Nine Revolutions of the Stars Technique

Chapter 3348 Hunting the Black Zombie in the Black Abyss Realm

The Black Abyss Realm is still shrouded in fog.

Apart from the occasional zombie roar, there was no other sound.

The whole world is dead silent!


The teleportation array flashed with light.

Han Yang took a step forward and appeared in this abandoned world.


Han Yang's appearance was like cold water dripping into a pan of oil, immediately triggering a riot in the ancestral land of the Black Abyss Realm.

Zombies roared one after another.

One after another, the black zombies rushed towards Han Yang's direction like lightning.

Are there only two fierce ghost realm black zombies left...

Han Yang was slightly disappointed.

Perhaps it was because the Kuangtianhui Mad King was not strong enough, and the ghosts and spirits that seized the body and black zombies were generally not at a high level.

Including the four Fierce Ghost Realm Black Zombies that Han Yang had previously captured, there were only six Fierce Ghost Realm in total.


Each of these six fierce ghosts has extraordinary strength and high level.

They are all half-step ghost generals!

As long as you can establish meritorious deeds and obtain imperial titles, you can be promoted to Ghost General at any time!

It's enough to use these black zombies to attack the Black Abyss Realm!


They met Han Yang!

Unless they are real ghost generals, these half-step ghost generals will be helpless in front of Han Yang!


The sword light lit up in the ancestral land of the Black Abyss Realm.

Those ferocious and crazy black zombies didn't realize how terrifying the enemy they were facing was until the moment the sword light lit up.

Puff puff!

Sword lights fell one after another.

Whether it is an ordinary fierce ghost level black zombie, or a powerful half-step ghost general level black zombie.

Without exception, they all fell to Han Yang's sword.

The fierce ghosts possessing the zombies roared angrily, trying to escape from the zombie body and directly attack Han Yang with their souls.


Their souls were also defenseless in front of Han Yang.

The soul-cutting sword imitated from the Third Master fell like snowflakes.

The fierce ghosts in the entire ancestral land died one after another under the soul-cutting knife.

Han Yang waved his sleeves, and zombies were collected by him.

Thirteen bodies of Tianguan realm zombies!

Much less than Han Yang expected.

This is also reasonable.

The vast majority of the black zombies have already followed the six-path black zombie and are preparing to make blood sacrifices to the entire black abyss world.

Not many people stayed in the ancestral land of the Black Abyss Realm.

Since the number of ancestral lands is not enough, I will simply go after them...

Time is running out.

Han Yang didn't stop for a moment and directly moved in the Black Abyss Realm with the moving source text.

Chase towards the black zombie army.

There is a danger in doing this.

That is, if Han Yang is unlucky, he may collide with the Six Paths Immortal Zombie.

Once this happens, Han Yang's incarnation will be in danger.


The immortal text flashed, and Han Yang's figure disappeared without a trace.

In the mist of the Chaos Sea.

The two black zombies are burning their souls and heading towards other small worlds in the black abyss world at the fastest speed.

They are hungry.

I want to tear the souls of those creatures apart.

At the next moment, a figure in white appeared not far ahead.

The two black zombies were startled for a moment, then roared and charged towards the figure in white.


The sword light spread across the void, drowning everything.

Sea of ​​Chaos.

In the mist.

Six black zombies are breaking through the fog and speeding away in a certain direction.

At this moment, its footsteps suddenly stopped and it looked towards a certain position above the void.

This swordsmanship actually contains a trace of the law of death... Among the billions of creatures in the Chaos Sea, no one seems to have such an amazing swordsmanship... Who is it?

The six-path black zombie seems to be violent and evil.

But when ghosts from the underworld reach the realm of ghost generals, their three souls and seven souls are complete, and their wisdom is the same as that of humans.

The ghost general who had seized the Six Paths Immortal Zombie only pondered for a moment before thinking of a certain person.

The legendary Han Yang?

He was used by the Anti-Tian Society to seize the Six Paths Immortal Zombie transformed from the remains of his ancestors in the Black Abyss Realm.

I don't know much information myself.

It was only through the Anti-Tian Society that he learned that Han Yang was unifying the Sea of ​​Chaos with his supreme power.

Don't know any more details.

There was no connection between Han Yang and the flower picker at all.


The suspected appearance of Han Yang also made him wary.

He took out a special black transmission talisman and sent a message to the half-step ghost general who stayed behind in the ancestral land of the Black Abyss Realm.

Half a stick of incense has passed, but there is still no movement.

No matter which half-step ghost general it contacted, it was not restored.

Han Yang!

Liudao Heizong was convinced that the sword light from before must be Han Yang!

Except for Han Yang, no one could kill all the six half-step ghosts who stayed in the ancestral land of the Black Abyss Realm in such a short period of time.

It immediately restrains the breath.

Disguise yourself as ordinary black zombie.

At the same time, he ordered the six Heizongs around him: You all act separately, Xunguaizi stays!

The fierce ghosts and half-step ghost generals who seize the black zombies are unwilling to act in unison with the six-path black zombies.

Following the ghost generals, the ghost generals can only eat meat and they drink soup.

Only by working separately can we eat meat.

At this time, Jinggui ordered them to split up, and everyone immediately dispersed.

Only the half-step ghost general named Xun Guaizi had no choice but to stay.

General, is something wrong?

Xun Guaizi was an absolute confidant of the ghost general, so he hurriedly asked.

Liudao Heizong said coldly: Han Yang is hunting us!

Xunguaizi was startled.

They have no enmity with Han Yang, so why is Han Yang chasing them?

Liudao Heizong then ordered: Let's change direction and go to the Demonic World immediately to lure Han Yang to show up!

Xunguaizi hurriedly accepted the order.

The two immediately headed towards the Demonic World.

And Han Yang's pursuit continued.

One by one, black and stiff, died under Han Yang's sword.

And at this time.

Tie Qingshu also rushed to the 108th Cave with Lu Xiu, the lord's wife from the Red Mirror Territory.

Master! There is a breath of life ahead, please be careful!

As expected of a lord's wife.

When they were still very far away from the 108th Cave, they sensed the auras of the people in the Black Abyss Realm.

In Lu Xiu's view, any soul in the human world that could remain immortal in the underworld must be extraordinary.

The master of Ksitigarbha Dojo was by her side at the moment, and she did not want to make the same mistake as Lu Xingfeng, the leader of Qianjing, who inexplicably let his master die under her protection.

Tie Qingshu said calmly: That's the person I invited from the human world...

Lu Xiu was startled.

The human world returns to the human world, and the underworld returns to the underworld.

The creatures of the underworld hardly participate in the affairs of the human world.

Unless a living soul mistakenly enters the underworld, the two sides will almost never interact with each other until death.

She did not expect that the master of Ksitigarbha Dojo was actually connected to the human world.

Tie Qingshu explained: Have you heard of Nianhua Daozi?

Lu Xiu's eyes lit up and she said excitedly: Of course I know!

More than knowing.

The deeds of the flower-carrying demon monk have become legends in the underworld.

Rumor has it that the lord who participated in the three levels and nine selections of the Flower Nian Demon Monk has been granted the title, been promoted to three levels in a row, and has become one of the new Impermanences!

It can be said that chickens and dogs ascend to heaven!

Not to mention, during the last flower competition, the flower-picking Daozi defeated the ten halls and the Eighteen Hell Daozi to pick the flower of the other side.

In the legendary experience, a rich and colorful stroke was written.

There are rumors that Nianhua Daozi is very likely to become one of the youngest Taoist masters of the Ksitigarbha Dojo!

The new guru in front of him is actually related to Nianhua Daozi?

Tie Qingshu looked calm and said: I also participated in the Bianhua Competition and had an encounter with Nianhua Daozi! This time when the candidate Daozi fell, I begged him, and he sent a The envoy contacted me and prepared to join forces to avenge the candidate Daozi.

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