Nine Revolutions of the Stars Technique

Chapter 3353 Hunting Lu Xingfeng

You! Take someone in to investigate!

Zuo Qianyun directly ordered Chi Lian Gui Shuai to lead people into the secret realm to investigate.

Chi Liangui's handsome face turned green.

When the conflict first broke out earlier, they were just pretending and had no intention of actually fighting Lu Xingfeng.

After all, the two lord realms Zuo Qianyun and Shiji Empress are the main combat forces.

They are just cannon fodder.

Just show it off.

It’s so life-threatening to make a few bucks.

But Lu Xingfeng wanted to kill people to establish his authority.

Those two ghost commanders who were sitting on the fence became the dead souls of Lu Xingfeng because of their greed for success.

If he entered the secret realm at this time, he might bump into Lu Xingfeng and be beheaded with a knife.

But Chi Lian Gui Shuai didn't dare to refuse.

Who told him that he was once a close confidant of Empress Shi Ji?

If Master Qingtie was still alive, he might be able to say a few words to him. But in this situation, even if Zuo Qianyun slapped him to death, no one would dare to complain for him.

You guys, follow me in!

In the end, Chi Lian Gui Shuai had to take people into the secret realm to explore.

Good thing.

He was once a confidant of Empress Shiji and a confidant of Lord Lu Xingfeng. He had been to this secret realm and was familiar with it.

Perhaps he could avoid confronting Lu Xingfeng directly.

After Chi Lian Gui Shuai left, Zuo Qianyun arranged for people to surround the entrance to the secret realm to prevent Lu Xingfeng from escaping.

Only then did Empress Shiji have the opportunity to recover from her injuries.

Brother Lu, something is wrong... If we continue to fight with the lord... Lu Xingfeng like this, we may be in trouble...

A ghost general gathered around Lu Yu and muttered through the sound transmission.

Lu Yu was once Master Qingtie's number one confidant, and he was regarded as one level higher among ghost generals.

Considered as the backbone by many people.

If it were any other time, Lu Yu would probably take the opportunity to show off his power.

But now, he is also hesitant.

That bastard Lu Xingfeng is too cruel.

No mercy at all!

Two of the ghost commanders died, and their ghost generals were even worse. At least thirty or forty of them died!

If he hadn't saved Zuo Qianyun, the lord's wife, and was protected by Zuo Qianyun intentionally or unintentionally, he might have been killed before.

And this is less than a hundred years.

In the underworld, it is common for a pursuit to last for thousands of years.

Don't chase them until the end. It will be miserable if all these ghost generals become cannon fodder.

You ask me, I can't help it, I'm just a little devil...

Lu Yu sighed helplessly.

He had only followed Taozi and his master for a year, and he had not yet had time to form his own force.

What can be done now.

Everyone, please pay attention to your own safety! Now that Lu Xingfeng is forced into the secret realm, he might jump over the wall in a hurry. When the time comes, he will lose a lot of people...

Some ghost will sigh bitterly.


Not every ghost general is so lonely and fearful.

More ghost generals were extremely excited.

I feel like this is a good opportunity to make a difference.

If you can kill Lu Xingfeng and avenge Daozi, then the Ksitigarbha Dojo should give you some reward, right?

At least it has to be decent.

Otherwise, if something happens to Master Taozi in Ksitigarbha Dojo in the future, who will help?

Most of the ghost generals who have the idea of ​​​​making contributions did not participate in the battle of the lord's mansion.

Because all the ghost generals who participated in the battle at the Lord's Mansion were charged with sitting back and watching the Taoist disciples and masters being killed.

Even if he killed Lu Xingfeng, it would only be an atonement for his sins.

It’s normal to be inactive.


Just when Lu Yu and the other ghost generals were helpless, the transmission note on Lu Yu's waist suddenly vibrated.

He picked it up anxiously.

After seeing the information above, his eyes widened in shock.

The transmission note turned out to be a message from Master Qingtie.

Let him contact Empress Shiji secretly and ask Empress Shiji to send an incarnation to meet at a guard mansion somewhere outside the secret realm.

Lu Yu read it several times and was convinced that the message came from Master Qingtie.

I couldn't help but be so surprised that I almost lost my temper.

The master is not dead?! This general can be saved!

He has the closest relationship with Qing Tie and Yang Han, and he and General Zhen were among the first batch of people to take refuge.

If Master Qingtie is not dead, then he still has the chance to change his destiny.

Especially... General Zhen had bad luck and died at the hands of Lu Xingfeng.

Now he is the only one worthy of Qingtie's trust.

This is a good opportunity to get close to the golden thigh.

Lu Yu resisted the urge to look up to the sky and scream, slowly walked to Empress Shiji, and put the jade slips prepared in advance into her hands.

Empress Shiji originally had no intention of talking to Lu Yu.

It was because of Lu Yu's help that she betrayed Lu Xingfeng.

In the end, Daozi and the master died tragically, and she did not get any benefits. Not only did she lose her status as the lord's concubine, but she also got into trouble.

Lu Yu was not slapped to death, all because that bitch Zuo Qianyun was protecting him.


After holding back the murderous intention and taking the jade slip, Empress Shiji's beautiful eyes suddenly widened.

The master is not dead?

She also invited reinforcements to come over and let her join them secretly.

This means not trusting Zuo Qianyun.

For Empress Shiji, this is great news.

Regardless of her injuries, she hurriedly manifested an incarnation.

He left on the pretext of inspecting the secret realm and headed towards the nearest garrison.

Guard the mansion.

As a guarding fierce ghost, he stood by the side obediently, not daring to act impudently.

Han Yang, on the other hand, occupied the magpie's nest and sat on the guarding throne.

Even the lord realm of Lu Xiu must be under the Master of One Ring.

That is, only in a place with strict rules like the underworld can such a wonder appear.

If it were the sea of ​​chaos in the human world.

No matter how high his status is, it is impossible for a monk to be so arrogant in front of a powerful senior who is three or four realms higher than him.

But Lu Xiu didn't feel humiliated yet.

He looked very happy.

This shows how corrupt the underworld is. ..

Lu Xiu didn't care about Master Yijie's plan, as if he was just letting him be sent around, just being a thug for Nianhua Daozi's revenge.

Even people like the Black Demon Realm Lord are a little unworthy of Lu Xiu!

The dignified lord realm is so devoid of dignity.

This bullshit underworld is really in decay.

A few days later.

A weak figure entered the hall under the guidance of the guards.

It is the incarnation of Empress Shiji.

Empress Shiji was about to cry, and was about to throw herself at the feet of Qingtie Master Tie Qingshu and tell her thoughts and pain during this period.

As a result, as soon as he entered the main hall, he realized that something seemed wrong.

Qingtie, the master of the Ksitigarbha dojo who is so prestigious in the entire Thousand Mirrors, was actually the last one to accompany him!

There are two more people, located above the main seat.

This made Empress Shiji's howl reach her throat and was instantly strangled.


She then recognized the identity of one of them... Lu Xiu, the wife of the Red Mirror Lord!

Hongjingling and Qianjingling are adjacent to each other, and the two families often interact with each other.

When she was taken as a concubine by Lu Xingfeng, she held a big banquet and invited the surrounding lords to attend.

Lu Xiu once followed the lord Lu Ying.

Lady of the Red Mirror Lord!

Such a powerful person in a high position is actually just sitting in the second seat.

Sitting on the first seat was a little novice monk who was only half a step into the fierce ghost realm.

This made Empress Shiji’s heart tremble!

As a concubine who uses sex to entertain people and rises to the top, and acts based on people's looks, she certainly won't not understand what this means.

She quickly changed her posture, knelt at Han Yang's feet, and called out sweetly: Qian Jing led Shiji, I have seen the Lord...

If you can ask the lord's wife to accompany you to the second seat, just call your lord.

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