
Zhenhu Tianguan breathed hard.

Not only his breathing, but also his sense of the avenue seemed to be pinched directly.

At this moment, Zhenhu Tianguan was as weak as a mortal.

A face shrouded in pitch-black mist approached him, as if sniffing something.

There is no stinky smell like those in the Black Abyss Realm. You are not from the Black Abyss Realm. Who are you...

His voice was hoarse and unpleasant, as if he hadn't spoken for many years.

Zhenhu Tianguan waved his fist, intending to fight back.

As a result, the black shadow just shook its arm, causing the real fox Tianguan's divine body to tremble, his whole body sore and weak, and he no longer had the strength to resist.

In desperation, Zhenhu Tianguan wanted to burn his soul and fight to the death.

Then I heard that hoarse and unpleasant voice sound again.

Haha... The Heavenly Official Realm of the Chaos Sea is still so weak... Even the burning soul is like a flame, it can be blown out in one breath... Phew!

After saying this, the figure shrouded in black mist blew out a breath towards Zhenhu Tianguan.

Something incredible happened.

The fire of Zhenhu Tianguan's soul that was originally burning was actually blown out by the black shadow in one breath like a candle.

Zhenhu Tianguan's eyes widened in disbelief.

He is in the Heavenly Official Realm!

Ranked among the top 20 in the Chaos Ranking of Tianguan Realm!

Even the True Realm Master, who ranks first on the Chaos Ranking, cannot handle him so easily.

What kind of monster is this black shadow?

Tell me...where are you from...

The hoarse voice asked again.


Zhenhu Tianguan wanted to say something, but found that his voice was stuck in his throat and could not come out at all.


Even divine consciousness transmission is not possible.

Every time his consciousness surged and he wanted to break away from his divine body, he was imprisoned by the cold palm, unable to move at all.

Zhenhu Tianguan giggled for a long time, but didn't say anything.

The hoarse voice gradually became colder: Don't tell me? You are really tough, just like those bastards in the Black Abyss Realm, just like the stones in the pit... I will give you a chance in the end, you tell me or not!

Zhenhu Tianguan's eyes widened and he struggled hard.

I want to say, you damn girl, please let me go and let me speak.

But the dark figure seemed not to notice the problem, and just looked at him coldly.

After a few breaths, a hoarse and unpleasant voice finally sounded.

Haha... You have a tight mouth and a lot of backbone. I admire you very much for a good man like you. In order to express my admiration for a good man, I will not torture you and give you a happy death.

After saying that, the black shadow flipped his wrist.

An unparalleled power was transmitted from the black shadow's palm to the whole body of Zhenhu Tianguan.

The eyes of the real fox official are about to split.


I am not a good man!

I want to say it!

You should let me tell you.

Zhenhu Tianguan's final despair still failed to make any sound.


There was a crisp sound.

Zhenhu Tianguan's neck was violently broken.

An injury like a broken neck is actually not fatal to a Heavenly Official.

But for some reason, the moment his neck broke, the vitality in Zhenhu Tianguan's body also disappeared.

A man in the True Realm Heavenly Official Realm died in the Black Abyss Realm in such a confused manner.

Until his death, he didn’t know what kind of monster he died at.

Throwing away the body of Zhenhu Tianguan, the black shadow murmured: I haven't appeared in the world for a long time. Has the current Chaos Sea become so tough? An unknown little Tianguan realm is so strong, Even if death is approaching, he has not said a word from beginning to end... If the entire Chaos Sea is so tenacious and unyielding, then the plan to invade the Chaos Sea seems to be a bit troublesome...


Just when the black shadow was deep in thought, a huge roar sounded.

Something seemed to be off.


The black shadow gave up thinking for an instant and let out a furious roar that didn't sound like a human voice.

Dark Devil! You bitch, how dare you close the passage to the underworld in the Black Abyss Realm!

The black shadow roared towards a certain direction.


There are two Heavenly Officials from the Black Abyss Realm sitting cross-legged, and the life breath on their bodies has begun to dissipate.

Dozens of black figures around them roared helplessly at the corpses of the two people, but could not get closer.

Behind the two of them, the light door leading to the underworld was slowly closing.

The light emitted by the light gate blocked all the black shadows, preventing them from getting close.


The dark shadow that tortured Zhenhu Tianguan arrived, and his palms instantly hit the light door.

As the light gate closed, the glow dimmed.

Finally unable to withstand the attack of the black shadow.

The light and shadow suddenly shattered.

The palm of the black shadow pressed into the light gate, directly smashing the corpses of the two powerful men in the Heavenly Official Realm of the Black Abyss Realm.

Then it hit the light gate unstoppably.


This light gate seems to be blessed by the heaven and earth.

Even it cannot be broken.

I could only watch helplessly as the light door slowly closed and finally closed completely.


The black shadow looked up to the sky and roared, extremely angry.

The other black shadows also roared ferociously, venting the anger in their hearts.

I don't know how long it took before the roar of the black shadow slowly dissipated.

Its cold gaze fell on the other black shadows, and it roared angrily: Kill all the creatures in the Black Abyss Realm! Leave no one behind! Let us use the extinction of hundreds of millions of creatures in the Black Abyss Realm to announce our return to the Sea of ​​Chaos! .



Roars came and went, and murderous intent rose into the sky.

Boom boom boom!

Black shadows left the ancestral land of the Black Abyss Realm and rushed towards the world where the Black Abyss Realm belonged.

In the Black Abyss Realm, all life is about to be wiped out!


The Lord of the Black Abyss Realm and Ruoguo, the only two Heavenly Officials of the Black Abyss Realm, looked at the completely closed light gate with gloomy expressions.

The Black Abyss Realm is in trouble!

The dark devil's face was as gloomy as water.

The ugly monster shouted: Damn Mad King! If he hadn't concealed the corpses of previous world lords from you, the world lord, our Black Abyss world would not have ended up like this...

The Black Abyss Realm was once the second largest realm in the Chaos Sea.

The seven masters of Tianguan Realm!

Thirteen people are enshrined in the Dharma Protector!

It can be said to be a huge force.

Even if it is necessary to suppress the passage between the two realms connecting the underworld, one can still dominate one side in the Sea of ​​Chaos.


Everything changed because the remains of the previous world lords of the Black Abyss world were transformed into zombies.

In less than a few months, the entire Black Abyss Realm was completely destroyed.

And all this is because the previous world lord, the Mad King, concealed the secret that the legacy of past world lords still exists in the world from the current world lord, the Black Demon, before he ascended.

The Black Abyss Realm suppresses the underworld passage and the environment is dangerous.

The whole cave is full of gloom and gloom, which is perfect for the development of zombies.

As a result, the corpses of all people in the Black Abyss must be burned after death.

To prevent the corpses from turning into zombies and causing harm to the world.

But Black Demon and others never expected that the previous world master secretly collected the remains of previous world masters and hid the news from Black Demon.

The consequence was the fall of the entire Black Abyss Realm.

The creatures in the ancestral land of the Black Abyss Realm had to retreat to the underworld.

How tragic that the second largest realm of the Chaos Sea ended up like this.

The Black Demon sighed and said in a solemn voice: It's useless to blame the Mad King now. Let's think about how to survive in the underworld...

One sentence made all the Tianguanjing present fall silent.

When a living being enters the underworld, it is equivalent to sending delicious food to the beasts.

It won't be long before they are bound to be attacked by ghosts from the underworld.

And in the underworld, there are countless powerful ghosts.

These people are just lambs waiting to be slaughtered.

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