Chapter 1556: The class is playing tricks and inviting you to enter the urn

Before the monument.

Poxuhuang's face will be as black as the bottom of a pot.

Since becoming a wild general, he has never been so embarrassed as he is today.

As a desolate general, he finally bowed his head to four juniors. It was simply unreasonable.

In the previous assessment, he had used the ultimate hand seal to open all the seals on the sacred monument.

The phantom of the Desolation Demon God has reached its strongest state.

But Han Yang and the other four remained unmoved and held on for a full half day.

During this half-day, among the poor first-series geniuses in front of the monument, a few of them had their luck black dragons shattered and were eliminated.

General Poxuhuang finally realized that he could not continue like this.

If we continue to delay time, maybe all the warriors in front of the monument will be eliminated.

In desperation, he could only negotiate terms with Han Yang and the other four.

Although it was a bit unfair to Han Yang and the other two, for the sake of the entire desolate land, they had no choice but to compromise.


Sacrifice the phoenix feather.

Lu Jiuxian.

These three people just paid it back, which was a great honor to him as a desolate general.

As soon as they opened their mouths, the three of them expressed that they could end the assessment early and set foot on the stone steps.

But Yang Han, who came from Tiantian Sect, didn't give him any face, ignored his message, and kept immersed in cultivation.

In the end, he had no choice but to promise that he would guard the Tiantian Sect for ten years after the competition. In exchange, Han Yang agreed to end the assessment.

Thinking that he was going to sit in a fourth-grade Tianzong for ten years, and might even face off against the Holy Cult, General Poxuhuang was in a terrible mood.

Looking at the one hundred and fifty-one people who passed the level in front of him, General Poxuhuang said with a dark face: "Now, let's start the fifth level of the competition..."

Halfway through the words, I got stuck.

Because according to normal rules, in the fifth level, those who pass the level will be caught and killed, and one hundred people will eventually be selected to participate in the final trial.

But now, there are only one hundred and fifty-one people. After being captured and killed, the number will not reach one hundred.

This is a strange phenomenon that has never happened since the Desolation Competition.

General Poxuhuang couldn't help but glared at Han Yang fiercely.

It's all this guy's fault!

If it weren't for him, how could he, the examiner, be in such a mess.

Han Yang looked innocent.

He felt that he had given enough face to the former examiner.

If he were allowed to continue practicing for three or two days, perhaps he could be directly promoted to the fifth level of the Heavenly Lord.

At the expense of delaying his promotion to the fifth level of Tianjun, in exchange for General Poxuhuang guarding the Natural Tianzong for ten years, Han Yang did not feel that General Poxuhuang suffered any loss.

"The first fifty people who step onto the stone steps can be directly promoted. The last one hundred people will be captured and killed. The winner will be qualified for the final trial."

Poxuhuang General calculated for a while before announcing the rules of the fifth level. Finally, his eyes fell on Han Yang and said coldly: "Yang Han is the last to step on the stone steps. He must defeat two people in a row to win the final Qualification test."

This was deliberately targeting Han Yang.

However, after General Poxuhuang finished speaking, Han Yang didn't have any special expression on his face. However, among the last hundred geniuses, the expressions of many of them changed slightly.

No one wants to fight Han Yang.

This guy was promoted to two levels directly on the stone steps. He was originally extremely powerful, but now his level is not much weaker than theirs. If he fights with Han Yang, he will most likely be defeated.

This "punishment" plan of General Poxuhuang seems to be punishing Han Yang, but in the end it may be them who are unlucky.

Immediately, someone was ready to protest, but at this moment, a person stepped forward: "I want to challenge Yang Han, please ask the general to help me!"

As soon as this person appeared, everyone couldn't help but focus on him.

Han Yang's strength has been fully exposed.

Definitely one of the top ten, or even top five!

At this time, he can still jump out to challenge Han Yang. Who is so courageous?

"It turns out to be Qianshu, the genius of the Jialan Tian Sect..."

"It's no wonder..."

"Qianshu is only at the sixth level of Tianjun, can he really defeat Yang Han?"

The grievances between Jialan Tianzong and Natural Tianzong are widely spread, and almost all warriors already know about it.

However, Qianshu's strength can only be said to be average at best among the current group of people.

Taking the initiative to challenge Han Yang now is unwise in the eyes of other warriors.

General Poxuhuang also glanced at Qianshu in surprise: "Are you sure you want to challenge Yang Han?"

The fifth level is based on the ranking of those who appear in front of the monument when climbing up the stairs. The person with the highest rank has priority.

Qianshu challenged Han Yang, within the rules.

But even General Poxuhuang is not optimistic about Qianshu.

Qianshu looked at Han Yang with cold eyes, gritted his teeth and said, "Please give me your wish, General Huang!"

Seeing his persistence, General Poxuhuang would naturally not stop him and said calmly: "Since you have made a decision, I will make it happen for you!"

After that, he waved his hand, and Han Yang and Qian Shu appeared on a stage at the same time.

Everyone else's eyes also fell on the two of them.

Even Daoyuan, Ji Fengyu, and Lu Jiuxian were the same.

Just when the competition was about to start, Qianshu suddenly said: "Yang Han, there are two ways to compete in the fifth level, one is unlimited, and the other is the Desolation Demon God's battle method. Do you... dare to use the Desolation Demon God's battle method with Shall I fight?"

The so-called unlimited means that warriors can use their own methods without any restrictions.

As for the so-called Battle Method of the Desolation Demon God, one can only use the martial arts learned from the Desolation Demon God to fight.

Obviously, the latter method is very beneficial to old people like Qian Shu who have participated in many competitions.

The person with the highest ranking chooses the target of the challenge, and the person with the lowest ranking chooses the fighting method.

This is also the rule for the fifth level of the competition.

It was originally a kind of compensation for those in lower positions.

Qianshu shamelessly wanted to provoke Han Yang and let Han Yang choose to fight in a way that was not beneficial to him. It was really despicable.

Many warriors showed contempt with their eyes and slandered endlessly.

General Po Xuhuang's lips moved, but he did not speak to remind Han Yang.

It's time for this kid to be defeated. He must be taught a lesson and his spirit must be destroyed.

In the opinion of Poxuhuang General, with Han Yang's talent, there is bound to be hope of reaching the top of the next competition. The outcome of this competition is actually not important, so he did not remind Han Yang and wanted to take the opportunity to let Han Yang suffered some setbacks.

Facing Qianshu's immature provocation, Han Yang smiled slightly, nodded and said, "Yes."

The battle method of the Desolation Demon God?

If he chooses to fight without restrictions, then Qianshu...may have a slight chance of a comeback.

Compared with Han Yang, who possesses the Holy Body of Heaven, his perception and fighting skills are as good as those of the Desolate Demon God. This man is really a master of his own craft.


The moment Han Yang finished speaking, a strange rule descended on the arena.

Han Yang could clearly feel that all other powers in his body were suppressed.

Only the Desolation Demon God's tactics can be used.

This made Han Yang's eyes move.

The skills to suppress other warriors are just that, but there are many god-level skills that he has practiced.

The magic circle engraved on the divine monument can actually suppress even god-level skills?

This is definitely not the level of formations that the True Realm Realm or the True King Realm can have.

"Is it the God Realm again? Since when did the God Realm's hand reach so deep that it has actually penetrated into the world?"


Just when Han Yang was temporarily distracted due to the formation of the sacred monument, Qianshu on the opposite side took action boldly.

A demon-subduing pestle condensed in his hand and suddenly struck down.

It is exactly the tactics used by the Desolate Demon God in the illusion.

The moment the demon-conquering pestle hit, endless desolate air swept over.

Even the defensive formation above the arena made a corroding sound.

"Three Sea-Breaking Styles! This kid actually understood the second-level combat method of the Desolation Demon God..."

The next moment, Poxuhuang's expression suddenly changed.

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