Nine Revolutions of the Stars Technique

Chapter 397 The real gravekeeper

Han Yang said amusedly: The mausoleum you guard has been stolen a long time ago, and even the contents have been evacuated. Now you are actually stopping us? Don't you think it's ridiculous?

The iron warrior was stunned for a moment, then said coldly: It's impossible, this mausoleum...

My cousin did disappear nine months ago, and there is no news yet. Jiang Hong said hurriedly.

If he had a choice, he certainly didn't want an endless conflict to break out between his benefactor and the Desolate Temple.

Your cousin? Jiang Chengyun? Jiang Chengluo? Or Jiang Chenghu?

The iron warrior's eyes were like lightning and he was aggressive.

Hearing the names of his three cousins ​​​​said from the mouth of the powerful iron warrior, Jiang Hong felt a chill down his back.

The Jiang family really has a problem.

Several little men who are only at the second or third level of Yuan Dan can actually be remembered by the ten generals of the Tianhuang Realm?

Jiang, Cheng Luo...

Jiang Hong suddenly realized that he didn't seem to understand his family very well.

Thinking that the Jiang family has been going smoothly for hundreds of years and no one dared to offend them, so that they could raise a playboy like himself, Jiang Hong's eyes were slowly becoming cold and stern.

Obviously, it is the Huangshen Temple that is protecting the entire Jiang family behind the scenes.

Otherwise, given the indecisive temperament of the Jiang family, they would have been swallowed up by all the major forces in Blood Waste City.

The iron warrior was about to speak, but Han Yang said calmly: It doesn't matter whether you believe it or not. Just open the secret realm and go to the mausoleum to find out, right?

After that, he signaled Jiang Hong to open the mausoleum, not caring about General Iron's attitude at all.


Amidst the huge roar, a stone door two feet high and one foot wide appeared above the cliff.

Han Yang stepped forward, followed closely by Li Xuanyu and others.

The Iron Warrior, who had been pondering for a long time, gritted his teeth and could only follow behind.

He is a swordsman for others and a fish for me. If his strength is inferior to others, he has no choice at all.

The Secret Realm of White Bones is very vast inside, but Han Yang and several others have the foot power of the Yuandan Realm. After just over two hours, they arrived in front of the so-called mausoleum.

How could this happen?!

After being seriously injured, the iron warrior, who was rushing as hard as he could, causing his breathing to become a little short, saw a corpse in front of the mausoleum at a glance.

After nine months, coupled with the special environment of the Bone Secret Realm, the corpse has not completely decomposed, at least the clothes on it can be seen.

He is from the Jiang family.

Jiang Hong briefly inspected the corpse and said bitterly: My cousin was injured when he was young and the little toe of his left foot is missing. This corpse is also missing the little toe of his left foot.

Without any luck, someone came to the mausoleum.


Han Yang frowned.

Crossing the river, demolishing the bridge, and killing members of the Jiang family, Chen Yu's methods seemed a bit cruel.

Open the mausoleum!

The iron warrior gritted his teeth and shouted.

At this time, he became impatient and wanted to see if someone had really broken into the tomb.

Jiang Hong stepped forward and nodded, about to cut his palm open and open the tomb with blood...


At this moment, there was a clang of swords, and the Qianye Divine Sword from the sword box behind Han Yang came out of the box and hit a sword energy.


The energy in the mausoleum exploded, killing Jiang Chengluo's corpse on the ground. Exploded to pieces.

Jiang Hong's body flew backwards and he spat out a mouthful of blood.

If Han Yang Yujian hadn't saved him, he would have died.

A stooped old man appeared in front of everyone.

Cough cough cough...

The old man coughed violently and said in a hoarse voice: The Human Emperor's mausoleum is not something you and other juniors can defile. Leave it. I won't kill you this time.

Before he finished speaking, he started coughing violently again.

But no one present dared to act rashly.

King Wu!

The decrepit old man in front of him, who could be knocked down by a gust of wind, turned out to be a Martial King.

Han Yang looked at Jiang Hong and said in his eyes: Is this a member of your Jiang family?

Jiang Hong smiled bitterly and shook his head.

If the Jiang family had King Wu, why would they be exterminated?

The iron warrior took a step forward, cupped his hands and said, I am the warrior general of the Desolate Temple. I don't know how to call the king!

The old man took a breath and sighed: Name? I have already forgotten it...

He glanced at General Iron and said calmly: Go back and tell Yum that he has done what the Lord asked him to do. From now on, the tomb here has nothing to do with the wilderness and has nothing to do with him.

Hearing the old man directly calling Yum Sheng by his name, Iron Warrior was shocked at first, and when he heard the next words, he was so shocked that he almost lost his composure.

I originally thought that this so-called mausoleum was only related to the Huang King or the Barbarian King.

Unexpectedly, it turned out to be the order of King Yum?

Do you have any evidence for what the king said? The iron warrior's attitude became more and more respectful.


The old man chuckled and said: What I said is proof... Or, if you don't believe it and insist on forcing your way in, it doesn't matter if I kill you.

The Wangjing force field slowly unfolded, making it almost impossible for him and Jiang Hong to breathe.

The iron warrior was about to speak, but Han Yang stepped forward and interrupted: Old man, I have something to ask.

The old man narrowed his eyes slightly and was noncommittal.

Obviously he felt that Han Yang, who was only at the second level of Yuan Dan, was not qualified to talk to him.

Han Yang ignored this and asked straight to the point: Did a person named Chen Yu come here nine months ago?

When he said these words, the energy of stars circulated in Han Yang's body, ready to take action at any time.

If Chen Yu is killed by this King Wu, maybe he will kill another king today.

Hearing the name Chen Yu, the old man was slightly stunned. When he lowered his head, he saw the jade pendant hanging around Han Yang's waist.

You...are Han Yang?

Han Yang?

As soon as this name came out, the iron warrior turned his head in horror.

The Demon Sword Master... Han Yang.

A month ago, at the exit of Shenxu, he killed King Wu with a sword and became famous!

This young man with only the second level of Yuan Dan is actually Han Yang? !

Han Yang was shocked: Do you know me?

After chasing Chen Yu all the way, maybe I can have an explanation for Chen Qiaoqian.

The old man looked at Han Yang with a strange look, I didn't expect you to be able to chase you all the way from a small place like Ningcheng to here. It's not easy...

Just when everyone thought that the old man and Han Yang were reunited and chatting happily, the old man's tone gradually became cold, A mere barbarian from Nanyang County dares to follow my master's footsteps, you... damn it!

As soon as this statement came out, everyone in the audience was shocked.

Even Han Yang had a look of astonishment on his face.

If you stay in a small place like Ningcheng, my master won't bother to argue with you, so there is no harm in letting you live... But you don't know the heights of the world and try to track down the master...

The old man released the majestic King Realm force field and enveloped everyone in it, Then, go die!

An invisible ripple swept towards Han Yang and the others.

General Tie, who was already seriously injured, was the first to bear the brunt. After being hit by the ripples, his body stiffened suddenly, and then exploded inch by inch like porcelain.

There was no trace of blood among the scattered body parts.

The ripples spread forward at a speed that exceeds the limit of the naked eye.

General Tie's body had already appeared in front of Han Yang before it hit the ground.

Mongrel barbarian? Don't you know how high the sky is and how high it is?

Han Yang's eyes were filled with blood.

Beauty, turn on!

The crackling sound battle body is activated!

The warrior body of the brake girl is activated!

Deification, turn on!

The phantom of the God of War in the past life becomes one with this life.

A mark of blood and fire appeared between Han Yang's eyebrows.

Then you will die at the hands of a bastard barbarian like me!

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