Nine Revolutions of the Stars Technique

Chapter 426 Han Yang leaves the city

As time goes by, the atmosphere in Purple City becomes more and more solemn.

Even those ordinary warriors felt the heavy pressure brought by the approaching danger.

Not long ago, fourteen Martial Kings fell outside Zijin City, as if it was just the beginning. Just one day apart, the five major families in Zijin City were destroyed.

That night, the bodies of the two princes of the Chu Dynasty were also thrown outside Zijinsou's residence.

The Zijinsou compound, which was originally the residence of the alchemist, seemed to have become a ferocious beast that chose people to devour.

Anyone who enters it cannot come out alive.

Han Yang naturally felt this pressure.

He did not continue to retreat, but moved a chair and sat at the door of the house, waiting for the enemy to come to the door.

The night passed slowly.

A ray of morning sun rises from the sky.

The moment the sun rose, Han Yang subconsciously squinted his eyes.

At this moment, a piercing sword light emerged from the ground and went straight to Han Yang's belly.

The speed is beyond imagination.

What's even more frightening is that even Han Yang didn't notice there was an attacker underground before the sword light was lit.

Seeing this scene, Han Yang didn't dodge and stamped his left foot on the ground.


The ground exploded like glass, and countless rubbles instantly tore the attacker into pieces.

Han Yang looked at his abdomen with cold eyes.

There was a sword mark there, just a hair away from piercing his abdomen.

Tian Yan Zong!

The only person who could accomplish such a silent assassination, even evading his perception, was the puppet of the Tianyan Sect, without any vitality.

As expected of a sect that once assassinated King Wu, its assassination skills were far superior to those of Black List killers.

Boom boom boom!

Black shadows shot from all directions and rushed toward Han Yang.

Han Yang made a seal with his left hand.

Demon-suppressing seal!

Big mudra across the sky.

Like a huge slap, it shattered all the attacking puppets with one blow.

You really think I don't dare to hunt you down?

Han Yang sneered, his figure suddenly disappeared, and he ran wildly in a certain direction outside the city.

Pavilion ten miles outside the city.

Two men and women in python robes were sitting opposite each other.

Brother Ying, don't you want to enter the city?

Also wearing python robes, the man has a black character Qin embroidered on his body, while the woman has a character Xia embroidered on her body.

One is the Prince of Da Qin, Ying Cheng, and the other is the Princess of Da Xia, Si Su.

Ying Cheng said indifferently: When I fight Han Yang, I must be fair and impartial. At this time, his mind is on refining elixirs, so he will be distracted. I will not be able to win.

Sisu stared at Yingcheng blankly for a long time. After confirming that he was not joking, he couldn't help but feel speechless.

This Prince of Qin is so innocent and cute.

They came here to surround and kill Han Yang, why should they talk about fairness?

For these princes and saints to appear in the wilderness, it is already the greatest injustice!

Ying Cheng smiled half-heartedly and said, But you, the fifth princess of Great Xia, who is famous for her tricks, don't play any tricks, but sit here with me to drink tea?

Sisu chuckled, Brother Ying, it's not kind of you to speak like this. Who have I plotted against?

Yingcheng pursed his lips and uttered two words: Yingtian!

Yingtian was originally the ninth princess of the Qin Dynasty.

Nine is the ultimate number.

In other words, she is the last of the many princes and princesses in the Qin Dynasty.

As a result, because she lost the fight with Sisu, she lost the face of Great Qin and was deprived of her status as the ninth princess.

This incident caused a sensation in the entire Qin Dynasty.

Sisu stroked the hair on her temples and said angrily: That sister of yours is not a good thing. I'm afraid she hasn't told you that she once offered herself to be my woman, but ended up doing it in the middle of the room. Mixiang, you want a group of men to mess with me.

Ying Cheng's expression froze instantly.

Yingtian, be Sisu’s woman?

Are you recommending yourself a pillow seat?

Looking for a group of men to abuse Sisu?

The sixth prince of the Qin Dynasty, who has an upright personality, is a bit confused.

Seeing Ying Cheng's guilty look, a flash of surprise flashed in Sisu's eyes.

This guy is really an anomaly among the princes of the six dynasties...

At this moment, Ying Cheng frowned slightly and flicked his finger.


A puppet of the ninth level of Yuan Dan flipped out of the ground and exploded into a ball.

Tian Yanzong? How brave are you to disturb this prince's elegant night talk!

A murderous intent rose in Ying Cheng's eyes.

It is true that he has an upright personality, but he is not an easy person.

How could he possibly sit on the throne of the prince if he was just a fool?


A figure fell from the sky and landed outside Shili Pavilion.

Ying Cheng, who had been sitting firmly in the pavilion before, suddenly stood up and his pupils shrank to the size of a pinhead.

Sisu, the princess of Daxia, also grasped the hilt of the sword with her slender hand, and uttered two words: Han Yang!

To be able to make a princess and a prince so nervous, Han Yang was the only one in the entire wilderness.

Han Yang glanced at the python robes worn by the two of them and asked lightly: Are you here to kill me too?

Behind Ying Cheng, a jet-black python appeared, its boiling sword intent almost as if it were real.

He looked at Han Yang for a long time, then forcibly suppressed the fighting spirit in his heart and shouted coldly: When you finish refining the elixir, fight me with all your strength!

Hearing this, Han Yang raised his eyebrows.

A pure warrior?


Okay, I accept your challenge. I will fight you here in two days!

After leaving a word, Han Yang's figure suddenly disappeared.

After Han Yang left, Ying Cheng's fighting spirit began to slowly dissipate, but the desire to fight in his eyes became stronger.

Han Yang is a formidable enemy.

Before actually facing Han Yang, he thought the rumors were too exaggerated.

Those Wu kings were probably killed by the protectors around Han Yang.

but now……

He was convinced that Han Yang was the one who killed King Wu.

Worthy of being your own opponent.

Looking lightly at the direction Han Yang left, Yingcheng stepped out of Shiliting.

Brother Ying, where are you going?

Sisu asked in a sweet voice.

Her hand still didn't leave the hilt of the sword.

When Han Yang fell from the sky, his domineering aura made her feel as if she had encountered a natural enemy.

This is an opponent that she may not be able to win even if she tries her best.

Perhaps, it takes two people to join forces.

She would rather stay with Ying Cheng, a somewhat naive fighting maniac, than the gang of scheming brothers and sisters in Daxia.

Ying Cheng didn't even look back and left a single word.

Destroy Tianyanzong!

Not only to destroy Tianyan.

The moment he met Han Yang, Ying Cheng decided to let Han Yang be his only opponent.

Anyone else who dares to disturb Han Yang before he fights with Han Yang will be punished by death!

He wanted to eliminate unnecessary troubles for Han Yang.

Sisu opened her mouth, but couldn't say a word for a long time.

This guy is really stupid.

Hey, wait for me!

Sisu jumped on her feet, gritted her teeth and followed Ying Cheng.

Thirty miles outside Zijin City.

No! Han Yang is coming! Ancestor and the others haven't arrived yet!

The expressions of the three people from Tianyan Sect were particularly ugly.

They were just testing to see if they could assassinate Han Yang, but they didn't expect that Han Yang would dare to abandon Zijinsou's mansion and pursue him all the way.

Isn't this bastard afraid that others will take the opportunity to destroy his elixir?

At this time, a puppet bird landed on the shoulder of one of them and chirped twice.

The man's eyes lit up immediately.

Uncle Lian Yue is coming here with the hive! We will cooperate and let Han Yang seek death!

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