Unknowingly, has Han Yang's strength reached such a terrifying level?

Even the Yuanming Realm Lord, who once ranked second on the Chaos Ranking, died in the hands of Han Yang.

Let them deal with these enemies!

The three of them, Jin Mingguan and others, have already begun to think about quitting.

Things cannot be avoided!

They are different from people like Yuanming Realm Lord and Jingse Buddha Lord.

Yuan Ming, Jiese and others were all heavenly officials of the previous generation. They either faked their own death or faked their ascension, only to escape from the world after they escaped.

Yuan Ming and others had no choice but to retreat.

They still have their own world to protect.

It’s just that the Anti-Tian Society has the absolute upper hand. If they are overturned by Han Yang, they need to think about the world they live in and whether they should follow the Anti-Tian Society into darkness.

The faces of Yiniao Tianguan and Wuji Tianguan were even more gloomy.

They were not even members of the Anti-Heaven Society, they just temporarily chose to take sides.

I thought that the Anti-Tian Alliance would be powerful and would be able to suppress Han Yang.

I didn't expect this to be the result.

In this case, wouldn't they become a secret target?

King Guang slowly said: It's not about betrayal. The Anti-Tian Association is just an organization established because everyone wants to escape from the world and avoid Tianbang. Now, with the leader of the Han alliance, Tianbang does not dare to appear in the world. Anti-Tianbang It’s meaningless for heaven to continue to exist, and I’m just following the trend.”


The Lord Buddha was originally a eloquent person, but at this moment he was speechless.

The King of Light was right.

There are only two main reasons why the powerful Tianguan warriors join the Tianguan Realm.

The first is to avoid the Heavenly Ranking to avoid being captured by the Heavenly Ranking and having to ascend to the upper world.

It is precisely for this reason that most of the previous generations of world masters have remained hidden from the world and rarely interfered in worldly affairs.

That is to say, Han Yang kept Tianbang away from him, so they, the previous generation of heavenly officials, dared to jump out and cross the Sea of ​​Chaos.

If it were in the past, they would not even dare to stay in the world for a long time.

One is hiding in the dark, not seeing the light of day.

One is upright and does whatever he wants.

Everyone knows how to choose.

After hearing what the King of Light said, the two heavenly officials in Qingjie were a little ready to make a move.

They just made a last-minute decision and took sides.

Now that the situation has changed, they also have the opportunity to make a new choice.

There is absolutely no need to go all the way.

After a long silence, Master Jingse Buddha roared angrily: Others don't know how powerful the leader is, so don't you, King of Light, know? There will never be a good end for betraying the leader!

Zhenjie Tianguan Huanzhen, who had been silent all this time, also slowly opened his mouth and said: King of Light, if you wake up now, the leader may be able to forget the past! If you continue to persist in your obsession, you will only end up dead!

As soon as Huanzhen Tianguan opened his mouth, there was an instant silence in the secret realm.

The shadow of the famous tree of man!

Although everyone is in the Tianguan realm, the strength of Tianguan is not necessarily stronger than that of King of Light, Jiese and others.

But she is a heavenly official in the real world, with an extraordinary origin!

The True Realm has ruled the Sea of ​​Chaos for hundreds of millions of years and has great prestige.

As soon as she opened her mouth, everyone suddenly remembered that the Anti-Tian Society was not just the Anti-Tian Society. Even the real world was on the side of the Anti-Tian Society.

Being an enemy of the Kangtian Society is equivalent to being an enemy of the real world!

The thought of challenging a behemoth like Zhenjie, which has dominated the Chaos Sea for hundreds of millions of years, made many people feel like retreating.

Official Jin Mingtian cautiously stepped back a few steps, locked horns with the other two Heavenly Officials from the same camp, and said coldly: We have no intention of participating in the civil war of the Anti-Heaven Society. If you can't agree on the same opinion, then forgive me for not being able to accompany you!

The three of them are only peripheral members of the Anti-Tian Society.

He didn’t even practice the heaven-defying magic technique.

At this time, seeing the internal divisions of the Anti-Tian Society, they did not want to wade into troubled waters.

You dare!

The real Heavenly Official was furious and scolded: Where do you think the Anti-Tian Society is? Come and leave whenever you want? If you don't fight side by side with us today, you will be traitors of the Anti-Tian Society! Kangtian Meeting with the True Realm, we will definitely clean up the world where you live!

She sees it better than anyone else.

Since even powerful men like Yuanming Realm Lord died in Han Yang's hands, it was impossible for her and the five Lord Jingse Buddha to stop Han Yang and King of Light!

The only way is to win over Jin Mingguan and the other three!

If the eight heavenly officials join forces, there may be a glimmer of hope.

Thinking of this, the real Heavenly Official suddenly looked at the two Heavenly Officials from Qingjie, and said coldly: Han Yang is a man who must retaliate for his hatred, and he is so petty! He hates his enemies the most and will never show mercy to them! You two have already left the field to join the battle, then There is no turning back! I hope you two can see the situation clearly!

Lord Jingse Buddha is still entangled with the King of Light about the betrayal, but the Heavenly Official has already figured it out.

If they can't win over the two Heavenly Officials Jin Mingming and Qingjie, they may face death today!

Yiniao Tianguan's face looked a little ugly.

It's true that Tianguan was right.

Intelligence has proven that anyone who is an enemy of Han Yang will not end well.

The three heavenly officials in the sword world are proof of this.

Even if he chooses to serve Han Yang in the end, he still has to sacrifice his life to wash away his betrayal.

They came to Fengjie to besiege and kill Han Yang. Now, is there really any way to turn back?


But King Guang laughed: Really, don't throw dirty water on Alliance Leader Han... I am proof of how generous Alliance Leader Han is! Even I can be forgiven, not to mention Jin Ming who has not really turned against Alliance Leader Han yet. , where is fellow Taoist Yinyi.

Really, Tianguan couldn't help but hesitate.


Han Yang was indeed ruthless and never forgave his enemies.

How did this King of Light survive?

Damn it!

Tianguan really realized that if they continued to be entangled like this, Tianguan Yingyi and others would really be won over by the King of Light.

Think about the true world, think about the Anti-Heaven Society, and then think about the world you are in!

Huanzhen Tianguan roared and took the initiative to kill King of Light.

It was obvious that he was preparing to muddy the waters and not give the King of Light a chance to continue convincing others.

The four men in Jingse understood this and took action accordingly.

Boom boom boom!

The five powerful men joined forces and rushed towards the King of Light.

The two people from Qingjie and Jin Mingming didn't take any action, showing a slight hesitation.


At this moment, something unexpected happened.

The five members of Huazhen Tianguan joined forces, not to attack the King of Light, but to break the confinement of the secret realm.

A ray of light shot into the sky, speeding towards Chaos.


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