Nine Revolutions of the Stars Technique

Chapter 496 Take my wife home

The Holy Sect is so stupid! No wonder they have so many king-level experts!

After entering the secret realm of Xuan Daodao Palace, Ji Xiangtian immediately fell into depression.

The spiritual energy here is too strong.

It was so rich that even in the secret realm, it formed a mist that shimmered with spiritual light.

Just taking a breath can make her feel comfortable, and the spiritual energy in her Dantian is ready to move.

pity. She is no longer in the Yuan Dan realm. She is cultivating the power of the soul. Although the influence of spiritual energy on her is still there, it is not as great as before.

She couldn't imagine how quickly her realm would improve if she had practiced in a place like this since she was a child.

Han Yang didn't think anything of it. If it didn't even have this concentration of spiritual energy, the Holy Sect wouldn't be worthy of being called an emperor-level force.

The only thing that made Han Yang feel strange was that this secret realm was bigger than he imagined.

You can't see the edge at a glance, at least hundreds of miles away.

Although it is not as good as the Bone Secret Realm, it is not far behind.

To be able to move such a huge secret realm here, the founder of Xuandao Palace must have some ability.

I'm afraid it's not just an ordinary Martial Emperor, but someone with the strength of a high-level Martial Emperor.

It is a pity that the current Tianwu Continent is actually caused by those on the God List, so much so that even low-level Martial Emperors are rarely born.

In the secret realm, there are pavilions and pavilions everywhere, and the lower-level disciples of Xuandao Palace can be seen everywhere, practicing everywhere.

Seeing Han Yang and the others flying past, each of them had a look of horror in their eyes. However, Han Yang and the others were too fast, only enough for them to catch a glimpse, and then they disappeared from sight.

The three of them flew all the way towards the core of the Dao Palace.

After traveling for almost a hundred miles, suddenly, an unruly voice suddenly sounded from ahead.

Zhang Qingfan! You Xuanyi Palace has so many rules! How dare you tease my Heavenly Demon Sect?!

Not far from the front and below, a group of warriors dressed in Heavenly Demon Sect uniforms were glaring angrily at a group of people from the Xuandao Palace.

Zhang Qingfan, the elder of the Martial King Realm of Xuan Dao Palace, said calmly: Beichuan Nan! Keep your mouth clean! When you come to my Dao Palace, it's just a transaction. You can't be regarded as a 'guest'. I won't allow you to be presumptuous!

Beichuannan let out a weird laugh: Okay! Very good! A mere first-order Martial King dares to call me by my name!

After the words fell, the man took action without hesitation and slapped him straight out.

There was a crisp sound!

Zhang Qingfan obviously did not expect that Beichuannan would dare to attack him inside the Xuandao Palace, but he would be knocked out all the way.

Although he was protected by the King Realm force field and was not injured, the huge humiliation brought about by this slap still made him angry.

Beichuan Nan! You...

But they didn't pay attention at all. The man from Tianmo Sect looked over with evil eyes, suddenly pointed his finger at Han Yang and the other three, and shouted angrily: Get down here! I have to walk according to the rules, but you are flying in the sky. It’s really… so majestic!”

At this time, everyone in Xuan Yi Palace knew why Beichuan Nan was angry.

According to the rules of Xuandao Palace, even the Martial King is not allowed to fly in the air in the secret territory.

Everyone is required to walk to the core of the Taoist Palace to show respect.

Beichuan Nan and others did the same thing before, but after walking almost a hundred miles, he saw three people flying in the air?

The warriors of the Heavenly Demon Sect behave eccentrically, so how could they not be angry when they saw this scene?

Zhang Qingfan was taken aback, and regardless of the humiliation he suffered earlier, he shouted angrily with a red face: Which palace are you disciples from? How can you fly in the air in the Dao Palace? You are not afraid of violating the palace rules...

Huh? You're not a disciple of my Dao Palace. Who are you, bold enough? Trespassing without permission?

After hearing what he said, the other Xuan Daogong disciples who were following him immediately gathered around him with unkind expressions.

In an instant, Han Yang and the other three became the focus of everyone's attention.

Under the angry glares, Han Yang still slowly moved forward with his sword, and his indifferent eyes swept over their faces one by one.

Han Yang of Yuanmen, come to Xuandao Palace to welcome my wife home!

Dao Palace.

main hall.

Elder Ji, I would like to thank you very much for this matter!

A young man with a fair face, willow eyebrows and red lips, who was obviously a man but looked a bit charming, was smiling and talking.

This person is none other than the notorious Evil King Jiang Huanyun.

Ji Feihua ignored the smile on Jiang Huanyun's face and just said lightly: It's just a transaction, why bother saying thank you!

If she didn't want to harm Chen Qiaoqian and vent her anger, she would not pay attention to Jiang Huanyun at all.

Ji Feihua's unruly nature has long been famous in Tianwu Continent, and she cannot look down upon Jiang Huanyun, a demon who harms women.

Jiang Huanyun was not angry when his hot face was pressed against his cold buttocks. He just pretended to be curious and asked, Where is Chen Qiaoqian? Bring her out and let me see. I also want to see the legendary ice spirit.

Ji Feihua waved her hands and said, No rush! We...maybe have to talk about the betrothal gift again!

Hearing these words, Jiang Huanyun couldn't help but his face darkened.

Elder Ji, is it boring for you to be like this? I abandoned my duty of guarding, took the risk of leaving the Demon Sect, and came here with sincerity, but now you want to negotiate terms?

Jiang Huanyun is King Wu of Tianmo Zhen Zongzong. He comes to offer the job in person this time, which can be said to be full of sincerity.

And it was a huge risk.

If the six dynasties knew this news, they would most likely take the opportunity to take action.

Ji Feihua smiled and said, Don't worry, just listen to what I have to say first... Not long ago, that disciple of mine gathered his Heavenly Soul and entered the Martial King Realm.

As soon as these words came out, Jiang Huanyun's breathing became rapid.


The furnace cauldron of the King of Martial Realm is completely different from the ordinary Yuandan furnace cauldron.

An ordinary furnace can only change his physique and improve his cultivation.

The cauldron of the Martial King Realm can enhance the power of the soul, allowing him to make further progress!

Ji Feihua smiled and said nothing, as if the old god was here.

Jiang Huanyun knew clearly that this was Ji Feihua's way of raising the price, but he still couldn't calm down in his heart.

If Chen Qiaoqian has really been promoted to the realm of King Wu, he can even become the strongest among King Wu after his two days off!

When the time comes, no matter how much you pay for the God List fragments, you can loot them back ten times or a hundred times.

A huge profit.

After a long silence, Jiang Huanyun said: Three pieces! I only have three fragments of the God List, and I can give them to you! The premise is that Chen Qiaoqian has really become the King of Martial Arts!

Hearing this, the smile on Ji Feihua's face became more intense, and even her heart twitched violently.


This bastard Jiang Huanyun has actually obtained three fragments of the God List?

You must know that she had worked hard in the Emperor's Secret Realm for hundreds of years and only obtained one.

It was precisely because he had no hope of a future that he was sent to guard Xuandao Palace.

Hahaha! The Evil King is really cheerful. Don't worry, I will never disappoint you! Someone, bring Qiaoqian up so that the Evil King can take a look!

Ji Feihua was overjoyed, and her attitude towards Jiang Huanyun became rare and kind.

Outside the secret realm of Xuandao Palace.

Is this the entrance to the secret realm?

An old man with white beard and hair, dressed in eunuch clothes, appeared in front of the cliff carrying an extremely miserable human pig.

Back to senior, this is the entrance to the Dao Palace. As long as you open the light door with the Xuan Palace Order, you can enter!

Ren Zhi's face was covered with blood, and he begged bitterly: Senior, I have done everything you asked me to do, and I ask for your life, senior...

If anyone recognized Ren Zhi's identity, they would be surprised.

This person turned out to be one of the three secular branches of Xuandao Palace, the Supreme Elder of Xuandao Sect, and the seventh-level Martial King!

Now it is like a puddle of rotten meat, being carried in someone's hands.

The old eunuch nodded, took out the Xuan Palace Order, and waved it in front of the light door.

Soon, the two figures flashed and entered the secret realm of the Tao Palace.


The moment he entered the secret realm, the head of the Supreme Elder of the Xuan Tao Sect exploded.

The three souls of heaven, earth and man were instantly wiped out.

A seventh-level Martial King fell silently.

However, the disciples of Xuandao Palace in the distance did not seem to see the blood here at all, and were just talking and laughing to themselves.

The old eunuch threw the human pig away, rose into the air, and flew forward.

Wherever he passed, everyone turned a blind eye to him, as if this old eunuch did not exist at all in the world.

[The author has something to say]

I've tried my best to adjust my schedule, and I'll try my best to update my schedule in the afternoon so as not to keep everyone waiting. Thanks for the support.

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