Nine Revolutions of the Stars Technique

Chapter 424 The arrival of Prince Dachu

It's night, in Zijinsou's mansion.

A figure sneaked in quietly.

In one day, Ji Xiangtian single-handedly wiped out five major families, which shocked Zijin City.

It made those warriors who were ready to take action realize that besides Han Yang, the women around him were also not easy to mess with.

In one auspicious day, five major families were destroyed.

What about Li Xuanyu?

Where is Xiao Jiuer?

In short, after this battle, the entire Zijin City became quiet, and no force dared to touch Han Yang's side.

At least in Purple City, the blood list issued by the Savage Temple has become a joke.

In the past, when the blood list appeared, the scenes of interceptions and killings all over the city had disappeared before they even started to appear.

Han Yang and Ji Xiangtian shocked everyone, so much so that the Lord of Purple Gold City seemed to have relaxed a lot in his protection.

There are outsiders sneaking in, but no one can detect it?

Even the patrol team in the Yuan Dan Realm didn't notice anyone walking past.

This person just slowly groped towards the direction of the training hall.

Just as he was about to step into the training hall, a strange sound sounded.


It didn't sound like a human voice, but rather a roaring sound coming from the throat of a monster.


Before he could react, the King Realm force field arrived!

Xiao Jiuer, dressed in red, waved his white fist and hit the opponent on the head.

Damn Heavenly Corpse!

The man roared and slashed out with his sword.

The talismans were transformed into ferocious and roaring black pythons, which actually tore open Xiao Jiuer's King Realm force field.


Xiao Jiuer's fist collided fiercely with the black python.

Amid the roar, air waves rolled.

Xiao Jiuer, who had stabilized the first level of Heavenly Corpse, was actually thrown away by the backlash.


Ji Xiangtian jumped out of the room, raised his hand and made a lotus seal.


The man slapped the sword sideways in his hand.

There was a loud bang, the lotus seal shattered, and the auspicious sky was sent flying seven or eight feet away, smashing two or three walls before barely stopping.

She spurted out a mouthful of blood, her eyes filled with shock.

The other party is obviously not a master of King Realm.

The figure opposite was only at the ninth level of Yuan Dan, but with one strike, not only could he repel Xiao Jiu'er who was in the Heavenly Corpse King realm, but he could also seriously injure her?

Except for Han Yang, she had never encountered such a tough Yuan Dan warrior.

Cough cough cough...

Ji Xiangtian coughed up a few mouthfuls of blood and said with difficulty: You... you are the Holy Son!

Saint child level!

Only a saint-child level warrior could be so powerful.

Under the illumination of a luminous pearl, the man finally revealed his true face.

A fair face, gentle and elegant, with an indifference of contempt for all living beings in his eyes.

Wearing a black and dark gold python robe, it shows the nobility of this person.

He shook the dragon scale sword in his hand and said calmly: I am the sixth prince of the Chu Dynasty. Let Han Yang come out to see...

Before he finished speaking, he heard a cold voice coming from outside.

What kind of bullshit, Sixth Prince, whoever dares to hurt me, just...kneel down!

As the sound poured in, a huge fist also enlarged in front of the eyes of the Sixth Prince of Dachu.

The corner of the Sixth Prince's mouth curled up, and he raised the sword in his hand.

Broken Sky!

The black python roared and roared towards the fist.

His palm suddenly opened and he grabbed the black python hard.


The black python composed of runes was crushed directly.


Immediately, a heavy slap passed through the dragon scale sword and hit the proud face of the sixth prince of Da Chu.

The location is exactly the same as where Ji Xiangtian was injured.

The sixth prince, who was wearing a python robe, was slapped and rolled over seven or eight times. He also smashed two walls before barely stopping.


Votting out a large mouthful of blood, the sixth prince of Chu turned pale, half of his face was swollen like a pig's head, and his eyes were already scarlet.

Han Yang! dare you hit me in the face?!

As the prince of Da Chu, his status was respected. Ever since he successfully concluded the Yuan Dan, even King Wu had to respect him even when he saw him.

When did you ever experience such humiliation?

Han Yang, carrying his left hand on his back, slowly walked out of the corridor.

He looked at the person in front of him with an indifferent expression, and said coldly: You should be lucky that you didn't hit Xiao Jiuer and Jixiang Tianxia just now, otherwise, you would be dead now!

The Sixth Prince of Da Chu seemed to have been greatly humiliated and shouted angrily: A heavenly corpse that is neither human nor ghost, and a lowly maidservant of all heavens. Do you compare them with this prince?

Xiao Jiuer stood expressionlessly behind Han Yang and bared his teeth at the sixth prince.

Ji Xiangtian's expression changed, and his chest heaved violently.

Before today, she had never felt that there was any problem with the identity of Zhutiandao.

Even if they need to reduce killings because they follow Han Yang, it is just because they are afraid of causing Han Yang's dissatisfaction.

But now, being belittled by the Sixth Prince of Chu made her feel a deep sense of shame for the first time, and she even lowered her head unconsciously.

She felt that she had embarrassed Han Yang.

Han Yang turned around and stretched out his hand, but this time he did not play Jixiangtian and said calmly: Xiao Jiuer, you have protected me several times and even saved my life. Jixiangtian is here too. When necessary, I will risk my life to protect my relatives and friends.

In my eyes, they are my closest relatives, Han Yang, and thing cannot be compared with them.

Xiao Jiuer's face remained expressionless, but her little hand subconsciously held Han Yang's lapel.

Auspicious day...

In an instant, tears couldn't help but burst out of her big black eyes.

Even if her arms and limbs were cut off and her Dantian was broken, it would not be possible to make Ji Xiangtian cry, but Han Yang's simple words made her eyes filled with uncontrollable tears.

How many years have you not cried?

Hearing Han Yang's words, Ji Xiangtian felt that even if she was asked to die directly now, it would be worth it.


The sixth prince looked at Han Yang with cold eyes, a flush on his face, and he shouted coldly: No wonder King Dong said you were so bold, and you refused even his kindness. When we saw you today, you were indeed lawless and did not show any restraint. I, the Chu imperial court, take it seriously...

Han Yang waved his hand to interrupt his impassioned speech, If you just want to say this, you can get out. Seeing that King Dong didn't besiege me like the others, I will... spare your life today!

The sixth prince's chest heaved with anger and his heart almost exploded.

Born into the royal family, the education he received since childhood was to be loyal to Da Chu and the Xiang family.

Now that Han Yang was rude to him, in his opinion, it was a humiliation to the entire Da Chu and the entire Xiang dynasty.

His eyes gradually turned cold, and the Sixth Prince of Da Chu said in a charitable tone: King Huai has an order. If you are willing to hand over the treasure in the ring, and join the First Grade Hall of Da Chu to serve the court, I, Da Chu, can find a way to protect you from the wilderness. place……

In the view of the sixth prince, Han Yang was just trying to hold on.

Without the protection of the Great Chu Dynasty, he would not have been able to walk out of the barbaric land alive.

He has made up his mind that as long as Han Yang joins Yipintang, he will let Han Yang know the consequences of offending the royal family.

At this time, Han Yang's nose suddenly moved, and his face became colder.

I wanted to let you leave alive, but since you don't want to live, you can't blame me.


His figure trembled, and Han Yang's figure disappeared in front of the Sixth Prince.

The Sixth Prince's expression suddenly changed and he shouted hurriedly: Seventh Brother, be careful...


A flash of sword light bloomed in the night.

In a corner of the side hall, a young man also wearing the python robe of the Chu royal family, his ferocious face was illuminated by the light of a sword...

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