Nine Revolutions of the Stars Technique

Chapter 444 The five leaders surrounded and killed Han Yang

Xiang Baxian, is he dead?

Yang Shengtian almost jumped up from the ground, his expression was dull, and he couldn't recover for a long time.

How is it possible, with the double-eyed is it possible to lose!

The eyes of Jian Yixin across from him were also filled with disbelief.

In the Yuan Dan realm, Chongtong Divine Eyes dare not claim to be invincible. At least Jian Yixin and Yang Shengtian believe that they are no match for Xiang Baxian when fighting alone.

Only by joining forces can they have a glimmer of hope of victory.

But now...

Xiang Baxian was inexplicably killed by Han Yang after he used his magical power.

Moreover, he directly broke through the double-pupil divine pupil and killed him in a dignified manner.

Is he possessed?

The number one person in the Yuan Dan Realm?

Jian Yixin murmured softly.

Perhaps it is too early to call Han Yang the number one person in the Yuan Dan Realm, but this person is definitely qualified to challenge the number one person in the Yuan Dan Realm.

Yanyue Palace, Qin Luoli.

The Qin Dynasty was invincible.

Perhaps these two are the only ones in the world today who can compete with Han Yang in a single fight.

After beheading Xiang Baxian, who awakened the double-eyed god, it was impossible for the other thirteen leaders to compete with Han Yang again.

Before going into the wilderness to hunt, no one took Han Yang seriously.

In the eyes of these holy sons and princes, Han Yang is just a small fish that can be easily wiped out.

Their targets are each other and the other characters on the blood list.

Even after Han Yang killed several third-level martial kings, they still had that view.

Every first leader has the power to fight against the fourth-level Martial King.

Strength is their strongest self-confidence.

But now, Han Yang has shattered their self-confidence. After today, no one except Qin Luoli and Ying Wudi will have the courage to challenge Han Yang alone.

Tianwu Continent, six great dynasties, ten great sects.

Han Yang has stood at the top of all Yuan Dan realms.

After today, Han Yang's name will be known to everyone.

Do it!

Ye Duhuo sighed.

If they don't take action, they may lose their courage and dare not fight Han Yang.

In this battle, Han Yang has achieved success.

Luo Qianfang stood up suddenly.

He looked at Han Yang squarely for the first time.

Even though he already knew that Han Yang was very close to that bitch's daughter, Luo Qianfang still did not put Han Yang on his list of people who needed to be killed.

He's just a junior who got famous by chance.

Even if he could kill the third-level Martial King with his sword, he still couldn't compare with himself!

As early as fifty years ago, he fought against the fourth-level Martial King without losing a hundred moves!

In his opinion, killing Han Yang was just a matter of one sword.

But now, Xiang Baxian, who had awakened his double-eyed god, died in Han Yang's hands.

This unknown junior already has the qualifications to be on an equal footing with him.

Hmph! The bastard left by the bitch is indeed the same as her mother, only hooking up with wild men!

At this moment, the combination of old and new grudges made the extreme Luo Qianfang feel endless murderous intent in his heart.

Li Xuantong also slowly stood up, and the cold runes spread in all directions, almost freezing the entire room.

Nagging and killing geniuses are what my Xuanming Sect likes to do the most...

Two golden gloves appeared on his palms.

The chill got a little worse.

Boom boom boom!

The three figures jumped down from the tall building and rushed towards Han Yang quickly.

Almost at the same time.

Jian Yixin and Yang Shengtian on another tall building also flew away in the air.

The five first leaders arrived at the same time.

Well done!

After being activated by Xiang Baxian from his previous life, Han Yang was filled with fighting spirit and was about to have a hearty battle.

Just killing one person wouldn't be enough for him to express his inner murderous intention.

The five people appeared at the right time.

Wanyao Pavilion, Ye Duhuo.

Xuanming Sect, Li Xuantong.

Zhujian Villa, Luo Qianfang.

Tianjian Sect, sword Yixin.

Jinyang Valley, Yangshengtian!

When they saw the arrival of these five people, all the city guards and worshipers in Zijin City were dumbfounded.

From the six dynasties and the ten holy sects, there were a total of sixteen top-ranking saint sons, and as many as five descended on them at the same time.

This kind of lineup can kill even the fourth and fifth level Martial King.


Lucky Weather’s rant.

If she hadn't known that rushing over would only cause trouble, she would definitely rush forward and fight those people to the death.

The majestic First Holy Son, the genius leader of the imperial power, actually five people joined forces to surround and kill the master?

This is simply shameless to the extreme.

If the matter spreads out, even if they defeat Han Yang, the Holy Sect will be disgraced...

Thinking of this, Ji Xiangtian suddenly became excited.

She thought of a possibility that made her shudder.

These bastards of the Holy Sect, maybe after killing their master, they might... massacre the city!

Don't make scandals public!

There is no way these bastards would let the news that they teamed up to kill Han Yang be exposed.

The only way is to kill and silence millions of people in the entire Zijin City.


Ji Xiangtian, filled with rage that had no way to vent, wanted to beat all the shameless bastards in front of him to death.

Ten miles away from Purple Gold City.


Seven flying swords shuttled back and forth, slaughtering a team of warriors who wanted to escape from Purple Gold City.

The second holy son of Tianjian Sect sighed, his expression desolate.

I didn't expect that things would get so out of control that Luo Qianfang and others had to join forces to fight...

When he first received the message, he was still a little unbelievable.

Did Han Yang kill Xiang Baxian with his sword?

The five leaders surrounded and killed Han Yang?

One message after another forced him to abandon his previous position and start killing people.

After this battle, Zijin City was left alone.

If the world knew what happened today, they, the Holy Sects of the Imperial Dynasty, would lose their face!

The massacre, under the reflection of the rising sun, was filled with countless smears of blood.

Anyone who wants to escape from Zijin City will be hunted down by the six dynasties and the ten holy sects.

Today, no one is left alive in Zijin City!

Hahahaha... It turns out it's not that I'm incompetent! It's that Han Yang is too perverted!

Outside Shili Pavilion.

Ying Wujiu covered his face and laughed. At the end of his laugh, tears were streaming down his face.

Are you glad?

Han Yang even killed the first prince of Da Chu.


This still doesn't change the fact that he was so frightened by Han Yang that he ran away.

He didn't even understand how he felt.

All I know is that after today, the name Han Yang will definitely become taboo in the six dynasties and the ten holy sects.

This was the first time in ten thousand years that a warrior cultivator killed the first prince.

Even when King Yum rose, he was unable to achieve this feat.

Kill, kill! It's best to kill a few more. That way, no one will remember my defeat...

Ying Wujiu covered his face, his expression seemed to be crying and laughing at the same time.

Hundreds of miles outside Zijin City.

The huge Royal Sky Boat was speeding towards the direction of Purple Gold City.

There is only one force that dares to control the airship so unscrupulously in the wilderness, the Savage Temple.

On the Royal Sky Boat, twenty-one third-level Martial Kings and forty-two second-level Martial Kings stood on the bow, looking in the direction of Purple Gold City.'s finally our turn to die in battle!

I'm tired of living a long time ago! The wind is noisy today and the sun is warm, perfect for burying bones in the wilderness!

Hahaha, that boy from Shahuang took the lead at such a young age. Brother, I can't let him be lonely!

Brothers, even if I die today, I will tear off a piece of Han Yang's flesh and blood!

The twenty-one wild third-level martial kings were all like mad demons, roaring ferociously and talking nonsense.

They are not afraid of death.

I have even expected death!

Killing Han Yang is now their only obsession!

Under the shadows of many King Wu, there was a woman hiding in the darkness, her body trembling slightly, and her mouth making a weird smile.

King Tianhuang!

Han Yang is the king of the wild land at his first stop in the wild land.

He is also the strongest king in the thirty-six domains!

[The author has something to say]

I'll go to the hospital in the afternoon to get some water. I'll do two chapters first. I'll see if I can get some more in the evening. Sorry, I have a bad cold.

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