Nine Revolutions of the Stars Technique

Chapter 429 You don’t respect martial ethics

Although the king of the Wilderness Temple is also a first-level martial king, he is much stronger than the ordinary first-level martial kings outside.

The four kings are coming in person. Not to mention that Ji Xiangtian is not King Wu yet, even if he enters the king realm for the first time, he cannot stop him! don't have martial ethics!

Ji Xiangtian's little face twitched, he jumped on his feet and shouted.

They only have one Martial King, Xiao Jiu'er, in charge. It's outrageous enough to send two or three Martial Kings here, but they actually send four King Generals at once.

Kill everyone!

The four kings didn't bother to talk nonsense at all, they just used their killing moves.

The King Realm force field lowered.

Four force fields shrouded Ji Xiangtian and the dozens of warriors around her.

Wang Jing almost crushed Yuan Dan.

If the King Realm force field goes down, these people will definitely die.

Just when everyone was in despair, a roar sounded.


It was clearly the roar of a virgin, but it carried an indescribable ferocity.


A figure fell from the sky and hit the Four King Realm force fields heavily.


The force field shattered almost instantly.

The petite red figure, like a phantom, rushed towards two of the kings.


There was another sound of sword clanging from behind.

The aroma of air-conditioned wine came to my face.

Xiao Jixiang, one for each of us!

As the voice of Li Xuanyu, the Wine Sword Immortal, rang out, a white figure turned into a stream of light and killed one of the Martial Kings.

The smell of alcohol lingers around her, and there are slices of peach blossoms.

Auntie, I will fight with you!

Jixiang Tian roared and stamped his feet, and his figure suddenly expanded, turning into the goddess version of Jixiang Tian.

Lotus Seal!

She formed a seal with her hands, and a huge lotus bloomed in front of the courtyard.

It's just the ninth level of Yuan Dan...

The king general opposite ignored him and prepared to crush Ji Xiangtian with his king-level force field.

At this moment, the sound of Buddha singing Zen came from the lotus seal.


A terrifying divine soul attack descended on the sea of ​​consciousness of this king general.


The Buddha's light flickered, and the heavenly soul of this king and general was actually suppressed by the Buddha's light.

How can it be……

The king was shocked and couldn't believe it.

He is the Martial King who has awakened the Heavenly Soul. He is only at the ninth level of Yuan Dan. How can the Soul compete with him?

With one successful attack, Ji Xiangtian laughed proudly.

As expected of the master, what he taught me is indeed a wonderful method.

The hand shook again, and at least dozens of relics were shattered.

At the moment when the relic was shattered, the auspicious sky formed the seal again.

Auspicious seal!

The power of the natal seal has once again increased by more than 30%.


The seal hit the king's body and knocked him away.

The Lord of Purple Gold City collapsed on the ground, almost in despair. When he saw this scene, his eyes could not help but widen.

Ji Xiangtian actually defeated a Martial King!

Dang Dang Dang!

The sound of gold and iron clashing sounded, but Li Xuanyu was beaten back by the king general.

Even if there is ice drunk, it will not have much effect.

She suppressed her cultivation by herself, and her current strength was not even as good as Ji Xiangtian's. After just a few moves, a trace of blood spilled from the corner of her mouth.

But her eyes were shining brightly, and her fighting spirit was boiling.

There's still a little bit left...

Originally, if she had relied on herself, it would have taken several months to complete the integration of the soul and power in her body.

But this king's attack was like a giant hammer, pounding, pounding, pounding, helping her lay a solid foundation.

She had a vague feeling that a breakthrough could be achieved in a month, or even half a month.

If we continue to fight, maybe today will be enough.


The drunk Li Xuanyu burst out with terrifying fighting spirit for the first time.

Blood bleeds from the corner of her mouth, but she becomes braver as she fights.

Among the three, the most terrifying one is Xiao Jiuer.

Today, Xiao Jiuer is only one step away from the second-order heavenly corpse.

Originally, the Heavenly Corpse was stronger than ordinary warriors, and coupled with the gap in cultivation, it was almost overwhelming the two kings and generals in the fight.

Under the protection of the spiritual light of the spiritual weapon, she didn't need to defend at all and launched an attack frantically.

Boom boom boom!

Bai Shengsheng's small fist, like a war hammer, collided with the weapons of the two kings and generals.

This really difficult to deal with.

The two king generals were shocked and felt a faint sense of uneasiness.

This little sky corpse could probably kill both of them.

At this moment, a light flashed in Xiao Jiuer's eyes, Bai Shengsheng's little fist suddenly moved forward, and a green dragon roared out.

Qinglong breaks!

Xiao Jiuer actually used Han Yang's Qinglong Break with his fists.

The martial arts from the God Realm bring about crushing.


The king's weapon exploded to pieces, and his entire arm was destroyed by Xiao Jiu'er's punch.

One goes down and the other goes up, she becomes more and more courageous as she fights.

The two kings will be retreating steadily, and the situation is precarious.

Perhaps in today's battle, Han Yang, who is at a disadvantage, can make a comeback...

But, at this moment, a joking voice came from outside.

When I was in the sect, everyone thought that the king of the Wild Temple was a god. Now it seems that it is nothing more than that...

As the sound echoed, a big, muscular, round-waisted, shirtless, bald man with gleaming eyes appeared in everyone's sight.

Jinyang Valley!

This iconic appearance was recognized by everyone without even using the clothes on his body as a mark.

Among the ten holy sects, Jinyanggu's sect is known as the number one in physical attack.

Hahaha... I didn't expect to meet such a cute heavenly corpse... It will definitely be very comfortable if it explodes!

The bald man had a ferocious smile on his face, a golden halo flashed between his eyebrows, and his whole body was covered with a layer of golden armor.

The four kings will feel the threat from the strong men of Jinyang Valley and become cautious in their moves.

The big man smiled wildly and said: Go away. Let me see whether the physical body of the Heavenly Corpse is stronger or the Golden Yang Treasure Body of my Jinyang Valley is stronger!

Before he finished speaking, his figure turned into a golden light and shot towards Xiao Jiuer.


Bai Shengsheng's small fist and the big golden fist the size of a sandbag collided violently.

Xiao Jiuer groaned, and his little body was thrown dozens of feet away. His feet carved two deep ravines on the ground, and he hit the wall behind him before he slowly stopped his decline.

Xiao Jiuer did not look at his torn and bloody right hand, but looked down at his broken red embroidered shoes, exposing his white and tender feet.

He crossed his toes slightly uneasily.

Come again!

There were also cracks in the golden light on the arm of the big man in Jinyang Valley.

He roared angrily and pounced on Xiao Jiu'er again.

The two kings of Fenghuang Territory looked at each other and pounced on him in tacit agreement.

One Holy Son and two Martial Kings join forces to fight against Xiao Jiu.

Outside Zijin City.

After absorbing the flesh and blood essence of Yu Youming, more than 800 yuandan ninth-level puppets, with a touch of blood red on their bodies, rushed towards Han Yang.

As the wings vibrated, the fragrance of peach blossoms came to my nostrils.

The wings of this puppet clearly possess a hint of the destructive power of the Peach Blossom Blade.

No wonder Lian Yue has become so confident.

Han Yang moved forward step by step, and his body began to change.

Beauty, turn on!

The warrior body of the brake girl is activated!

The crackling sound battle body is activated!

Finally...deification, activation!


His body swelled, a blood-red light appeared between his eyebrows, and a figure with three heads and six arms appeared behind his body, as if a god or demon had come to the world.

The magic sword in his hand trembled and buzzed for a hundred battles.


A bright sword glow bloomed in the void.

The four elephants cursed the sword, and the white tiger killed him!

On the sword light, curse seals and runes flashed.

One becomes two!

Two to four!

Four changes and eight!

The endless sword light overwhelmed the sky and turned into a roaring white tiger, rushing towards hundreds of puppets.

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