Nine Revolutions of the Stars Technique

Chapter 448 Hunting has become a joke

Although the ancestor of the Tianyan Sect spoke with great pride, anyone who knew him well could see that he was a bit harsh but shy at heart.

If he was really confident, when Ye Duhuo and others were defeated earlier, he should have rushed out and let the hive swallow them up.

After devouring five Ye Duhuo people, the hive can be upgraded to the third level.

If gods stand in the way, they will kill gods; if they stand in the way of Buddha, they will kill Buddha.

But Han Yang's Oblivion Blade scared him so much that he didn't dare to rush out.

Wait...if we wait a little longer, there will definitely be a chance!

The ancestor of the Tianyan Sect gritted his teeth and looked at Han Yang with eyes filled with resentment.

It’s a shame that heaven and earth are unfair.

It would be great if Han Yang was from the Tianyan Sect.

With a genius like Han Yang, Hive can easily reach the third level.

When the time comes, the Tianyan Sect will give birth to a king and open the ruins, and he will definitely become one of the Holy Sects!

Outside Zijin City.

Dozens of Holy Sons looked at the broken life talismans around their waists with stiff expressions.

Leaves alone live.

Luo Qianfang.

Li Xuantong.

Yang Shengtian.

The sword is one heart.

The top five fell!

If we add Xiang Baxian who died before, there are six people!

On the Tianwu Continent, six of the sixteen strongest people in the Yuan Dan Realm died under Han Yang's sword today.

Han Yang is so powerful, can he really be his opponent if he wins against Wudi and Qin Luoli?

Hunting Han Yang? Hahahaha, what a hunt for Han Yang!

After this battle, our six dynasties and ten holy sects will become a laughing stock!

These people are all the pride of heaven.

They are the most noble group of people in the entire Tianwu Continent.

In the past, they had nothing to spare and looked down upon casual warriors.

Now he was hit hard.

Six of the strongest among them fell into Han Yang's hands.

Their spirits were shattered by Han Yang at this moment.

At this time, no one dared to speak about hunting Han Yang.

With Han Yang's current strength, even if dozens of them were killed, it would just be a food delivery.

Perhaps only Ying Wudi and Qin Luoli can fight to restore their dignity.


In their hearts, most people actually dislike the two of them.

Han Yang was like a ferocious shadow, covering the heads of all saint-level geniuses.

It is more than ten miles away from Purple City.

The kings of the thirty-six domains looked silently at the familiar yet unfamiliar city in front of them.

Even though they were dozens of miles away, the terrifying power of the previous battle left them in awe.

Han Yang was stronger than the kings expected.

I thought it was a one-sided massacre, but now it seems... it's a fight to the death!

Hahahaha... isn't this better? We can finally fight to the death!

In the deathly silence of everyone, King Tianhuang slowly walked out of the darkness, with his head lowered and a ferocious smile on his face.

Like madness.

The dark aura emanating from her body made even the second-level Martial King feel suffocated.

Who is willing to go with me and fight Han Yang to the death?!

King Tianhuang's thin body burst out with unimaginable power, and the dark aura swept in all directions.

Hahaha! How could I miss this great opportunity to die in battle!

Let's die together!

Kill everyone!

The third-level Martial Kings among the thirty-six domain kings, all crazy and crazy, roared and rushed towards the Purple Gold City.

The second-level Martial King and the forty-two deputy palace masters stood motionless in the void.

After watching Han Yang's fight with the top five people from a distance, they knew that if they went to Han Yang, they would definitely just die.

Han Yang's strength has surpassed their level.

Only a third-level Martial King can pose any threat to him.

Don't worry, the kings can win! Han Yang will definitely be beyond his capabilities if he fires five tyrannical swords in a row!

One of the deputy palace masters murmured.

I don’t know whether he is encouraging other deputy palace masters or convincing himself.


Han Yang slashed five times in a row, and the power of each sword exceeded the limit of a ninth-level Yuan Dan.

In the end, what was used to kill Ye Duhuo was no longer the powerful sword technique like the previous five swords, but some kind of soul-killing technique.

Perhaps Han Yang has exhausted his strength!

In the eyes of many people, Han Yang has reached the end of his rope.

Only he knew that at this moment, he was suffering an unimaginable impact.

When the fighting spirit broke out, he unlocked all the poison-locking techniques. Even though he had cut out five swords, the terrifying power of the medicine still remained in his body.

In the past few days, he had swallowed dozens of earth-level elixirs, and even one heaven-level elixir!

Now, the potion is boiling and almost incineration to ashes!

Streams of blood poured out of his nose and eyes.

His whole body was about to explode.

Others thought he was exhausted, but in fact, he was... stretched to the limit.

No, we have to attack the fifth acupoint with pulse!

Han Yang had a vague feeling that if he didn't use the medicine to hit the pulse-bearing acupoints, he might even explode and die.

The fifth orifice point with pulse is Xuanzhong point.

This acupoint is extremely special, because according to past rules, after the fifth acupoint is opened, a magical power will be awakened.

Whether it was the soul-suppressing seal of Ren Mai or the deification of Du Mai, they were of great help to Han Yang.

Therefore, he is extremely looking forward to the magical power brought by the pulse.


He sat cross-legged on the ground, and within his body, the surging star energy began to attack his acupoints.

Under the impact of the almost inexhaustible star energy, the barrier of the Xuanzhong Cave was penetrated almost instantly.

Acupoints, open!

The moment the Xuanzhong acupoint was opened, Han Yang seemed to hear the sound of bells and drums in his consciousness.

As the bells and drums rang and the music kept vibrating, his body seemed to be cutting off its hair and cleansing its marrow again, becoming more perfect.

And the crackling sound battle body, this special battle body hidden in the orifices, slowly melted and turned into a part of the new magical power.

This magical power is... the voice of heaven?!

A flash of surprise flashed in Han Yang's eyes.

In the first eight lives, when the Holy Body of Heaven has evolved to the second level, the sound of Heaven will be produced, and the laws of heaven and earth will be communicated with music.

Inside, it can cut hair, cleanse marrow, and improve physical fitness.

Outside, use the rhythm to mobilize the laws to attack and kill the enemy.

Unexpectedly, after practicing the Nine Turns of Stars Art and the Holy Body of Heavenly Dao still at the first level, I would awaken such magical powers?


Simply wonderful.


Han Yang gently shook the magic sword Bai Zhan in his hand.

A ripple invisible to the naked eye rippled in all directions, creating ripples one after another.

The laws of heaven and earth began to surge irregularly.

The power of killing souls has obviously increased several times.

This is the second, most important point is that Han Yang clearly felt that after the hair and marrow cleansing by the Voice of Heaven, he seemed to still have the energy to continue to make breakthroughs with the help of the power of the medicine that had not completely dissipated in his body.

The sixth orifice point with pulse...Weidao point!

Just when Han Yang was about to go all out and continue to attack the sixth acupoint, a sudden change occurred.


Following the strange laughter, twenty-one figures suddenly appeared on all sides of the void.

The kings of the thirty-six domains have arrived!

There were a total of thirty-six third-level Martial King Palace Masters in the thirty-six wilderness areas, and fifteen of them were killed by Han Yang.

Now, the remaining twenty-one have all arrived.

Han Yang! Are you ready to die?

Darkness spread under King Tianhuang's feet, covering the sky and the sun.

The entire Zijin City seemed to have returned to the dark night.

The third-level Martial King in the wild land has no way to break through. He has been training in the third level for many years, and his strength is far superior to the third-level Martial King of the Imperial Dynasty and the Holy Sect.

These people are definitely stronger than the geniuses of the second sequence.

A few people, such as King Tianhuang, are even more qualified to compete with Ye Duhuo and others.

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