Nine Revolutions of the Stars Technique

Chapter 417 The Fourteenth Martial King Kills Han Yang

Lei Huang Territory, Purple Gold City.

This is a very special city in the wilderness.

Other cities will inevitably have a character for wild or barbarian in their names to demonstrate the ruling authority of the Barbarian Temple.

There is neither wilderness nor barbarism in the name of Zijin City.

This is because there is a heaven-level alchemist living in Zijin City... Zijin Old Man.

He once refined a soul concentration pill for King Yum Sheng, which helped King Yum Sheng rise from the eighth level to the ninth level. He received the gift of King Yum Sheng and named this city after him.

The city lord of this city also serves Zi Jinsou, with his will as the core.

But today there is something special.

The Lord of Zijin City did not stay by Zijinsou's house, but gathered with a man and a woman at a restaurant at the gate of the city.

The lord of a city is not even qualified to sit, so he can only stand respectfully on the side.

You said...Han Yang will definitely come here?

Sitting on the seat, a graceful and voluptuous woman spoke slowly, her voice full of charm.

Coupled with her proud curves, it adds a bit of great temptation.

But the Lord of Purple Gold City didn't even dare to raise his eyes to look at this woman.

Because this woman is the palace master of the Huohuang Realm next door...the King of Huohuang, the third-level Martial King!

The man sitting opposite her was none other than the Lord of the Leihuang Domain, King Leihuang.

King Leihuang took a sip of tea and said calmly: I was about to arrive in the Tianhuang Territory before I figured it out... That Han Yang came to my wild land with a whole lot of Shenxu treasures. What do you think? What is it for?

King Huohuang's eyes lit up: Purple Gold Old Man!


King Lei Huang said with a proud smile: This boy must have come to the wilderness to find Zijinsou and refine the heavenly elixir into a pill! Otherwise, there is no need to risk coming to the wilderness.

Even with the Huohuang King's temperament, his breathing became rapid.

Looking for the Heavenly Alchemist means that there must be a heavenly elixir in Han Yang's Najie!

As expected of the Divine Market, it even produces heavenly elixirs.

Three two, you three and me two! King Huohuang said without hesitation.

According to the rules of the wilderness, if you can kill Han Yang and seize the treasure in his ring, 50% must be handed over to the King of Yum.

The remaining 50% belongs to the two of them.

King Leihuang laughed boldly: Although this is the Leihuang Territory, I will not bully you. Whoever can kill Han Yang will get 30%, how about it?

King Huohuang looked at King Leihuang with a smile, and chuckled: You really still like challenges so much. Okay, as you said, whoever kills Han Yang will get 30%!

The two high-fived and vowed, and the bet was established.

The Lord of Purple Gold City on the side wanted to pierce his ears and pretend to be deaf and dumb. He was just a Yuandan, why should he listen to such secrets...


A figure flew from outside the city. It was the deputy temple master of Leihuang Realm Temple and the second-level Martial King.

Here he comes! Han Yang's Royal Sky Boat is already thousands of miles away. If there is only half a stick of incense, he will arrive! Deputy Palace Master Lei Huang responded respectfully.

King Leihuang couldn't hide the excitement in his eyes: Hahaha, I was indeed right!

King Huohuang also stood up suddenly, his eyes filled with boiling greed and murderous intent.

Cough cough cough cough...

At this moment, a coughing sound came, causing the two of them to change their expressions slightly.

Amidst the banging sound of the crutches hitting the ground, a stooped, skinny, almost huddled old man appeared in the restaurant.

Meet Zijin Weng!

The two third-level martial kings, who could control the wind and rain in the wild land, stood up and saluted the old man.

This dying old man is the real master of this city, Zijin Sou.

The old man slowly moved to the table, sat down slowly, and took a deep breath before speaking: Xiao Lei and Xiao Huo, why do you two have time to come to my place?

The name Xiao Lei and Xiao Huo made the Lord of Purple Gold City regret once again why he was not deaf.

King Leihuang looked embarrassed, hesitating and unable to say a word.

Facing this old man, his status as Martial King and Palace Master had no effect at all.

Huh? What did you say? Please speak louder. I'm old and hard of hearing, so I can't hear clearly. Zi Jinsou asked in a trembling voice with his toothless mouth flat.

Just when King Leihuang was thinking about how to tell a lie, two voices sounded at the same time.

Hall Master! Han Yang is here!

Yukong Zhou appears!

Two deputy palace masters appeared outside the window of the restaurant.

Seeing Zi Jinsou sitting on the main seat, and King Leihuang and King Huohuang standing respectfully aside, the two deputy palace masters wanted to slap themselves.

Zi Jinsou narrowed his eyes slightly, coughed slightly and said with a smile: You little guys, do you also want to kill Han Yang?

King Leihuang could only nod his head.

Zi Jinsou smiled and said: Then go and get down to business. We will talk after we kill him.

King Huohuang and King Leihuang looked at Zijinsou in disbelief.

After confirming that the old man was not teasing them, the two of them saluted together, then rose into the air and headed out of the city.

Boom boom boom!

In the ancient woods dozens of miles outside the city, nine more kings appeared. It was another deputy hall master, and eight kings and generals from two temples.

When Zi Jinsou saw this scene, his toothless mouth opened and he laughed.

Hahahaha... Outside Zijin City, the Fourteenth Martial King killed Han Yang. No matter who wins or loses, it will be a good story!

The Lord of Purple Gold City on the side couldn't help but be stunned when he heard these words.

No matter who wins or loses?

Two third-level Martial Kings took action, and twelve Martial Kings helped out. How could the Desolate God's Temple... lose?

This old man is indeed old and confused.


Outside Zijin City, the sound of swords sounded.

Han Yang stepped on the flying sword, walked in the air, and appeared in front of everyone.

Swordsmanship? It's just a small skill!

A flash of disdain flashed in King Huohuang's eyes.

Han Yang stood with his sword in hand and nodded lightly: Two third-level figures and twelve Martial Kings, the Desolate Temple really thinks highly of me.

When he went to Purple City, he expected that there would be an enemy ambush.

It would be really disappointing if no one thought that he would come to look for the Heavenly Alchemist in such a vast wilderness.

The deputy palace master who was the first to report the news sneered: Han Yang, don't think that you can show off your power in the wilderness by killing that trash Peach Blossom Divine Fist. Our Savage Temple, even the Holy Sect Dynasty, must be afraid Three points!”


Before the deputy city lord finished speaking, Han Yang slashed out with his sword.

The four elephants cursed the sword, and the white tiger killed him!

The white tiger roared, and the endless rune sword gleamed towards this person.

Be bold!


Neither King Leihuang nor King Huohuang expected that under the pressure of the two of them, a mere Yuan Dan warrior would actually dare to take action first.

Boom boom!

The two of them each deployed their King Realm force fields, trying to resist Han Yang's attack.




The sounds of the force field shattering came and went, three times in a row.

With one strike, the three king realm force fields were shattered.

The white tiger's sword roared and crossed with the deputy hall master, tearing the latter's body to pieces.

In one move, the second-level Martial King died!

Such a shocking scene made everyone in Zijin City speechless.

He originally thought that Han Yang was throwing himself into a trap, but he didn't expect that he would take action decisively and kill a deputy palace master in front of two third-level Martial Kings?

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