Nine Revolutions of the Stars Technique

Chapter 470 Eighth Level Invincibility

Half a day later, outside Zijin City.

I was delayed by trivial matters and came a step late. I'm extremely sorry. Peach Blossom Island's famous wine is my apology to Brother Ying!

Outside Zijin City, Han Yang handed a wine gourd to Ying Cheng.

Ying Cheng, who had a bitter look on his face, took the wine gourd, poured wine into his mouth, and said with a wry smile: Brother Han is joking. If I dare to reach out to Brother Han now, I will be overestimating my capabilities.

He never expected that the promised battle between him and Han Yang would turn out like this.

In just a few days, Han Yang actually killed three sixth-level Martial Kings.

How can this compare?

At most, he only has the qualifications to fight against the fourth-level Martial King.

When Han Yang faced him, he was just chopping melons and vegetables.

Cough cough cough cough...

As soon as he took a sip of ice drunk, a thin layer of frost formed on Ying Cheng's body, and he was also shocked by the power of ice drunk.

Good guy! Most people can't drink this wine.

Han Yang was also willing to drink with him, which made Ying Cheng very happy.

Sisu, who was standing not far away, looked at the two men with a smile, not knowing what he was thinking.

Taking back the wine gourd, Han Yang said with a hint of apology: Unfortunately, this is the wine brewed by Jiu Jianxian himself, I can't give it to you...

When Yingcheng heard this, he nodded and smiled without saying much.

After pondering for a moment, he suddenly raised his hands and said, Brother Han, just because you are willing to have a sip of wine with me, you are my friend in Yingcheng. I have news that I must tell you.

It's too late for you to leave the wilderness now. The Holy Sects of the Imperial Dynasty have joined forces because of you. Now, seventy-four intermediate martial kings are rushing to Purple Gold City... to kill you!

The Holy Sect of the Imperial Dynasty joined forces to create sixteen sixth-level Martial Kings and fifty-eight fifth-level Martial Kings.

To be honest, Yingcheng himself was scared.

In his memory, the last time the Imperial Sects teamed up to deal with one person was King Yum.

But at that time, King Bai Sheng was already in the realm of King Wu.

And Han Yang is only in the Caiyuan Dan realm now.

It can be seen that the Imperial Dynasty and the Holy Sect are far more afraid of Han Yang than King Yum.

With so many mid-level Martial Kings dispatched at once, even Yingcheng felt a little numb.

If he doesn't leave, Han Yang...will die.

However, what surprised him was that after he said this information, Han Yang on the other side didn't seem to have any expression of fear.

Even with a smile on his face, he took a sip of wine and handed the wine gourd over again.

Yingcheng took the wine gourd in a daze but did not drink it.

He felt that he must have not spoken clearly and Han Yang had misunderstood, so he was so calm.

So, he straightened his expression and repeated it again.

Among the seventy-four Martial Kings, there are sixteen sixth-level Martial Kings and fifty-eight fifth-level Martial Kings.

Hearing Ying Cheng's words, Han Yang finally showed a look of astonishment.

Yingcheng let out a sigh of relief, thinking that his persuasion worked.

At this moment, he heard Han Yang ask in a surprised tone: There are only sixteen sixth-level Martial Kings? Could it be that the six dynasties and the ten holy sects only sent one sixth-level king?

This tone clearly contained some disappointment.

He seemed a little unhappy at being looked down upon.


Yingcheng stared at Han Yang, unable to say a word for a long time.

Is this bastard deliberately angry with himself?

Ha ha ha ha……

Seeing Ying Cheng's defeat, Han Yang burst out laughing, looking overjoyed.

Even Sisu pursed her lips slightly.

Ying Cheng is indeed a fool.

Well, a fool who deserves to be liked.

Sisu squinted her eyes, thinking happily.

It would have been impossible for her and Ying Cheng to get together because their identities were too important.

The relationship between Daxia and Daqin is not harmonious.

But when there is Han Yang between them, it is different.

At least before Han Yang's death, it was impossible for the old guys from the Daxia Dynasty and Dachu Dynasty to interfere openly in the relationship between her and Ying Cheng.

Those old guys have long been accustomed to the idea of ​​not putting their eggs in one basket.

Ying Cheng and her may now have become pawns for those old guys to befriend Han Yang.

Ying Cheng was very angry, his eyes widened with anger, and he looked like he was about to take action.

Han Yang suddenly pressed his shoulders and said with a smile: I made a breakthrough.

With these four simple words, the anger on Ying Cheng's face instantly turned into shock.


It’s only been a few days since I broke through the sixth level of Yuan Dan, and I broke through again?

Didn’t you agree to recuperate?

Why did it break through instead?

The seventh level of Yuan Dan?

At the sixth level of Yuan Dan, Han Yang could counterattack the sixth-level Martial King. Now, could he counterattack the seventh-level king?

Yingcheng didn't even notice that his breathing quickened by three points at this moment.


Just as he was about to ask, he suddenly heard two words coming out of Han Yang's mouth: Eight layers!


The eighth level of Yuan Dan?

Ying Cheng's mind buzzed, and his eyes suddenly became dull.

In two days and one night, Han Yang, who was originally seriously injured, not only bloodbathed hundreds of cities in the Thunder Desolate Territory, but also broke through two realms one after another?

Sisu also opened her mouth wide and could not close it at all.

With Han Yang's combat power, she knew what it meant to break through two levels in a row.


At least until the Nine Levels Martial King appeared, Han Yang was invincible.

In the entire Tianwu Continent, basically all high-level martial kings are concentrated in the Emperor's Secret Realm, looking for a chance to break through.

In the Shengzong Dynasty, at most one or two ninth-level Martial Kings would be left in charge.

Then there are the few third-level Martial Kings.

No one would want to stay in a place like Tianwu Continent with incomplete laws.

For warriors who enter the King Realm, the Emperor's Secret Realm is their destiny.

In this case, Han Yang would be invincible if he did not come out of the ninth level...

Han Yang patted Ying Cheng on the shoulder and said earnestly: Brother Ying, you have to understand that the dynasty is both an opportunity and a constraint!

Is the dynasty an opportunity or a constraint?

What does this mean?

Sisu looked at Han Yang without knowing why.

It's chance, she understands this.

If they had not been born in the imperial dynasty and were cultivated by the imperial dynasty's martial arts and elixirs, they would not have been able to defeat the King of Martial Arts at the ninth level of Yuan Dan.

But what does bondage mean?

Sisu didn't understand, but Yingcheng was shocked.

He understood somewhat.

Since Han Yang has revealed his trump card, he is not afraid that he and Sisu will spread the word.

Because Han Yang is confident in his own strength and has no fear!

Even if people from the six major dynasties and the ten major holy sects know this trump card, what should come will come, and whoever deserves to die will die.

This is the domineering spirit that belongs to the king.

Compared to Han Yang, Yingcheng was burdened with too many things.

The dynasty has indeed become his fetters.

Brother Han, you have learned a lesson!

Ying Cheng handed over his hand again, with a different look in his eyes. He said apologetically: Brother Han, I'm afraid I won't be able to witness this unprecedented battle.

After being awakened by Han Yang, his thoughts were clear, his soul was perfect, and he felt a faint feeling of breakthrough.

He is about to advance to the rank of King of Martial Arts.

According to the rules of the Great Qin Dynasty, after breaking through to the Martial King Realm, he needs to enter the Emperor's Secret Realm.

Han Yang smiled and said, Don't worry, we will meet each other eventually.

Ying Cheng couldn't help but his eyes lit up.

Han Yang will go to the secret realm of the Emperor!

After realizing it, Yingcheng couldn't help but laugh.


Han Yang was already at the eighth level of Yuan Dan at this time, and was only one step away from the King of Martial Realm, so he would definitely go to the Emperor's Secret Realm soon.

Then I will wait for Brother Han in the secret realm!

Ying Cheng took a deep gulp of wine, handed back the wine gourd, and turned around to leave.

Sisu was a little confused, she didn't know what happened.

Seeing Ying Cheng leaving, she could only salute Han Yang slightly and follow Ying Cheng's footsteps.

Han Yang looked at the backs of Ying Cheng and the two of them, with a smile on his lips.

After being reborn in the ninth life, he never had many friends.

This time when he was reborn in Tianwu Continent, Li Xuanyu was counted as one, Xiao Jiuer was counted as one, Yingcheng was also counted as one, and as for Sisu, he could barely be counted as half.

He would naturally go to the Emperor's Secret Realm.

But before that, he had to go to another place.

Xuan Yi Palace!

It's time to take Chen Qiaoqian back to you.

A touch of sunset reflected the sky red, more like a touch of blood.

The wild land is about to usher in an unprecedented war.

After this battle, he will make the six dynasties and the ten holy sects tremble and become uneasy when they hear his name...

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