Nine Revolutions of the Stars Technique

Chapter 404: Slap the second level Martial King in the face

A ripple spread down from the Royal Sky Boat.

The escaping Six Wars were instantly nailed to the spot, unable to move, as if they were insects solidified in amber.

King Realm!

Second King Realm!

The Bronze Warrior almost went crazy.

What the hell is this secret realm of bones?

It wasn't enough for a heavenly corpse to appear that was comparable to the Martial King. There was also a second-level Martial King appearing.

Under the suppression of the force field of the Second Level King Realm, these generals could not even move.

Oh? It turns out they are some generals from the Tianhuang Domain. I haven't seen them for some years. How nice is your palace master?

There was a figure with a long eyebrow and a figure as old as an octogenarian, appearing in front of everyone like a ghost.

Longevity King!

The generals instantly recognized the identity of the person coming.

With such long eyebrows and such old age, apart from the longevity king, there is probably no other person.

This long-lived old man has lived for so many years that people have forgotten his royal title and only call him the King of Longevity.

King Changshou, with the dignity of a king, you came to the wilderness, what do you want to do?

Even though his body was completely suppressed, the Bronze Warrior was not afraid at all and did not flinch at all.

Facing Li Xuanyu and Ji Xiangtian, he could escape.

Because both of them are in the Yuan Dan realm, and Xiao Jiuer is also a Heavenly Corpse, not a real Martial King.

The King of Longevity is a genuine second-level Martial King.

His appearance in the wilderness is tantamount to trampling on the covenant signed by King Yum with the six dynasties and the ten holy places, and is tantamount to trampling on King Yum's dignity.

As a subordinate of the King of Yum Victory, even if you die, you cannot take a step back!

King Longevity chuckled: I just want the Najie in Han Yang's hand. Don't worry, after killing people, I will leave the wilderness soon and will never cause trouble to King Yum.

The Bronze Warrior's face was hidden under the mask, and his expression could not be seen clearly, but his eyes were filled with anger.

Once you enter the wilderness, you become a wilderness! Han Yang and the Najie in his hand belong to our wilderness. What you do is against the rules!

The wilderness has a high degree of autonomy.

Even King Wu cannot violate the rules here at will.

The smile on the longevity king's face slowly faded, and finally he sighed: You are right...

Just when everyone thought he was going to compromise, they heard King Longevity say faintly: In order not to embarrass King Yum, I can only bear the pain and kill all of you to avoid leaking the news.

He spoke the most cruel words in the calmest tone.

you dare……

As soon as the Bronze Warrior roared out two words, the King Realm force field suddenly shrank.


The bodies of the six generals were shattered instantly and turned into puffs of dust, which were blown away by the breeze.

Facing the second-level king realm, the ninth-level Yuan Dan, even those at the warrior level, are as fragile as a three-year-old child.

The longevity king looked at Li Xuanyu and the others as if he had done something trivial, Now, it's your turn.

Ji Xiangtian's expression was stiff and his body was cold.

Second level Martial King!

Here, it is simply invincible.

The unparalleled and domineering general of the Desolate Temple who could crush the two of them before was actually easily obliterated.

It's like killing a chicken but a dog.

Staring at the longevity king's cloudy old eyes, Ji Xiangtian got goosebumps all over his body and his heart almost stopped beating.

Xiao Jiu'er!

Ji Xiangtian roared in despair.

Although Xiao Jiuer had just advanced to Heavenly Corpse and was obviously no match for the second-level Martial King, he was their only hope.

Looking away from the candied haws, Xiao Jiuer looked at Ji Xiangtian doubtfully, but still did not move.

However, the faint expression of doubt on her face gave Ji Xiangtian a glimmer of hope, and he roared like a blessing: Protect Han Yang and kill that old guy!

Han... Yang?

Xiao Jiuer first repeated the name in confusion, and then a picture of a boy in white appeared in his mind, holding a bunch of candied haws, teasing her, and trying to get her to eat it.

It turns out that the important person is named Han Yang.


Xiao Jiuer opened his small mouth, took a big bite, and stuffed the whole candied haws together with the wooden drill into his mouth.



There was a large pit of one foot in the ground beneath his feet.

The small figure suddenly rose up and arrived in front of the King of Longevity in an instant.

Heavenly Corpse?

The longevity king couldn't help but be surprised, but that was all, he just slapped him randomly.


Xiao Jiuer's body was suddenly shot dozens of feet away like a rubber ball.

But before she landed, she stepped into the void again and rushed up again with a series of energy explosions.

What is a celestial corpse?

Flying zombies!

Reaching the realm of Heavenly Corpse, Xiao Jiuer already has the power to control the air.

Little one, he's quite resistant to being beaten.

The King of Longevity chuckled and crushed him with his second-level king-level force field.

In the King of Martial Realm, there is almost no possibility of cross-level challenges, because of the presence of the King Realm force field.

The second-level king realm forms an absolute level of suppression on the first-level king realm.


The ripples shook, and Xiao Jiuer's body suddenly froze in mid-air.

It's a pity that I'm not proficient in raising corpses, so I can't conquer you, I can only strangle you.

The longevity king stretched out his hand with some regret, and then shook it hard.

Seeing that Xiao Jiu'er was about to fall apart like the six generals, a Sanskrit sound came out of Xiao Jiu'er's body.


The longevity king's eyes suddenly glazed over for a moment.

When he recovered, a pair of white fists were already thrust in front of him.


The small fist hit the longevity king hard on the face, causing his head to tilt to the side, and several of his long eyebrows fell off.

You, damn it!

This punch did not hurt the longevity king, but it made him feel even more humiliated.

The majestic second-level Martial King was actually slapped in the face by a tiny heavenly corpse...


The snow-white eyebrows of the longevity king were raised like spears, and with unparalleled power, they pierced Xiao Jiuer's chest.


The red dress was shattered, and Xiao Jiuer's chest was instantly pierced by the long eyebrows. The terrifying destructive power almost split her petite body into two.

Even with the power of the Heavenly Corpse, it is still vulnerable to the suppression of the absolute realm.


Xiao Jiuer suddenly roared angrily.

With the roar, all the spiritual weapons in the mausoleum flew up into the air and flew into Xiao Jiuer's mouth.

A golden light lit up on her body.

The spiritual light formed by nearly a thousand spiritual weapons protected her body and shattered the second level king realm.

Xiao Jiuer somersaulted and landed in front of Li Xuanyu and Ji Xiangtian. Without making the slightest adjustment, he rose up again and charged forward.

The Celestial Corpse is invincible, fearless of pain, and has no life or death.

As long as she is not broken into pieces, she will always protect Han Yang and keep fighting.


At this moment, a big hand pressed on Xiao Jiuer's young shoulder, stopping her from charging.

With a gentle voice, the deathly murderous intent in Xiao Jiuer's eyes began to slowly subside.

She remembered the voice.

It was the man who bought her candied haws, noodles, pancakes, and lots and lots of food... Han Yang.

With a gentle smile on his face, Han Yang rubbed her little head lovingly: You have done a good job. Leave the next step to me.

Xiao Jiuer became a heavenly corpse, and his spiritual wisdom was just beginning to awaken. He was a little dazed, but also a little nostalgic, and rubbed his little head against the palm of this man with a beautiful smile.

Then he stood aside obediently.

Han Yang raised his head and looked at the King of Longevity, with no trace of smile on his face anymore.

So, it's you, old guy, who hurt my Jiu'er?

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