "Department of Adjudication Management".

Shenwu Continent advocates force and values ​​strength very much. In this continent, it has a very strict class system. The strong can enjoy everything, while the weak can only serve the strong.

When Li Zhun led the crowd, a representative from the Flying Eagle area was waiting at the door early.

Everyone was greeted in.

The people in the flying eagle area are weak, and the box is impossible. They can only sit in the lobby, or in the corner.

"Have seen the Lord!"

People got up and made salutes.

"Don’t be polite, everyone is here, I’ll give you an introduction first. Later, I’ll have to communicate with the hall masters in other areas, get in touch, and talk more between you to increase your relationship. Share information."

Li Zhun said with a smile.

"Does Elder Li Zhun think I am interested in talking to these trash?"

Ximu spoke indifferently, with a nonchalant expression on her face.

Li Zhun smiled bitterly and exhorted a few words.

"Elder Li Zhun, take me to the resting place in the Kylin area. I want to see Master." Xi Mu said calmly.


Li Zhun nodded and led Ximu, Jianchen, and Master Dao away.

After a few people walked out of the teahouse, a bearded soulman slammed the table and said angrily: "Too arrogant! Who is this woman? If it's not for Mrs. Li Zhun here, I must give her a big ear shave!"

"Fortunately, you didn't give it. If you move your hands, I'm afraid that you are the one lying on the ground." Sun Xiaolou sighed, shaking his head.

Several people around the tea table leaned in immediately.

"What? Xiaolou, that woman is very powerful?" a man with a firm face asked Shen.

"Did you not hear what she just said? She is going to the Qilin area to find her master."

"Her master? Who?"

"Hallmaster of the Kylin Judgment Hall!" Qi Wanyu answered, solemnly.

When this remark fell, the whole room was shocked.

Several people told what had happened in the ruling hall before, and everyone was shocked and angry when they heard the sound.

"No wonder Master Li Zhun treats her so respectfully."

"It's no wonder that the big one hasn't come, vicious woman!"

People gritted their teeth, filled with righteous indignation.

"Thanks to Brother Bai Ye this time, otherwise we won't be able to participate in the Shenwu final election. As long as the woman is in trouble, I am afraid Li Zhun will not be able to help us." Qi Wanyu is still a little scared. Election, it will be a regret in her life.

"Thank you, Brother White."

"Yeah, let's go have a drink later, and give two glasses to Brother Bai."

Several people headed by Beard immediately expressed their gratitude.

But some people don't care.

"It's just a pseudo-emperor, relying on her good physical skills. I guess that Ximu must have no defenses, so he can let him succeed. Just ask, who will guard against a pseudo-emperor?"

"Yeah, maybe just luck."

The voices one after another, Sun Xiaolou and Qi Wanyu were a little angry.

Bai Ye was expressionless and didn't say much.

"But having said that, why does this woman run to our flying eagle area to make trouble? What is she not staying in the unicorn area to do?" At this moment, a thin man began to speak. His name is Li Yuan, who is from Qingtianzong. Obviously he knew about Tianzong and Bai Ye, but he didn’t say anything. Although Bai Ye and Fu Guoshan’s affair was raging, Qing Tianzong deliberately blocked the news for the sake of face, and even Qi Wanyu and Sun Xiaolou. It is not very clear about Bai Ye.

"I asked when I was in the city, it seems to be related to a person named Lei Jie." At this time, Nan Tingyue, who rarely speaks, said suddenly.

People were stunned.

Lu Jing, the resolute-looking man, immediately showed a look of horror.

"Brother Lu Jing, do you know anything?" Qi Wanyu asked hurriedly.

"Know... Lei Jie... you should have heard of him. He is the number one genius in the unicorn area. He is nicknamed the Nine Lights God Thunder. He is said to be able to crush the middle position with one hand of Thunder!" Lu Jing The voice said dryly.


Everyone's eyes were stagnant.

The strength of the middle emperor... In the Shenwu Finals, he was already considered to be an extremely good group of players. On the Emperor Killing list, he could also enter the top fifty.

And this Thunder Tribulation... can crush the middle position...

"Do you know what caused this Miss Ximu to provoke enemies with Lei Jie?"

A man in the corner with Erlang's legs dangling a bamboo stick said with a smile.

This person possesses the strength of a lower-ranking emperor, his eyes are arrogant, and he looks like no one looks down on it, especially Bai Ye. Although the strength of the flying eagle area is weak, most people still have the strength of the lower-ranking emperor, and a pseudo-emperor like Bai Ye, Is the most unwelcome.

Had it not been for Bai Ye to follow Sun Xiaolou and Qi Wanyu, they would have been thrown out of the teahouse long ago.

"It doesn't matter to him, it doesn't matter to us anyway, let's go, let's drink, this tea doesn't taste at all." The beard stood up and shouted.

"Walk around!"

A group of people left the teahouse.

Bai Ye likes to drink, but it depends on who he is with, so he didn't go and drank tea in the teahouse alone.

Everyone didn't force it and left.

"Young man, no one here, right?"

An old voice floated over.

Bai Ye opened his eyes slightly, glanced at the old man, nodded and said, "The old man sits as you please."

"Thank you."

The old man smiled, sat down, ordered a pot of tea, and drank.

"Young man, are you also the one to participate in this Shenwu runoff?" The old man asked with a smile.


"Where does the young man come from?"

"Flying Eagle area." Bai Ye said casually.

"Really? Flying eagle area?" The old man murmured, then laughed: "Flying eagle area...I'm afraid it will be blessed."

"What does the old man mean?" Bai Ye asked with a sharp glow in his pupils.

"What do I mean, don't you know the young man? Your pure soul power is afraid that even the middle emperor will sigh." The old man lowered his voice and left.

Bai Ye squinted his eyes and continued to drink tea.

When the old man walked to the door, he happened to ran into a group of passing souls. Upon seeing this, those souls clasped their fists in prayer.

"I have seen the Lord of the Mountain Stream!"

"Meet the Lord of the Mountain Stream."

The voice keeps on.

When these words were introduced into the teahouse, the people inside immediately boiled.

"Mountain stream? Isn't that the master of Qiongqi Judgment Hall?"

"God, it's the Lord of the Mountain Stream Hall!"

Some excited people directly rushed out to make a gift to the mountain stream, and the teahouse seemed turbulent.

Bai Ye frowned slightly and put the tea cup down.

Qiongqi area? The major regions of Shenwu Continent rank tenth, and Shanjian itself is also a terrifying existence, which is definitely not comparable to Li Zhun.

Unexpectedly, this old man's home is indeed the famous Mountain Stream Palace Master.

"It's just, mountain stream, mountain stream... I am not from the flying eagle area, I am from the nine souls!"

The teahouse is crowded, and sitting here, you can get a lot of news from the conversations between the neighboring tables. Bai Ye has been sitting here for an afternoon, and he has a preliminary understanding of this Shenwu final election.

The seed players selected by Shenwu are naturally the top ten teams, but several dark horses were also shot in the middle. They are all terrifying souls with a record of defeating the middle emperor, and almost all of them are lower emperors, all of which are higher ranks. challenge.

However, I saw in Bai Ye that the great emperor of Shenwu Continent was too watery, and was not worthy of its name. According to the strength of the Nine Soul Continent, many lower emperors there might be stronger than the middle emperors here.

This is probably why the number of emperors in the Nine Soul Continent is so small that they can resist the invasion of the Shenwu Continent.

But as the so-called big waves are scouring the sand, the fittest survive.

There are so many emperors on the Shenwu Continent. After the Shenwu Judgment Hall has been washed and washed, the people who stayed are the real emperors. At that level, there is more than enough to contend with the powerful nine souls!

The Shenwu final election has already begun here, and I don't know if the Nine Soul Continent has made preparations.

"White night!! White night!!"

At this moment, a warning person from the Flying Eagle Judgment Hall hurried over.

Bai Ye looked up, but saw the man's face full of anxiety.

"what happened?"

"Something has happened, something has happened! Bai Ye, you quickly follow me to Lexing Pub! It's over if you go late!"

"What happened?" Bai Ye asked.

"We...our delegation is being found fault!"


"Kirin area."

"What does that have to do with me?" Bai Ye asked curiously.

"This..." The admonisher was dumb for a moment, and then he suffocated his words for a long time: "Xi Mu, Jian Chen, and Dao Zi are all missing. I am afraid that even if they know, they will not interfere. Li Zhun said, I am afraid it is only you I can stabilize the place, so I would like to ask you to mediate..."

Talking of mediation is actually hands-on. Li Zhun and these admonishers all know that Bai Ye has the power to defeat the middle-ranked emperor. How dare you look down on this pseudo-emperor?

However, Bai Ye still couldn't lift the energy, and said calmly: "Will Li Zhun personally come forward? He is the master of the ruling, who dares to be presumptuous?"

"This... Bai Ye, you don't know that the ruling hall masters in each area are also divided into grades. Our Li Palace master... is not high in status. If he comes forward, the opposite hall master will have a reason to come forward. , Things are even more difficult to clean up."

"This is Li Zhun's business. The people in the Qilin area are all elite players. What can I do as a pseudo-emperor? I'd better hide here and drink tea instead of beating."

"White Night, you..."

The admonitioner opened his mouth, and sighed after a long time: "Master Li Zhun is sure that you will not go, so as long as you pass, stabilize the situation for a while, it will be deemed that he owes you a favor, and he has already notified The people in the main department are there. Once the people in the main department arrive, they will be fine."


Bai Ye touched his chin and said calmly, "Well, since Li Zhun has said so, I will go and see, but I have to make it clear in advance that he must bear it no matter what happens! Any responsibility is with me. Nothing!"

"no problem!"

"You said it's useless, you must tell Li Zhun what I said personally!" Bai Ye's eyes condensed.

The adviser was stunned and nodded dumbly.

"Lead the way."

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