Nine Revolutions of the Stars Technique

Chapter 465 Han Yang is still invincible


At this time, Zhang Lingshan heard the undisguised sarcastic laughter of the Lord of Purple Gold City.

At this moment, Zhang Lingshan completely collapsed.

Shi Ke can't be killed! Just kill me!

He really didn't want to live anymore.

If he had known that Han Yang was so powerful, he would not have done anything to Han Yang no matter what.

Now that things failed, he knew that he would never survive.

With the fighting prowess Han Yang showed, even if his master Zi Jinsou was soft-hearted, it would be impossible for him to intercede on his behalf.

Therefore, he must die.

No no no...

The Lord of Purple Gold City shook his finger and said with a smile: I haven't finished speaking yet, how can you die?

Zhang Lingshan opened his mouth and looked at the city lord angrily.

Before Han Yang came to Purple Gold City, the city lord was as obedient as a dog in front of him, not even daring to bark more.

In Zijin City, Zijin Sou is the legitimate master, and they, the alchemists, are equivalent to the young master.

The so-called city lord is just a housekeeper and a dog they keep.

But now, the Lord of Purple Gold City was unfamiliar to him.

The Lord of Purple Gold City said with a distorted expression: Killing the top six leaders and the kings of the thirty-six domains is just the beginning... Not long ago, Mr. Han killed the mysterious sixth-level Martial King in Purple Gold City!


A thunder exploded in Zhang Lingshan's head.

He screamed in disbelief: Impossible! You must be lying to me! You are just a Yuan Dan realm, how can you kill the sixth-level Martial King...

He turned to look at the second holy son of Xuanming Sect and roared: Do you think so? He must be lying to us!

The expression on Zi Jinsou's face became extremely exciting.

His disciple was still deceiving himself, but he had already believed the words of the Lord of Purple Gold City.

If it weren't for such a record, it seemed impossible that anyone could hurt Han Yang.

It was only then that he belatedly discovered that the little girl Li Xuanyu, who was dressed in white and smelled of alcohol, actually exuded powerful soul power.

Sixth level Martial King? !

This little girl who is called the Wine Sword Fairy by the outside world is actually... a sixth-level Martial King?

The moment he discovered the truth, Zi Jinsou even doubted that he had not spent three days in seclusion refining elixirs.

But three hundred years have passed!

If not, how could Li Xuanyu suddenly become a sixth-level Martial King from the Yuan Dan realm?

How could Han Yang kill the sixth-level Martial King!

He moved his withered lips, wanting to ask, but... the Lord of Purple Gold City still hadn't finished speaking.

The latter looked at them in a strange tone and said: In the same previous battle, Mr. Han has...killed His Highness the Barbarian King of my barbaric land!


There was a sound of neck twisting.

Zijin Sou, Zhang Lingshan, and all the alchemists all looked at the Lord of Zijin City with incredulous expressions.

Barbarian King!

That was one of the two kings of the wilderness.

The top level six martial king!

Against an ordinary sixth-level Martial King, you can even fight one against two, or one against three!

Such a terrifying and powerful man died in the hands of Han Yang?

So... Han Yang killed two sixth-level Martial Kings in one battle?

An icy chill froze everyone's souls.

They couldn't even digest the shocking news.

Zhang Lingshan seemed completely stunned, his eyes were dull, his mouth was open, and he couldn't say a word.

His mind could no longer turn around and could not form any thoughts.

He didn't even have the heart to beg for mercy.

At this moment, only one sentence echoed in his mind: Han Yang, kill the Barbarian King.

Lingshan! You are so confused, look what you have done!

Zhang Lingshan, how can you be rude to your benefactor!

Repay kindness with hatred, you beast!

At this moment, familiar voices pulled Zhang Lingshan back from his confused consciousness.

Father? Mother? Grandpa?

He stared blankly at the familiar face in front of him, almost thinking that he had fallen into hell.

Otherwise, how could we see these relatives who Yinlou said had been killed by Han Yang? !


Grandpa Zhang Lingshan slammed his cane down and cursed angrily: If Mr. Han hadn't protected us, our whole family would have been dead when Zijin City was destroyed. You are unreasonable and dare to poison your benefactor. ! It’s simply worse than a pig or a dog!”

Zhang Lingshan finally realized what happened.

He was deceived by the people of Yinlou and Xuanming Sect.

His closest relatives were not dead at all.

Han Yang destroyed the Zhang family last time, but because he was a disciple of Zi Jinsou, he spared only a few of his close relatives.

So...this is an exploitation from beginning to end!

It's ridiculous that he, who is so greedy for profit, actually used revenge as an excuse to attack Han Yang for his own selfish purposes?

Ha ha ha ha……

Zhang Lingshan laughed maniacally.

He's a complete joke.


Zi Jinsou struck Zhang Lingshan on the head with his staff, killing him!

After killing Zhang Lingshan, Zi Jinsou prostrated himself at Han Yang's feet and said mournfully: Master Han, I'm sorry for you!

At this moment, he finally believed that Han Yang could really avenge him!

His lifelong long-cherished wish finally came true.

Han Yang stretched out his hand to help Zi Jinsou up, and said with a smile: No need to do this, what he did has nothing to do with you!

It really has nothing to do with Zijinsou.

Zhang Lingshan didn't tell the truth at all before.

Zhang Lingshan kept saying that he had never thought of harming Zi Jinsou, but the poison he just released was powerful enough to kill a high-level Martial King.

With Zi Jinsou's old constitution, even if he got the antidote, it would be impossible for him to survive.

From the very beginning, Zhang Lingshan had planned to kill his master.

Calling him a beast is not wrong!

Not far away, Zi Jinsou's disciples all looked at the second holy son of Xuan Ming Sect who was kneeling on the ground with idiotic eyes.

How could this guy be so stupid?

Han Yang, Young Master Han, even killed two sixth-level Martial Kings. He actually dared to set up an ambush and wanted to poison Young Master Han.

How stupid!

The second holy son of the Xuanming Sect also realized that his death was imminent and hurriedly shouted: Master Han, spare your life! I am willing to teach you all the skills of the Xuanming Sect in exchange for my humble life...

As soon as these words came out, even Zi Jinsou's expression moved slightly, and he looked at Han Yang subconsciously, as if he wanted him to accept the deal.

The reason why the Holy Sect is the Holy Sect is not only because the Holy Sect can enter the Emperor's Secret Realm and obtain massive resources, but also because the Holy Sect's skills come from the Divine Ruins and do not belong to this world!

Only by practicing the emperor-level skills of the Holy Sect or the dynasty can it be possible to take the final step.

Become the emperor through life and death!

Otherwise, even if he practices the strongest casual cultivation technique, as strong as Han Yang, he may be able to counterattack King Wu in the Yuan Dan realm, but he will still be in the king realm and will not be able to glimpse the road to becoming emperor for the rest of his life.

The deal offered by the second holy son of Xuanming Sect was enough to make everyone's heart flutter.

Haha, not a bad deal...

Han Yang laughed twice.

Just when the joy of survival appeared on the face of the second holy son of Xuanming Sect, Han Yang shook his head: It's a pity that I'm not interested!

After saying that, he didn't even wait for the second holy son of Xuanming Sect to react before stepping on him.


The latter's head was directly crushed and he died!

People watching the situation from a distance were shocked by Han Yang's brutality.

More people were afraid and looked at Han Yang with awe.

Previously, everyone thought that Han Yang had self-exploded his acupoints and that his strength might be gone.

But now, the second holy son, who is comparable to the third-level Martial King, was crushed to death by him like an ant?

It seems that Mr. Han... is still the invincible Han Yang!

Yinlou! Xuanming Sect! It seems that the lessons I gave you are not enough.

Han Yang, who had his hands behind his back, had murderous intent in his eyes.

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