Nine Revolutions of the Stars Technique

Chapter 400: Precious Medicine for Accelerating Ripening

What a rich spiritual energy!

Jiang Hong's eyes were full of shock.

The Jiang family guards the mausoleum and occupies the Secret Realm of Bones. The elixirs in it have been freely available for hundreds of years.

So he was almost never short of elixirs.

But at this time, I was still shocked when I felt the changes in the spiritual energy around me.

The spiritual energy here is almost so rich that spiritual mist rises.

With just one breath, you can feel the Yuan Dan in your body rotating rapidly, and a rune is slowly forming.

This cultivation speed is more than ten times faster than the outside world.

Ji Xiangtian was even more surprised and said: This place is comparable to my secret realm of all heavens.

The group continued downward.

The spiritual energy became more and more intense, and even turned into mist and hit their faces and bodies. Everyone realized that the medicinal fields here must be extraordinary.

Infused and nourished with such rich spiritual energy, the quality of the elixir must be extremely high.

After several hundred feet, the vision suddenly opened up, and a green medicinal field appeared in front of everyone's eyes.


Jiang Hong, a young man from an aristocratic family who had never seen the world, swallowed a big mouthful of saliva.

As far as the eye can see, the medicine field with a radius of one mile is full of elixirs.

Ten thousand years, one hundred thousand years, there is no elixir less than ten thousand years.

There are at least hundreds of earth-level elixirs.

There are nine heaven-level elixirs in total!

And in the core area of ​​the medicine field, there is a shining and fragrant... treasure medicine!

Seventh Turn Glazed Golden Lotus!

Li Xuanyu said the name of this precious medicine in a voice that was almost whispering.

My mother once saw a plant in the core medicine field of Peach Blossom Island. It was cultivated by successive island owners.

The owner of Peach Blossom Island.

This name alone was enough for Jiang Hong and Ji Xiangtian to understand how precious this precious medicine was.

Han Yang carefully looked at the seventh-turn glazed golden lotus and said thoughtfully: No wonder a Martial King has to be sent to guard this mausoleum. This seventh-turn glazed golden lotus will be able to complete its sublimation in three to five years and advance to the eighth level. Turn the glazed golden lotus into the best of precious medicines.

Three to five years!

This moment gave a huge shock to Jixiangtian and the others.

Ji Xiangtian almost said with saliva: How about we wait here for a few years...

For those who are at the ninth level of Yuan Dan, three to five years is just a blink of an eye.

In a few years, you can get a top-quality medicinal plant, which is a very cost-effective thing.

Han Yang raised his hand and slapped Jixiang Tianhou on the head.

How many years? Do you believe that as long as we stay here for three to five months, a high-level martial king will block the door?

He was majestic outside the Divine Ruins. He killed King Yaksha with his sword and forced back the four kings. He looked mighty and domineering, but at the same time he offended one dynasty, two holy places, and all the heavens.

As long as he stops, those forces will swarm him like sharks smelling blood.

Ji Xiangtian touched his head and squatted in the corner aggrievedly and stopped talking.

It would be such a pity to give up like this...

Even the Jiujianxian, who had always been aloof and unconcerned with worldly affairs, couldn't help but sigh.

The precious medicine on Peach Blossom Island is just the seventh-turn glazed golden lotus. Although there is only one word difference between the seventh-turn and the eighth-turn, the medicinal properties are at least ten times different.

It seems that we need to think of a solution...

Han Yang, who closed his eyes silently, pondered for a moment and suddenly remembered that once upon a time, a master of elixir cultivation mentioned some methods of cultivating magical elixirs.

In his words, it is similar to the method of cultivating poisonous flowers and evil fruits to catalyze the magic medicine.

The specific operation is to set up a large array around the medicinal field and infuse the essence of the entire medicinal field into the magic medicine that needs to be cultivated.

Change in quantity, seek change in quality!

Miracle medicine can work, and precious medicine may work too.

After thinking briefly for a while, Han Yang decided to take a gamble.

Anyway, I picked it up for free, so I won’t feel bad even if it is destroyed.

You guys go up there to protect Xiao Jiuer. Give me a day here!

Han Yang decided to give it a try to see if he could ripen the seven-turn glazed golden lotus that was about to mature.

Is there any way you can make it turn eight times earlier?

When he wasn't drinking, Li Xuanyu was quite smart and immediately guessed Han Yang's intention.

Han Yang nodded.

Li Xuanyu turned around and walked up without any nostalgia.

My precious medicine...

Ji Xiangtian wrinkled her nose and sniffed fiercely, looking very reluctant to give up. Han Yang raised his finger at her, and she covered her head and ran away.

In the past two days, more and more warriors gathered outside the Secret Realm of White Bones.

Even though the Five Elements Banner people killed all those who wanted to report the news, they couldn't hold back the people from Blood Desolate City who were originally planning to follow them all the way.

Even if no one reported the news, they still found out the clues.

Soon someone discovered the body in front of the secret realm.

Senior Fang, I hope you can give me a hand.

Hundreds of Yuan Dan realms gathered together, and eight of them, eight ninth-level Yuan Dan warriors, invited an old man out.

This man is a famous old hunter in the Tianhuang Territory.

Even in a wild land where monsters are rampant, he can find opportunities that others cannot.

In the past hundred years, when his life was approaching, he returned to the Blood Desert City to hide from worldly affairs.

This time, in order to hunt down Han Yang, everyone invited him out again.

Because of this, these people have the opportunity to follow the clues all the way to the outside of the Secret Realm of Bones.

Then I'll show my shame!

Fang Yunzi cupped his hands and began to observe the corpses on the ground and the surrounding environment.

Dozens of miles away, in a place where the warriors of Blood Desolate City could not see.

What should we do? Do we want to kill all these guys?

The flag bearer of the Five Elements Flag's Sharp Golden Flag looked at so many Blood Waste City warriors with murderous intent in his eyes.

But the flag bearer of the Flood Flag shook his head: Wait a minute, I think that person... seems to be the Nine-Headed God Hunter Fang Yunzi. Maybe he can open the Secret Realm of Bones for us.

Wu Xing Qi is good at force. If he can't find a way to open the secret realm of bones, he can only force the door.

The noise made in this way is too big, and it may alarm some people who shouldn't be alarmed.

If Fang Yunzi can open the door to the secret realm, it will not be too late for them to kill people.

The other three flag bearers nodded, and the five of them restrained their voices and stopped talking.

These people were killed by four, no, five warrior-level warriors in an instant!

Fang Yunzi over there quickly came to a conclusion.

As soon as these words came out, there was an uproar.

Five warrior-level experts?

This is no longer something they can mess with.

If they were forced to do so, they might all be killed.

Don't worry, the place has left, and...

Fang Yunzi came to the round stone that opened the Secret Realm of White Bones, frowned and said, This should be the entrance to the Secret Realm of White Bones.

The secret realm of bones?

These four words immediately turned the fear in the eyes of these desperadoes into greed.

Senior Fang, are you serious about this?

How to open the secret realm?

Is this the secret realm of bones guarded by the Jiang family?

Hahaha, it's going to be prosperous this time!

The crowd was in commotion, and no one flinched.

These warriors in the wilderness have been living a life of licking blood with their swords. Now that the opportunity has come, how can they easily miss it?

Now, even the pursuit of Han Yang has been forgotten by them.

There should be a mechanism here, or it may require a special bloodline to open it, but it doesn't matter. Give me a day and it should be possible to crack it.

Fang Yunzi said confidently.

Please, Senior Fang.

No matter how many opportunities you get in the secret realm, you must give 10% to Senior Fang. Do you have any objections?

We have no objection to what should be done...

The atmosphere at the scene gradually became heated. When no one was paying attention, some people took out their transmission notes, sent messages to others, and began to call friends.

Who would think that there are too few opportunities? Even if Fang Yunzi gets a 10% share, the rest will still require strength to get involved.

Whoever is stronger and who can survive to the end will belong to whom.

Suddenly, there was a storm outside the Secret Realm of White Bones, and more and more warriors gathered towards this place.

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