Nine Revolutions of the Stars Technique

Chapter 484 The token is available

Hehe, I've been waiting for your words!

Ji Xiangtian smiled and took action, and Bai Shengsheng's small hands grabbed the necks of the two of them.

Wait a minute...

Ye Ningtian shouted hurriedly!

Bullshit Tiandao Sect elder!

The bastard who spoke earlier is Deng Yan, the direct grandson of the leader of Tiandao Sect!

If Deng Yan was injured by Han Yang in Tianzhi Tower, he might not even have a chance to escape with the earth-level elixir.

Tiandaozong will never let him go.

Be bold!


Deng Yan and Deng Yan were also furious. They drew their weapons and attacked Ji Xiangtian.

The bastards of the Heavenly Dao are only at the ninth level of Yuan Dan, but they dare to attack them...

Bang bang!

Ji Xiangtian's immature hands held the weapons of the two men.

The next moment, in everyone's shocked eyes, the two spiritual weapons shattered into countless pieces.

Jixiang Tianbaisheng's little hand continued to move forward and easily pressed the two people's necks.

Martial King...Martial King!?

The other guy was fine, just annoyed.

But Deng Yan's face was full of shock.

He had heard of the name of the Auspicious Heaven of All Heavens before.

According to the latest information, she is only at the ninth level of Yuan Dan.

Moreover, it was only after meeting Han Yang that he met by chance and made rapid progress in a short period of time, reaching the ninth level of Yuan Dan.

He thought he could defeat this kind of guy who rushed in rashly with just one hand.

In the end, he actually took action, and he was captured with one move.

This little-known witch of all heavens has actually entered the realm of the King of Martial Arts!

When he thought of this, Deng Yan felt extremely aggrieved.

After all, he is also the direct grandson of the sect leader of a majestic king-level force. After hundreds of years, he has not been able to be promoted to King of Martial Arts.

Why is this auspicious day? !

Master, do you want to kill him directly, or exchange it for a token?

After Ji Xiangtian was promoted to the King of Martial Arts, his first attack was easy, and the smile on his little face became more intense.

Ye Ningtian shivered when he saw this scene.


She is truly the witch of all heavens!

In such a chilling moment, he could still laugh.

At this time, Deng Yan did not have the consciousness of a prisoner, and roared angrily: Han Yang! I am the direct grandson of the leader of Tiandao Sect, and you actually let your servants be so humiliated, I...

Before he finished speaking, he heard Han Yang say lightly: Give him something powerful to try.


Almost as soon as Han Yang's voice fell, Deng Yan heard a crisp sound from his cervical vertebrae.

An unimaginable pain spread from the neck to every corner of the body.


In just an instant, Deng Yan lost his appearance as a disciple.

His whole body was twitching like a shrimp.

The methods used by the gods to torture people are at the master level!

In less than ten breaths, Deng Yan seemed to have been reincarnated in hell.

When the pain receded like a tide, he opened his mouth wide and tried to breathe, but he could still feel the burning pain in various parts of his body.

Han Yang! You will regret it!

Deng Yan looked at Han Yang bitterly, his eyes full of hatred.

Ye Ningtian also hurriedly advised: Your Majesty the Demon King, don't be impulsive! Tiandao Sect has a high-level Martial King sitting in charge...

Among the other king-level forces in the Chu Dynasty, there was usually only one low-level Martial King who guarded the sect.

But Tiandao Sect is different.

Tiandao Sect is a subordinate sect of Xuan Yiyi Palace. In addition to three first-level Martial Kings and one third-level Martial King, there is also a seventh-level Martial King whose lifespan is about to run out!

Deng Yan seemed to have found confidence because of Ye Ningtian's words, and said with a ferocious smile: Han Yang, you can dominate in the wild land, but this is the Tiandao Sect and the territory of Xuandao Palace, you...

Before he finished his sentence, Han Yang nodded slightly again.


The hellish pain came again.

Deng Yan completely lost the power to speak.

His whole body was wet with sweat, his muscles were spasming constantly, and there was a sorrowful look in his eyes.

Your Majesty the Demon King, you are in big trouble!

Ye Ning stamped his feet anxiously.

Han Yang said calmly: Compared to Ye Shu, you are far behind.

After saying that, he ignored Ye Ningtian and walked towards the outside of Tianzhi Building.

Ji Xiangtian was holding one in each hand, dragging Deng Yan and the two of them like a dog to death.

With her height as a six or seven-year-old girl, she was really dragging two people along.

The sound of friction between the body and the ground made one's teeth feel sore.

Ye Ningtian stamped his feet in annoyance, turned around and ran away without hesitation.

I can’t stay in Changsheng City any longer.

This Demon King Han Yang is simply crazy!

Do you still think this is a wild land?

In the wild land, there is a gap in strength. Apart from King Yum, there is no high-level Martial King.

But the Great Chu Dynasty and Xuan Yi Palace were different!

Han Yang's move is tantamount to seeking death!

When Han Yang took Xiao Jiuer and Ji Xiangtian out of Tianzhi Building, many people had already gathered outside.

The news of Demon King Han Yang's arrival in Changsheng City has spread all over the world.

At this time, seeing Deng Yan and Deng Yan looking like dead dogs, the faces of the people watching outside changed.

This Han Yang really deserves to be called the Demon King. He had just returned to the Chu Dynasty and had caused such a big disaster.

Deng Yan is the favorite grandson of the Tiandao Sect leader.

Han Yang dared to humiliate Deng Yan like this. This matter will definitely not be rectified!

Han Yang’s rise is too fast.

So much so that many warriors have an unconcealable feeling of jealousy.

Not to mention, Han Yang still has the Najie in his hand that contains the treasure of Shenxu.

Now that they see him getting into trouble, the onlookers feel a sense of schadenfreude in their hearts.

Ji Xiangtian didn't care at all about these malicious looks, and was even a little proud.

She picked up the warrior in her left hand and asked coldly: Which direction is Tiandao Sect? Take us to Tiandao Sect!

The warrior was startled and looked at Ji Xiangtian and Han Yang who were calm in front of him in disbelief.

After humiliating the grandson of the leader of Tiandao Sect, do you still dare to go to Tiandao Sect?

So bold!


Just when the warrior was distracted, his neck hurt, and hellish pain came.

He finally understood why Deng Yan screamed so miserably earlier.

Even the ninth level of Yuan Dan cannot bear this pain.

I'll lead the way! I'll lead the way!

The warrior spoke hurriedly, but his eyes were filled with hatred.

Since Han Yang and Ji Xiangtian wanted to die in Tiandaozong, he was happy to help them.

A group of people got on the Royal Sky Boat and flew towards Tiandao Sect.

in the corner.

The face of the young man who had previously used the telegraph to deliver the message suddenly changed.

He hurriedly took out the transmission note again to send a message.

He originally thought that Han Yang was just passing by, but now he actually provoked Tiandao Sect.

Could it be that Han Yang is preparing to start a war with Xuan Yi Palace?

Thinking of this impossible possibility, the young man's whole body trembled.

If Han Yang really goes to war with Xuan Yi Palace, it will definitely cause a sensation in the entire Tianwu Continent!

Tiandao Sect.

What did you say? Han Yang humiliated Yan'er and is now coming to Tiandao Sect?

After receiving the information, the leader of Tiandao Sect was stunned for a long time.

Could it be that this Demon King Han Yang is really crazy?

No, the ancestor must personally come forward in this matter!

After thinking for a while, he hurriedly rushed to the back mountain, where the ancestor of the Tiandao Sect, the seventh-level martial king Haomingzi, was in retreat.

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