Nine Revolutions of the Stars Technique

Chapter 3361 I want revenge and I am willing to sacrifice everything

Zuo Qianyun was caught off guard when he was killed.

She never expected that there was actually a Lord Realm hidden in the secret realm.

In the underworld.

Every lord realm needs to be sealed by the prison lord.

They can't all be unknown. ..

It is impossible for a third lord to appear in the Thousand Mirrors Territory.

Without care, she could only watch the tip of the gun whizzing towards her.

Lu Xiu was also unable to rescue him in time, and secretly thought something bad.

Lu Xingfeng was originally in the lord realm and had tyrannical fighting power.

They fought three against one before barely suppressing it.

If another Lord Realm joins the battle, they will be in trouble.


at the same time.

Lu Xingfeng took the opportunity to attack Empress Shiji.

This stupid woman really disgusted him.

Without this stupid woman, even if Zuo Qianyun and Lu Xiu join forces, it will not be easy to defeat him.

Now that he had the opportunity to take action, Lu Xingfeng was the first to choose to kill Empress Shi Ji.

Empress Shiji is the weakest and easiest to kill!

A great situation is about to collapse before your eyes!

Just at the critical moment, a cold drink sounded.


Following this order, the incomplete version of the General Star Battle Formation suddenly rose.

A general star rises slowly above the head of You Ming Gui Shuai.

Push him towards the lord realm.

Although there was fear in the eyes of Youmingguishuai, under the blessing of Jiang Xing and the expectant gaze of Master Yijie, the Taoist messenger, he could only bite the bullet and go in.


Fang Tian's painted halberd whizzed out from the hand of You Ming Gui Shuai and slammed into the black spear that broke out of the ground.


The void exploded.

Terrible shock waves swept in all directions.

With the blessing of hundreds of ghost generals, Youming Ghost Commander actually repelled the shot.

Zuo Qianyun survived the disaster and reacted very quickly.

Almost as soon as the tip of the spear deflected away, he slashed out with a slash, slashing towards Lu Xingfeng, blocking him between Lu Xingfeng and Empress Shiji.

Don't look at her previous cooperation with Lu Xiu and use Empress Shiji as a shield.

But she also knew clearly that she must not let Empress Shiji die.

Without this useful shield, it would be difficult to deal with Lu Xingfeng.

This is also the reason why Lu Xingfeng chose to attack Empress Shiji at this once-in-a-lifetime opportunity.

Empress Shiji, who has the weakest combat power, has become the key to the outcome of this fight!


At the same time, Lu Xiu's flying sword attack also arrived.

The two lords and wives once again joined forces to fight against Lu Xingfeng!

And the mysterious lord realm hidden underground was also picked up by You Ming Gui Shuai Fang Tian's painted halberd, revealing its true form.

Not the lord realm!

Lord's remains, zombie body!

Tie Qingshu and Han Yang discovered something strange about the owner of the black gun at the same time.

Above the void.

The air of death permeated the air.

An unpleasant rancid smell eroded everyone's sense of smell.

Even when the divine sense is probed, it seems to be contaminated.

Even in the underworld where the undead are everywhere, zombies that exude a strong aura of death and corrosion are very rare.

Not to mention, this is still the remains of a lord.

Black Abyss Realm!

Anti-Heaven Society!

Holy religion!

In the blink of an eye, several names flashed through Han Yang's mind.

There are many forces in the world who practice the art of zombies.

But in the Sea of ​​Chaos, in the Thousand Mirrors Territory adjacent to the Sea of ​​Chaos, the first thing Han Yang thought of was the third lord of the Anti-Tian Society.

The remains of those ascended ancestors in the Black Abyss Realm were turned into black zombies by the Mad King of the Anti-Tian Society.

The quasi-lord realm zombie in front of him is very similar to Heizong.

But Han Yang quickly overturned his guess.

the reason is simple.

The Sea of ​​Chaos is just a thousand worlds, and the highest realm is just the Heavenly Official Realm.

Existences like those in the Lord Realm cannot be products of the Chaos Sea.'s just a coincidence?

Han Yang thought so, but couldn't convince himself.

This quasi-lord zombie made the situation gradually get out of control.


Han Yang frowned and ordered Tie Qingshu: You stay here and take care of your safety!

The words fell.

Han Yang, who transformed into Master Yijie, the envoy of Taoism, suddenly disappeared without a trace.

On the chaotic battlefield, almost no one noticed that he was missing.

Only Lu Yu, who had always wanted to flatter him, found that the messenger suddenly disappeared.

He exclaimed and hurriedly released his spiritual consciousness to investigate, but could not find any trace of Han Yang.

The core of the secret realm, inside the palace.

Chi Lian Gui Shuai was crawling like a maggot.

Facts have proved that the lord Lu Xingfeng is not in vain.

After being searched for his soul, Chi Lian Gui Shuai didn't even lose his soul.

Not even dead.


His soul was severely damaged, and it was no different from death.

I just wanted to get up with a trace of unwillingness in my heart and my instinct.

It's a pity that it can't be successful no matter what.

And next to him.

There are several fierce ghosts who are responsible for guarding, making fun without restraint.

It's rare to see such a lively scene like this.

The fierce ghosts laughed happily.

He didn't realize at all that death was coming.


Amidst the laughter, the sound of a sword suddenly sounded.

Before those fierce ghosts understood what was happening, they were killed with a sword.

Many fierce ghosts even had their heads dropped, still retaining their last taunting laughter.

Han Yang's figure slowly emerged in the hall.

Chi Lian Gui Shuai was completely in a state of despair. He was not aware of the changes around him at all, let alone Han Yang's arrival.

He shook his body with difficulty like a maggot, trying to get up from the ground.

Failed again and again.

Again and again.

Han Yang silently looked at the handsome ghost squirming on the ground.

It is unimaginable that not long ago, this man was one of the most prominent people in the Thousand Mirrors, and the most important favored minister under the skirt of Empress Shiji.

The underworld is really more cruel than the human world.

Chi Lian, wake up...

Chi Lian, wake up...

Voices echoed in Chi Lian Gui Shuai's mind, awakening his remaining consciousness.


Chi Lian Gui Shuai responded tremblingly.

Like a frightened child.

Are you wronged? Are you unwilling? Do you want revenge?

That voice was bewitching like a demon.

Chi Lian Gui Shuai's anger was boiling.

He roared hysterically: Revenge me! I am willing to give everything, even my soul...

The voice chuckled: I don't need your soul, I only need your loyalty and your anger...

As the sound falls.

A phantom of Tianbang emerged in the sea of ​​consciousness of Chi Lian Gui Shuai.

Sign your name and I will give you the power of revenge...

The voice continued to bewitch.

Chi Lian Gui Shuai did not hesitate to brand his name on the phantom of the Heavenly List with his soul.

He is wronged!

He is not willing to give in!

He wants revenge.

For revenge, he is willing to do anything!


As he imprinted his soul on the phantom of Tianbang, a torrent of memories emerged in his sea of ​​consciousness.

Star battle array!

The name of a set of exercises slowly emerged.

Chi Lian Gui Shuai started practicing this set of exercises like a madman, treating it as his last obsession in life.

You actually succeeded in enslaving a ghost commander?

Above the main hall.

Han Yang's expression was slightly strange.

He just noticed that Chi Lian Gui Shuai's soul was weak and had almost no resistance, so he just gave it a try.

Unexpectedly, it actually succeeded.

You know, this is a handsome guy!

Three realms higher than Han Yang is now!

Maybe I should thank Lu Xingfeng...

If it weren't for Lu Xingfeng's soul search, which almost shattered Chi Lian Gui Shuai's soul, Han Yang would never have succeeded.

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