Nine Revolutions of the Stars Technique

Chapter 402 The group destroys the Five Elements Flag

Five elements flag, five flag bearers!

Fang Yunzi and his party looked over in shock, and the hands holding the weapons began to tremble.

The flag bearer of the Flood Flag looked at them and chuckled: I could have let you go, but unfortunately, you saw something you shouldn't have seen...


Just when Hong Hongqi was holding the flag and finished his words, An Shentang suddenly stepped on the ground with his right foot.

In front of the mausoleum, the ground paved with bluestones exploded inch by inch, and her figure shot out like an arrow from a string.

The direction is not the Five Elements Flag and the flag bearers, but the empty depths of the secret realm.

Lao An! You...

The strong man Duguye roared and ran to the other side.

One-eyed Granny, Fang Yunzi and others were also running around, trying to escape for their lives.

This is a wild place.

They were the closest comrades a moment ago, but when disaster strikes, they immediately scatter in all directions.

Killing, start!

Boom boom boom!

Five-color runes exploded among the crowd.

A one-sided massacre.

Except for An Shentang, who was originally a warrior-level warrior, no one else could escape in front of a warrior-level master.

A bunch of scum.

What the hell, let An Shentang escape.

The flag bearer of the Ruijin Flag spat heavily on Duguye's corpse. It was the bonds of these people that gave An Shentang the chance to escape.

Forget it, she can't accomplish anything big by herself, let's... enter the mausoleum.

The flag bearer of the Flood Flag could not conceal his excitement.

This is the treasure that the Saint has been thinking about for many years.

A group of five people swept towards the depths.

However, when they saw the corpses left by General Iron Warrior in front of the mausoleum and the corpse of the old King Wu, the five of them all changed their expressions.

No! They have already entered the tomb first!

The flag bearer of the Ruijin Flag rushed towards the mausoleum gate.


On one side of the gate, a lotus mark bloomed instantly.

Lotus seal!

The graceful body of the Goddess version of Jixiangtian suddenly appeared. At the same time as the lotus seal bloomed, her hands formed the auspicious seal again.

Two large runic handprints bloomed with coquettish light in the void.

Whether it is the lotus seal or the auspicious seal, they are both extremely beautiful Mahamudra.

But this kind of beauty has a fatal danger.


The flag bearer of the Ruijin Flag gritted his teeth and punched out with both fists. A golden flag collided with the lotus seal and was destroyed.

The auspicious seal that followed hit him firmly.


Half of his body exploded, his flesh and blood were blurred, and the light in his eyes went out at the same time.


The flag bearer at the war general level was killed by two seals.

Lao Jin!

The eyes of the other four flag bearers were about to burst, and they all used magical runes to rush toward the auspicious sky.

Three thousand miles of ice!

Just when the four of them pounced on Ji Xiangtian, a soft shout sounded from behind them.

The next moment, a heart-breaking coldness surged over the sky, and the terrifying cold runes instantly enveloped the four of them.

It's so hot!

The Flame Flag wielder claps his palms, a flaming war flag, the fire is so strong that it begins to burn the ice and cold.


Just when he thought he had blocked the three thousand miles of ice, a sword light struck his neck like thunder and lightning.

Bright runes flashed on the sword's edge.


The flag bearer of the thick earth flag took action furiously, and the bright yellow earth war flag and violent runes swept towards Li Xuanyu who was striking with his sword.

At this moment, a peach blossom splashed onto the face of the flag bearer of the Houtu Flag.


The gorgeous peach blossoms left a deep, bone-visible wound on his cheek.

Peach Blossom Blade?

He's from Peach Blossom Island!

He recognized Li Xuanyu's identity.

But it was too late, the rune peach blossoms scattered all over the sky, cutting wounds with bone-deep wounds on the bodies of the four of them.

The ground beneath the four people's feet was instantly stained red with blood.

Then, it was frozen again!

Puff puff!

The peach blossom blade cuts through the four banner envoys, as if they were cut into pieces by a thousand knives.

Peach Blossom Island's unique skills are beautiful, but too cruel.

So Li Xuanyu never liked using it.

But today, she had to use it.


The four flag bearers did not dare to continue fighting.

They were no match for the genius from the Holy Sect Peach Blossom Island.

It's not that easy to escape!

Lotus seal.

A lotus flower bloomed, blocking all four people's escape routes.

Li Xuanyu and Ji Xiangtian join forces to create a peach blossom and a lotus flower, which are beautiful, but the killing is equally terrifying.

The four dignified flag bearers had no way of escaping.


After a cold gleam flashed in his eyes, Li Xuanyu opened his mouth and spat out a mouthful of alcohol.

The flying peach blossoms came into contact with the ice drunk, and they seemed to be a little more drunk, becoming crooked and more cunning.

No...what's going on...

The flag bearers of the Flood Flag discovered that the rotation speed of the Yuan Dan in their Dantian was constantly slowing down, and their attack and defense abilities both plummeted.

They couldn't imagine that what kind of wine could affect their Nine Levels Yuan Dan?

Ice drunk!

It can suppress even the fire poison at the King of Martial level, not to mention a few Yuan Dan realms.

No one except Han Yang dared to drink Li Xuanyu's ice drunk.

Forcibly drinking a mouthful of ice drunk will have such a result.


The head of the flag bearer who moved slowly was smashed into pieces by the auspicious seal of the auspicious sky.

The defense suddenly collapsed.

After only seven or eight breaths, the four flag bearers were all dead!

The five flag bearers of the Mingjiao Five Elements Flag all fell under the hands of Li Xuanyu and Ji Xiangtian.

Tsk tsk... As expected of someone from Peach Blossom Island, he is indeed vicious!

Ji Xiangtian looked sarcastic.

Li Xuanyu narrowed his eyes, raised the wine gourd and took a big sip into his mouth.

Don't... I was just joking... Haha... Ji Xiangtian backed away hurriedly.

This ice drunkenness can make you drunk at the ninth level of the Yuan Dan in one sip, which is simply terrifying.

The drunk Li Xuanyu didn't pay attention. She didn't even hear clearly what Ji Xiangtian was saying.

After drinking, she became confused again.


Just as Ji Xiangtian was about to say whether we should go back to the mausoleum, his expression suddenly froze and he turned around with difficulty.

Outside the mausoleum, there are nine tall figures wearing various masks, standing in front.

The remaining nine of the ten generals of Tianhuang Realm and Desolate Temple have all arrived.

The Bronze Warrior silently bent down and picked up a mask full of cracks on the ground, a chill gradually rising in his eyes.

Did you kill Lao Tie?

The cold murderous intention was aimed at Ji Xiangtian.

The surrounding air seemed to be frozen, solidifying instantly.

With the arrival of the nine warrior-level warriors, it was obvious that they could crush Ji Xiangtian and Li Xuanyu.

Outside the Secret Realm of Bones.

A huge imperial boat slowly stopped.

Is this kid Han Yang hiding here?

The longevity king stood on the edge of the Royal Sky Boat, gently twirling his long eyebrows hanging down to his waist in his hands.

Liu Changchun on the side said respectfully: According to the information obtained from Blood Wasteland City, it should be here... However, the information did not mention that there is a secret realm here.

They rushed all the way to the wilderness and finally found clues about Han Yang in Blood Wasteland City.

Han Yang, dressed in white, accompanied by Li Xuanyu, also dressed in white, plus Ji Xiangtian and Xiao Jiuer who were like Fuwa dolls, were very eye-catching and it was difficult not to be exposed.

Liu Changchun had a vague feeling that Han Yang didn't seem to have any intention of hiding.

It seems that he is not afraid of enemies coming to his door.

A smile appeared on the wrinkled face of the longevity king.

Sure enough, he is worthy of being the Ni Zhan Martial King. He has great luck. On the way to escape, he even found a secret realm... Do you think, if I absorb all his blood, can I receive all his luck?

A burst of death energy spread from the body of the Longevity King, corroding the defensive array of the Royal Sky Boat under his feet and crackling...

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