Nine Revolutions of the Stars Technique

Chapter 3384 Recruiting Han Yang (giving you a chance to survive)

The Tianguan of Kangtianhui, who was lucky enough to survive, was trembling under the custody of Wu Xianglian.

Not to mention them, even the unaligned heavenly officials had stiff faces and stern expressions.

The Sea of ​​Chaos has never seen the death of so many heavenly officials.

Even in the battle between the weapon world and the Buddha world, at most a dozen people died.

Originally, many unaligned heavenly officials thought that the massacre order Han Yang mentioned earlier was just a deterrent.

When the Anti-Tian Hui Tianguan surrenders, they will give up and kill them all.

But Han Yang didn't say a word from beginning to end.

Watch as they kill all the Heaven-defying Heaven Officials who practice the Heaven-defying Divine Art.

Such cruelty made the heavenly officials without alliance shudder.

They suddenly realized something. After this battle, Han Yang became the number one overlord of the Sea of ​​Chaos.

The honor and disgrace of all heavens and worlds are all determined by Han Yang's thoughts.

Everyone was waiting quietly for Han Yang to issue a new order, not daring to make any rash move.

Han Yang glanced at all the people in the Tianguan Realm and told Tie Qingshu: Take the people back to Feng Realm and station them in Feng Realm temporarily. They are not allowed to leave!

Tie Qingshu hurriedly accepted the order respectfully.

Jixiangtian was not so obedient.

She sent a message and called: Master, where are you going? Take your slaves with you...

Previously, he had been busy accepting the inheritance of the Demon Monk Nianhua, so he failed to follow Han Yang, and the good opportunity was taken by Tie Qingshu.

The auspicious days have long been impatient.

How could Han Yang be allowed to leave at this time.

Han Yang glared at the disobedient little witch and ordered: You also go to Fengjie...

Ji Xiangtian immediately grimaced.

Han Yang said angrily: After you go to Feng Realm, follow the passage between the two realms and enter the underworld. My immortal incarnation will take you to the Ksitigarbha Dojo to meet your master!

That's great!

Ji Xiangtian was immediately overjoyed.

It was a double happiness to be able to walk with Han Yang and meet the flower-carrying demon monk who left his mantle to him.

Han Yang was too lazy to pay attention to this idiot. He moved his feet and the figure suddenly disappeared.

What? I just said a word to you...

Ji Xiangtian pouted, looking sad.

I thought that after accepting the mantle of the Flower-Nian Demon Monk, I would be able to fight side by side with Han Yang.

As a result, I found that I could only wave the flag and shout, which was really unacceptable.

Just wait. When I get to the underworld, I will definitely learn lessons from Master Xianyang and strive to surpass the master. Let's see how the master still dislikes him...

Ji Xiangqiang pursed his lips, and together with Tie Qingshu led all the Heavenly Officials from the Wuxiang Alliance towards the Phoenix Realm.

The unaligned heavenly officials were more honest than ever and did not dare to complain at all.

The previous battle made them understand Han Yang's terror.

I am even more aware that the Sea of ​​Chaos has completely changed.

Han Yang is not just the leader of the Wuxiang Alliance.

He is already the well-deserved overlord of the Chaos Sea, and can even be said to be the number one!

Compliance is their only choice.

Many small world leaders even took the initiative to approach Liu Yuanyi, Jian Yu and others with the intention of getting closer to each other and asking them to put in a good word for them in front of Han Yang.

Many small world officials and world leaders were on the wrong team before, and I wonder if Han Yang will forgive them.

Outside the Phoenix Realm.

Billions of miles away.

The Heavenly Bang is rapidly transforming under the corrosion of the golden light of the altar.

The various materials that make up the Tianbang are rapidly melting.

Only the source text rules are left to connect with each other.

Like silk thread, full of incredible mystery.

The leader and the other six people could not conceal their joy and couldn't move their eyes away from the sky list in the beam of light.



In the flickering light and shadow, Han Yang appeared.

Han Yang!

The giant snapped out of his obsession and immediately assumed a defensive stance.

The shadow of the famous tree of man!

Han Yang first killed the third lord who was also the soul of the upper world with them.

Now he has defeated two generations of real world masters in succession and destroyed the Anti-Heaven Society they created.

How can the giant not be afraid?

Han Yang ignored the giant's roar, but looked at the melting Tianbang in the light pillar, and slowly narrowed his eyes.

What a waste...

The materials that make up the Tianbang are also extremely precious.

Han Yang's promotion to the Half-Step Heavenly Official was entirely due to the refining of the fragments of the Heavenly Ranking.

Before the trip to the underworld.

If he wants to be promoted to Heavenly Official, he must devour the entire Heavenly Ranking and refine it before he can hope to attack the last acupoint.

The trip to the underworld allowed him to gain a lot of benefits from the three levels and nine selections.

Nowadays, the desire for Tianbang is no longer so urgent.

But even so, watching the Tianbang melt away made Han Yang regretful.

Han Yang...

The leader of the Anti-Tian Association withdrew his gaze from the top of the Heavenly List, looked at Han Yang and said with a smile: Let me introduce myself, I am the leader of the Anti-Tian Association...

Han Yang's eyes were still on the Heavenly Ranking, as if he regarded the meeting leader as nothing.

The leader was not angry either.

He continued with a smile and said: With your talent, you should be able to know how extraordinary my lineage as the leader of the Anti-Tian Society is. If I give you a chance to join my lineage of the Anti-Tian Society, I can promise that you will get the seal of the upper world. , it is definitely not just as simple as the Tianguan realm, it can even be ranked in the immortal class...

Hearing this, Han Yang finally looked back and said with a smile: Your holy sect is just a rebel, and you still have the ability to make me a member of the Immortal Class?

The leader's eyes suddenly shrank.

However, he quickly regained his composure and said: It seems that the Third Venerable has revealed a lot of information to you. So, since you know the Holy Religion, you should understand that there is no hope for you to fight against us...

Han Yang interrupted before the other party could finish his words: Have you ever found a way to break the Tianban list after you have been plotting it for so many years?

The leader's expression gradually turned cold, with murderous intent brewing.

In his opinion, he was just out of love for Han Yang and felt pity for Han Yang's talent, so he extended an olive branch and gave this junior a way out.

This junior didn't know what was wrong and interrupted him repeatedly. He was really arrogant!

Han Yang!

The leader's voice was cold: Do you think no one can kill you with that fifth-grade underworld weapon?

Han Yang still didn't answer the question.

Zi Guzi said: Since you don't want to say it, then I will kill you and then ask other people.

The leader was forced to laugh in anger.

What an arrogant junior.

I don’t know how high the sky is and how high it is.

The Holy Religion is above, but an ant from the lower world dares to be so arrogant. It is true that the ignorant have nothing to fear.

Thinking of this, the club leader no longer wanted to recruit Han Yang.

As a soul from the upper world, he has seen so many geniuses.

It can be said to be countless.

I don’t know how many geniuses there are, but their talent is still higher than that of Han Yang.

He can even kill people in three realms in one day and cross two or three levels.

But so what!

In the hierarchical upper world, without power, without bloodline families, without the support of nobles, it is all in vain.

Since this junior doesn’t know how to live or die, then just kill him!


The leader's hand buzzed and trembled, and there was an extra talisman.

It was the heavenly treasure given to him by the Holy Religion of the Upper Realm...the God-Destroying Talisman!

Everyone under the lord can be killed!

No matter how powerful the fifth-grade underworld weapon is, it is just a dead thing after all.

Han Yang can only exert half of his power, which can be easily broken with the Destruction Talisman!

If you are so ignorant, let me show you the majesty of the Holy Religion!

The leader flicked his finger, and the divine talisman in his hand suddenly shot out, roaring towards Han Yang.

The moment the God-Destroying Talisman roared, the entire space was frozen.

All rules are frozen.

Even moving the original text has no effect.

Han Yang, there is no way to avoid it!

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