Nine Revolutions of the Stars Technique

Chapter 474 Han Yang is disappointed

Zhan Tianzi, in fact, his surname is not Zhan, the word Zhan is just his nickname! He has the strongest fighting spirit in Tianwu Continent! He becomes stronger when he encounters a strong one, and the more he fights, the stronger he becomes! If you can't defeat him within two moves, he will be counterattacked by him. Defeat!

Qin Luoli told a truth that even everyone found difficult to accept.

When you encounter strength, you become stronger. The more you fight, the stronger you become?

If you can't defeat it within two moves, will you be counterattacked?

Is there such a superpower in the world?

Seemingly noticing the disbelief in everyone's eyes, Qin Luoli said lightly: This is... what I, Qin Shang of Yanyue Palace, said about him!

Hearing the word Qin Shang, everyone couldn't help but take a breath of air, and there was no longer any doubt in their hearts about the emperor's strength.

Qin Shang of Yanyue Palace was once the number one saint-level genius like Ying Wudi and Qin Luoli.

What’s even more frightening is that this person has extended his talent to the Martial King realm!

This person only entered Yuan Dan at the age of eighteen, much later than many saint-level geniuses.

But after concluding Yuan Dan, he began to make rapid progress.

It only took two years to reach the Martial King Realm!

After entering the Martial King Realm, he condensed his soul in three years and his soul in five years. Now he is only fifty years old and he is already a strong man at the seventh level of the Martial King!

Even among the six dynasties and the ten holy sects, he was one of the top geniuses.

What he said personally is absolutely correct.

Haha... let them eat dog! No one on the blood list is good!

I don’t know which family’s holy son it was that made such a sarcastic comment.

Everyone around him nodded silently.

The noncommittal Qin Luoli frowned slightly and looked forward with an indifferent expression.

Over there, the battle has begun.

The first to launch the offensive was Emperor Zhan.

But Kuro Yusen, the Thousand-faced Taoist, arrived late and got into hands with Han Yang first.


The ground beneath Han Yang's feet exploded.

A flash of sword light rushed toward Han Yang's lower abdomen at a speed beyond the imagination of any warrior.


The sword screamed and trembled.

There seemed to be a six-colored halo flowing above the sword's edge, which looked extremely dazzling.

Oh? He actually compressed the sixth-level king-level force field and superimposed it on the sword's edge... It's a bit interesting. He's no better than the barbarian king who only knows that the sixth-level king-level force field is one!

Facing the sudden attack, Han Yang did not panic at all, as if he had expected it.

His foot suddenly stomped down!

Star Destroyer God!

Unlike other warriors who can only exert force in their Dantian.

Han Yang penetrates the two meridians of Ren and Du, and opens the eight acupoints with the meridians.

There are as many as three acupoints located in the footsteps alone.

In an instant, all the power in the acupoints can be exploded, and the power in the Dantian can be mobilized and then moved to the steps, many times faster than ordinary warriors.


An invisible gray ripple invaded along the ground.

Actually, one kick shattered the sneak attack sword.

The sixth level king realm force field also collapsed to pieces under this kick.

The ground collapsed, creating a large pit that was a foot deep.

A ghostly figure rushed towards Kuro Yusen with blood and became one with him.

Sure enough, you can break my secret technique with just one kick?

Kuro Yusen's face was slightly pale, with a look of surprise in his eyes.

Everyone does not know that unlike other warriors whose three souls are integrated into one, Kuro Yusen's three souls of heaven, earth, and human can still be separated from the body.

The previous attack was initiated by Earth Soul.

The soul is not a living thing, so it is inanimate and almost impossible to detect.

When he was in the Emperor's Secret Realm, he used this method to assassinate many sixth-level Martial Kings.

I didn't expect that when I met Han Yang, he would be crushed by him using such a weird method? !

Han Yang ignored Kuro Yusen's deliberate fuss and shouts to distract him, but instead extended his blade and slashed forward.

Because at this time, Emperor Zhan's attack has arrived.

A fist shining with golden light smashed into Han Yang's face.

Dragon Fist, the angry dragon comes out of the abyss!

Emperor Zhan is actually a rare boxing master who doesn’t use any weapons!

The angry dragon roared, and the golden dragon fist compressed and shattered the surrounding space.


In an instant, Han Yang's Star Destroyer struck.

The dragon's head and claws all disappeared in the annihilation power of the Star Destroyer God, but the dragon's tail wrapped around Han Yang's neck.

That's the elbow of Emperor Zhan.


Han Yang, who couldn't avoid it, was hit by an elbow.

Got it.

The princes and saints who were watching the battle all let out cheers of surprise.

Unexpectedly, in the first round of the fight, Han Yang successfully attacked Han Yang's vital points. With the attack power that Zhan Tianzi could unleash, Han Yang would definitely...


The scene they expected did not appear. Han Yang, who was standing on the same spot, actually... did not move at all.

But the robe on his body suddenly shook back, making a crisp sound.

He lowered his head and looked at the stiff-bodied Emperor Zhan with an indifferent expression.

Is this all your power is?

Han Yang was a little disappointed.

Having felt Emperor Zhan's fighting spirit system before, he was also inspired to fight.

Originally, he wanted to experience the fighting power of Emperor Zhan when he jumped up the ranks.


It's just comparable to the Barbarian King.

If it were the six acupoints with pulses, he might still need to open the acupoints to deal with it, but now, after successfully opening the eight acupoints with pulses, Han Yang didn't even need to dodge.

This attack couldn't even break through the defense!

With fighting spirit boiling over, but encountering such a trash opponent, Han Yang felt a burst of anger rising in his heart for no reason.


Han Yang slapped Bai Zhan with his left hand without even using the Demon Sword.


Zhan Tianzi only had time to tilt his head slightly before he was slapped hard.

Under the heavy blow, his face deformed rapidly.

The sixth level king realm force field was instantly shattered.

An unknown number of facial bones were shattered.

The whole body was more like a broken puppet, flying upside down.

After rolling for seven or eight times, it crashed to the ground in a helter-skelter manner, exploding into a pile of dust.

There was deathly silence on the battlefield!

Even Kuro Yusen, who originally wanted to take action, stood stunned on the spot.

The famous Emperor Zhan was knocked away by Han Yang with a slap in the face? are not at the sixth level of Yuan Dan anymore?

After a brief period of confusion, Kuroyusen finally came to his senses.

The power displayed by Han Yang's previous slap was definitely not at the sixth level of Yuan Dan.

When he killed the Barbarian King, Han Yang blew his acupoints twice and was exhausted before barely winning.

But now...crush!

The sixth-level Martial King, who was comparable to the Barbarian King, was defeated by Han Yang directly by crushing him!

Damn it!

Kuroyusen realized that he and Zhan Tianzi were both covered, fearing they might have hit the steel plate.

This Han Yang is much stronger than a few days ago.

Why, how could this happen...

far away.

All the Holy Sons and Princes looked at all this with their mouths agape.

It is said that when encountering a strong force, one becomes stronger, but the more one fights, the stronger one becomes?

What if Han Yang must die?

How could such a famous person be slapped away by Han Yang? !

This is too...

The seventh level of Yuan Dan? In just a few days, Han Yang not only recovered from his injuries, but also successfully promoted to the seventh level of Yuan Dan?

Damn it! I know, it must be... the potion of elixir that Zi Jinsou refined for him!

What should we do now? With the sixth level of Yuan Dan, we can counterattack the sixth-level Martial King. With the seventh level of Yuan Dan, wouldn't it...

The princes and saints felt as if they were mourning their heirs, and they all started to tremble with fear.

The first saint son of Yinlou and the third saint son of Xuanming Sect were even more chilled and thought of retreating.

This time, Han Yang is afraid that he can still... kill everyone.

At this moment, Qin Luoli's voice sounded in the void again.

Don't worry...the battle has just begun...

As if confirming her words, a sound like the roar of a wild beast suddenly exploded on the battlefield.

Zhan Tianzi's clothes exploded inch by inch, his body swelled, his muscles bulged, and his whole body exuded a terrifying explosive force, as if the world-destroying demon had arrived.

There is no doubt that now, the famous number one on the blood list has finally unleashed his full potential...

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