Nine Revolutions of the Stars Technique

Chapter 472 Blood List Civil War

Zijinsou left.

After making an agreement with Han Yang to meet in the Emperor's Secret Realm, he took all his disciples and left Purple Gold City.

Six dynasties, ten holy sects, and a total of seventy-four martial kings came, and they had to leave.

These Martial Kings are enough to destroy Zijin City and even destroy most of the Leihuang Territory.

Even the Lord of Zijin City left with Zijin Old Man.

If Zijin Old Man leaves, no one will protect him if he stays here. The entire Zijin City, including Zijin Old Man's courtyard, will be deserted.

Only Han Yang and his party stayed.

Jiang Hong also followed Zi Jinsou under Han Yang's arrangement.

Even if he was reluctant to leave, after understanding the truth of the matter, he knew that if he continued to stay, he would only cause trouble for Enfeng.

Sixteen sixth-level Martial Kings!

Just thinking about it made Jiang Hong feel like his scalp was numb.

Only beings like the benefactor can deal with it calmly, without even thinking about temporarily avoiding the sharp edge and defeating each other.

Han Yang, Li Xuanyu, and Xiao Jiuer sat at the stone table outside the courtyard, enjoying the delicacies left by the Lord of Purple Gold City.

As for Jixiang Tian...he went into seclusion in a miserable way.

She will become the King of Martial Arts soon, maybe within a day or two.

I found that Xiao Jiuer's improvement speed has become much faster in the past two days. Is there any surprise?

Li Xuanyu, who doesn't drink, rarely cares about other things.

Han Yang glanced at Xiao Jiu'er, who was about to break through the third level of the Heavenly Corpse, and said thoughtfully: It should be that after the death of King Man and others, the remaining corpse energy was absorbed by her.

The evil Buddha's level is too high.

As a result, Xiao Jiuer was very slow to absorb the evil Buddha's corpse energy, so he was unable to break through.

However, the corpse energy of two sixth-level Martial Kings, twenty-one third-level Martial Kings, and many saint-level geniuses made her make considerable progress.

After pondering for a moment, Han Yang said: Xiao Jiu'er, go and call Ji Xiangtian over.

Xiao Jiuer held a bunch of candied haws and nodded silently.

After advancing to the second level, her consciousness recovered a lot.

Maybe soon, she will be just like a normal person.


Ji Xiangtian soon appeared outside the yard. When he saw Han Yang, he made an exaggerated leap, hugged Han Yang's thigh, and shouted with tears in his eyes: Master! If I don't leave, you must not give up on me... ...In one day, no, two days at most, I can gather the Heavenly Soul and become the Martial King. I, I am still useful...

At the end of the day, Ji Xiangzhen had trouble sleeping and eating.

Zi Jinsou was sent away.

Jiang Hong was also sent away.

She was worried that Han Yang wanted her to leave because he asked her to come here.

Now, she couldn't bear to give up Han Yang. This kind of master, who was like a son of heaven and earth, had a bright future with him, and would never be able to find another one.

Han Yang kicked Ji Xiangtian away angrily.

Ji Xiangtian still wanted to pounce on him, but when Han Yang glared at her, she wilted and stood aside obediently.

Li Xuanyu, holding a roasted chicken in his hand, giggled as he looked at it.

Get over here!

Han Yang had no good way to deal with Ji Xiangtian, a shameless hob.

In terms of age, Ji Xiangtian was much older than him and Li Xuanyu, but he had a cute look on his face, which prevented Han Yang from making serious moves.

Ji Xiangtian leaned close to Han Yang, pouting aggrievedly.


Han Yang kept tapping the center of Ji Xiangtian's eyebrows, and a stream of memory quickly passed into Ji Xiangtian's sea of ​​consciousness.

Don't make a breakthrough recently. After I kill someone, you can use this set of skills to quickly gather the three souls of heaven, earth, and people. Han Yang touched her head and warned her solemnly.

It's actually not bad to have such an obedient follower.

You can let her do any chores, just like training a slave.

Feeling the skills that appeared in his memory, the expression on Ji Xiangtian's face suddenly became very exciting.

It seemed a little beyond her understanding.

Magic power? !

This set of skills, named by Han Yang as the Heaven-Swallowing Divine Skill, is clearly a set of magic skills.

Unexpectedly, he can swallow the three souls of heaven, earth and humans of other warriors to quickly strengthen his own soul.

Even in the Soul Realm stage, you can continue to use it to directly swallow other people's Seven Souls and strengthen your own body.

Why, you don't dare to learn? Aren't you a lawless demon of all heavens?

Han Yang joked with a half-smile.

Haha...haha... Ji Xiangtian laughed endlessly, but he was already screaming in his heart.

All the devils in heaven?

Compared with the things done by the gods, compared with the set of exercises given by Han Yang, he can be called a living Bodhisattva of Pudu Cihang.

Didn't expect that my master could actually master such terrifying magic skills?


Master, please be rest assured. I will do whatever you ask me to do. Even if I, the auspicious god, fall into hell and will never be reincarnated, I will never let you down.

Ji Xiangtian roared with a hint of excitement.

With this set of magic skills, I might be able to keep up with my master soon.

Han Yang nodded disapprovingly and said calmly: You have to remember that you can only use this technique to devour the soul of a warrior with my permission. If you have the courage to abuse it, I can make you do it with just a move of my fingers. Disappear into ashes, and truly never be reincarnated.”

Jixiang Tianji Lingling shuddered and hurriedly knelt down and kowtowed: Master, don't worry, this slave will definitely obey your master's words.

What a joke!

Without Han Yang's protection, she would have become a public enemy in the world the moment she revealed this set of magic skills.

The six dynasties, the ten holy sects, and even all the warriors in the world would never let her go.

At this time, Han Yang raised his head and drank the last sip of wine in the glass.

Unexpectedly, they came faster than expected...

After saying that, he slowly stood up and looked at an ancient tree outside the Zijin courtyard.

Li Xuanyu frowned and put down his chopsticks, looking at the food on the table with some reluctance.

Ji Xiangtian didn't hesitate, picked up Xiao Jiu'er who was carrying a fat chicken and ran away.

The two little guys are not qualified to participate in a battle at this level.

Hehehe... As expected of the Demon Sword Master who can kill the sixth-level Martial King, he discovered me so quickly... As a burst of sinister laughter spread, a black shadow appeared under the ancient tree. emerge.

This man obviously didn't wear a mask on his face, but it was hard to see his true face, as if his face was always covered with a layer of mist.

Second on the blood list, Kuro Yusen!

Li Xuanyu frowned with a strange expression.

She recognized who this man was.

The opponent was not a member of the six dynasties or the ten holy sects at all, but someone who had been on the blood list for many years, and even the two wild kings couldn't do anything about him... Kuro Yusen.

This person, who calls himself the Thousand-Faced Man, possesses the power of thousands of people with thousands of faces.

He has roamed the wilderness for nearly five hundred years, and no one knows his true identity.

Unexpectedly, he also came to join us.

Han Yang ignored Kuro Yusen, but said lightly: The one on the canopy, please show up too!

Hearing Han Yang's words, Kuroyusen Jiejie smiled strangely.

Lao Zhan! What do you think? I'll tell you, there's no use hiding it! If he can't even find you, he can't kill the barbarian king's bull!

The tone was full of teasing and joking.


There was a cold snort from the tree crown.

A figure wearing a black mask suddenly appeared.

Number one on the blood list, fighting against the emperor!

No one expected that the seventy-four Martial Kings of the Holy Sect of the Imperial Dynasty did not arrive. Instead, these two heroes who had been on the blood list for many years and roamed the wild lands appeared together.

He came first to hunt Han Yang.


The moment Emperor Zhan appeared, Han Yang already exuded a strong fighting spirit.

The evil spirit of blood rose into the sky.

Li Xuanyu curled his lips and couldn't help but take a small step to the side.

Looking at Han Yang's state, she knew that nothing would happen to her in this battle.

However, she also had some curiosity.

Han Yang's astonishing record of killing the Barbarian King and even wiping out three kings in one battle has long been spread. How can these two guys who are first and second on the blood list dare to challenge him?

[The author has something to say]

Behind, the climax is approaching. Please support me.

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