Nine Revolutions of the Stars Technique

Chapter 3341 Meeting an old friend in the underworld

The Lord of the Dark Demon Realm?

Han Yang was friends with the Crazy Demon Lord of the Black Abyss Realm, so he naturally heard that the Crazy Demon Lord talked about the realm's lord, the Black Demon.

Han Yang was also quite surprised to see the black devil in the underworld at this time.

He and Tie Qingshu were originally looking for traces of the mysterious man on Huangquan Road.

The mysterious man's whereabouts are erratic and difficult to find.

After several years, apart from the fact that Yuan Wen gained a lot of insights, there was no trace of the mysterious man at all.

The mysterious man seems to have lost contact since the last time they met.

not long ago.

Sensing the presence of human souls in Donghan Continent, Han Yang rushed over to watch the excitement.

It is not easy to enter the underworld from the human world.

In the world of gods and immortals, only those in Jiuyou Underworld can barely do it.

But it only allows the ghosts of the underworld to invade the human world, and it is far from being able to enter the underworld from the human world.

Entering the underworld and returning without injury is Han Yang's unique skill.

Those human souls wandered around Donghan Continent for several years without dying, which aroused Han Yang's interest.

I just didn't expect that the human soul would be an acquaintance.

Are you really Han Yang?

In order to deceive the people led by Qian Jing, Han Yang disguised his appearance.

It remains unchanged today.

Therefore, Ugly Demon and others did not recognize this man who was famous in the Sea of ​​Chaos.

It wasn't until the black devil pointed out Han Yang's identity that they discovered the Qianye Fairy Sword at Han Yang's feet.

The evil light in the ugly demon's eyes flashed away.

In the entire Black Abyss Realm, he is the most fierce fighting faction.

If it weren't for the need to suppress the Gate of Hell, he would have participated in the siege of Han Yang before.

Seeing Han Yang at this time, his fierce temper suddenly aroused.


After realizing Han Yang's current terrifying strength, the ugly demon had to lower his head, not daring to let Han Yang notice his murderous intention.

Little did he know that Han Yang would fight countless battles for the rest of his life.

Most sensitive to murderous intent.

He thought he was doing it secretly, but Han Yang had already noticed it.

Just for the sake of the Crazy Lord, I am too lazy to pursue such a little insect.

I've met the Lord of the Dark Demon Realm!

Han Yang bowed his hands to the black devil.

The Lord of the Dark Demon Realm responded with complicated eyes.

Before the fall of the Black Abyss Realm, he had already obtained a lot of information about Han Yang.

Even the third lord of the Anti-Tian Society died in the hands of Han Yang.

It can be seen how far Han Yang has grown now.

Even if the seven of them join forces, they may not be able to take down Han Yang.

Not to mention.

They have now become homeless dogs.

The entire Black Abyss Realm has fallen.

They have absolutely no reason to go to war with Han Yang.

In the heart of the Black Demon, the Crazy Demon King is already a genius that has never appeared in the Black Abyss Realm.

Even in the entire Chaos Sea, Crazy Demon Lord is considered a stunningly talented person.

But he didn't expect that a monster like Han Yang would appear in the same era as the Crazy Lord.

With half a step to the realm of Tianguan, the whole sea of ​​chaos cannot lift its head.

at the same time.

Many doubts in his mind have been solved.

No wonder Han Yang was able to go from being passively beaten in the Immortal World to dominating one side and suppressing almost the entire Chaos Sea in just three to five years.

It turned out that Han Yang could actually practice in the underworld.

One day on earth, ten thousand years in hell!

Such a long period of time is enough to make up for Han Yang's short time and low realm.

If those in the Chaos Sea knew the truth, no one would dare to be Han Yang's enemy!

Who can afford to offend a monster who can cultivate in the underworld!

Why do you all appear in the underworld? But what happened in the Black Abyss Realm?

Han Yang asked straight to the point.

At his level and status, there is no need for compromise.

No one is worth letting him make mistakes.

The madman even told you such a thing?

The dark devil's eyes darkened.

I thought it was the Crazy Demon Lord who leaked the news about the suppression of the underworld passage in the Black Abyss Realm.

Han Yang said lightly: I have fragments of the souls of the Sword Realm, Dao Realm, Yuan Realm, Yuan Ming Realm Master, the Third Venerable and others in my hands. Does the Black Abyss Realm count to me? What secrets are there?”


The black devil was speechless.

Han Yang's rise was so fast that many powerful people fell in his hands, so fast that many people became numb.

Now that I think about it, more than half of the Realm Lords of the Chaos Sea Realm were slaughtered by Han Yang alone, and even the Anti-Tian Society suffered heavy casualties.

Don’t talk about the Black Abyss Realm.

I am afraid that there are not many secrets that can be hidden from Han Yang in the entire Chaos Sea.


The sound of swallowing was heard.

The bodies of several Heavenly Officials from the Black Abyss Realm were trembling and nervous.

Lord of the Sword Realm!

Lord of the Tao Realm!

Lord of the Yuan Realm!

Lord of Yuanming Realm!

What a terrifying existence these are.

Everyone is a hero who dominates one side.

As a result, they all died in Han Yang's hands.

Before he knew it, Han Yang's achievements were unprecedented and unprecedented.

Such a terrifying monster has never appeared in the Sea of ​​Chaos.

The Dark Lord was the first to regain his composure.

He sighed and said: We were also tricked by the Anti-Tian Society! Perhaps because of the death of the Third Venerable in your hands, the Anti-Tian Society will use all its power! The legacy left behind by the successive masters of the Black Abyss Realm after their ascension , was secretly cultivated into a zombie by the previous world lord, Mad King! I was accidentally plotted by Heizong, and now the entire Black Abyss world has fallen...

The grief in the Dark Demon Realm Lord's heart now is beyond imagination.

He used the treasure of the Black Abyss Realm to contain all the creatures in the ancestral land of the Black Abyss Realm, but he could not save the entire Black Abyss Realm!

Those black zombies will probably massacre the Black Abyss Realm after losing their traces.

After this, the Black Abyss Realm will cease to exist.

Anti-Heaven Society, Heizheng?

Han Yang was thoughtful.

The Black Abyss Realm suppresses the passage between the two realms, and the entire realm is filled with death energy, which is indeed very suitable for cultivating zombies.

Thinking of this, Han Yang's expression did not change and he asked: Do you have the Six Paths Immortal Zombie in the Black Abyss Realm?

The Six Paths Immortal Zombies in the Sea of ​​Chaos are extremely rare.

The only one I saw was also made into a puppet by the Yuanming Realm Master, and its power was greatly reduced.

But if there are six immortal zombies in the black zombies in the black abyss world, it will be troublesome.

The Lord of the Dark Demon Realm nodded solemnly.

If it weren't for the Six Paths Immortal Zombie, I wouldn't have been defeated!

The Black Devil can overpower Yuan Shi and become the second most powerful man on the Chaos Ranking.

Ordinary Heizheng, even in the Tianguan realm, is definitely no match for him.

Only the Six Paths Immortal Zombie can crush him.

Han Yang sneered in his heart.

The black devil still kept things simple.

Is the black zombie in the dark world really just the black zombie?

If it was really just Heizong, then there was no need for the Mad King to hide it.

There are many ways to control and suppress zombies.

There are many worlds in the Chaos Sea, and the one with the zombies is the best among them all.

The reason why the mad king chose to hide is that Heizong may have another conspiracy.

Even the Black Demon, the current master of the Black Abyss Realm, had to keep it a secret.

What secrets can Heizong hide?

Han Yang's eyes swept over the six Heavenly Officials behind the Black Demon, and he said coldly: Who is willing to take the initiative to let me search for souls? I need to know all the information about Heizheng!

Words will eventually make omissions.

Only by searching for souls can you be foolproof.

Upon hearing the word search for souls, everyone, including the ugly demon, subconsciously stepped back.

No matter how powerful Han Yang is in battle, he is only half a step above the level of Heavenly Official.

Letting Han Yang search for his soul would mean that his soul would be scattered and he would never be reincarnated!

However, Black Demon's eyes lit up and he asked, Can you search for souls in the Heavenly Official Realm?

Han Yang said calmly: Where do you think the information about the Black Abyss Realm comes from?

The Black Demon sighed again.

A half-step Heavenly Official can actually search for souls in the Heavenly Official Realm.

What a terrifying spirit this is!

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