Nine Revolutions of the Stars Technique

Chapter 499 Why doesn’t Han Yang hide?

The sword breaks through the ninth level king realm

Annoy you? So what? Haha...

Ji Feihua said with a smile but not a smile: It seems that in the wild land, the battle between the kings gave you the illusion that you can defeat the ninth-level Martial King? Forget it, today I will let you know that ants are just ants after all. ! No matter how high you jump, you can't escape the fate of being crushed by one finger!

As Ji Feihua's voice spread, the Nine-Level King Realm force field arrived!

The third level of King Realm force field can already turn the void into reality.

Reaching the ninth level, it possesses incredible power.

I saw a gray mist of seven colors filling the void, and a golden elixir like a bright sun rising from the mist.

The hot power seemed to be able to burn everything.

The force field of the Nine-Level King Realm actually condensed a strange phenomenon similar to martial arts supernatural powers.

With a finger of Haori Golden Pill, Ji Feihua shouted softly: Han Yang, die!

All the warriors around him felt short of breath and their skin was hot.

It was as if there was an evil fire rising from the body, burning their internal organs.

Even Beichuan Nan, Han Feiyun, and Zuo Fenghua, the sixth-order Martial Kings, had to retreat.

The king-level vision of the ninth-level Martial King is extremely poisonous to them.

If you touch it, you will die, if you touch it, you will die!

There are many people who want to kill me, and you are not the first! There are also many people who have been killed by me, and you will not be the last!

Han Yang held the hilt of the knife in his hand, as if he was not aware of the terror of the Nine-Level King Realm force field and was still confident.

Ha! The cry of a defeated dog, a mantis' arm acting as a chariot!

Ji Feihua chuckled disdainfully and moved forward a little.


The Haori Golden Pill condensed in the force field, wrapped in an unimaginable heat wave, fell towards Han Yang.

Everything in its path was burned into nothingness.

This is the firepower of the Haori Golden Pill, which is comparable to the power of annihilation.


Ji Xiangtian pulled the expressionless Xiao Jiuer and backed away crazily.

Although they advanced to the third level Martial King, they still could not face the power of the ninth level Martial King.

A ninth-level Martial King, with three souls and six souls, the power of his soul is so powerful that it is difficult for ordinary Martial King to reach it.

With a raised hand and a raised foot, the power of Heaven is rolling!

Beichuan Nan and other powerful men from the Heavenly Demon Sect all turned pale.

They couldn't help but think of the terror they had experienced when they were suppressed by the ninth-level Martial King in the Emperor's Secret Realm.

The Haori Golden Pill was really like the bright sun, falling quickly in front of Han Yang.

Compared to the billowing Hao Sun, which is hundreds of feet in size, the tiny Han Yang is like an ant with a mantis' arm as a cart.

But it was this ant that swung a knife towards the huge sun that was crushing down in the sky.



Evil Buddha Glazed Body!

At this moment, Han Yang was in the strongest state in his life.

With one strike, the Star God will be destroyed!

The power of annihilation turned into a black line and slashed towards the Haori Golden Pill.

In an instant, in everyone's eyes, there was only this sword light competing with the sun.

The dark sword light seemed to split the heaven and the earth, dividing the sky and the earth into two.


The demon sword trembled and whined in a hundred battles.

This sword seemed to have reached its limit.

A black light spread across the void.


The sword light cut horizontally onto the Haori Golden Pill.

The Haori Golden Pill carrying endless flames suddenly solidified.

The next moment, there was a deafening crisp sound that shocked everyone.


A crack actually appeared on the bright red golden elixir.

Then, collapse begins from the cracks.

In less than a breath, the majestic Haori Golden Pill, which seemed to possess the power of destroying the world, disappeared without a trace.

It's as if it never existed in this world.

Ji Feihua snorted and turned pale.

The force field of the Nine-Level King Realm was broken, causing her to bear some of the damage.

You actually broke my King Realm magic!?

Ji Feihua looked at Han Yang in disbelief.

The ninth level king realm force field can crush all warriors below the ninth level!

No matter how talented he is, he cannot defeat the ninth-level Martial King in the Yuan Dan realm!

But now, her King Realm force field was cut through by Han Yang with a single blow.

The King Realm force field is the symbol of King Wu.

Cutting through the force field was tantamount to a heavy slap on Ji Feihua's face.

This kid... actually has such strength?

Even the evil king Jiang Huanyun lost his cynical and sarcastic smile and gained a touch of solemnity.

He didn't expect that Demon King Han Yang, who was rumored to be the only one who could defeat the sixth-level Martial King, would be able to defeat Ji Feihua's king-level force field so quickly against the ninth-level one? !


Did Han Yang hide his strength during the battle between kings in the wilderness?

Thinking of this possibility, Jiang Huanyun couldn't help but tremble.

Han Feiyun, who had personally participated in the battle of kings, felt a chill in his back and his whole body trembled.

Keep it!

During the battle of kings, Han Yang actually spared them a hand?

What a ridiculous scene this is!

Six dynasties, ten holy sects, hundreds of kings fighting against Han Yang.

As a result, Han Yang did not try his best when fighting them.

If Han Yang had unleashed today's fighting power that day, none of them would have been able to escape.

All sixteen sixth-level Martial Kings that day will perish.

Zuo Fenghua's eyes were dull and he murmured in an incredible tone: You were able to escape from him alive... Senior Sister Han, how strong are you?

She began to doubt Han Feiyun's strength.

With the combat power Han Yang showed today, let alone the sixth-level Martial King, even the seventh-level Martial King would not be able to survive.

I knew it! I knew it!

In Chen Qiaoqian's tear-filled eyes, there was only Han Yang's incomparable figure.

Just like when he faced the hunting team in Luo City, in the monster forest, Han Yang still stood in front of her like a god of war, crushing all enemies with an invincible attitude.

So what about the ninth level Martial King?

They will all be defeated by Han Yang's sword!

In Chen Qiaoqian's mind, something came up inexplicably.

Her man should be an unparalleled hero.

Today, I will use my flying sword to kill King Wu with my sword, and take her home with unrivaled strength!

Ji Feihua's expression changed, and the anger in her heart almost burned her to the point of losing her mind.

She never thought that an unknown person from a remote village could force her to such an extent.

Han Yang! Now, congratulations to you too! You also succeeded in irritating me!

The terrifying aura unique to the ninth-level Martial King steamed from Ji Feihua's body.

Previously, she had only used the King Realm force field to crush him.

Now, she is angry and wants to fight Han Yang with her true power.


Ji Feihua did not use weapons.

In her opinion, it would be disrespectful to use weapons against a junior in the Yuan Dan realm.

She wanted to kill Han Yang to pieces with one punch and avenge his shame!

Broken Xuan Dao!

The ninth-level Martial King punched out, and the entire space seemed to collapse.

A black fist blasted towards Han Yang.

Han Yang, on the other hand, narrowed his eyes slightly and remained motionless!

This was the punch he was waiting for!

Want to surrender now? It's too late!

Ji Feihua felt that Han Yang had given up resistance, so she shouted proudly, and the force in her fist became even more explosive.


Under everyone's stunned gaze, Ji Feihua, the ninth-level Martial King, punched Han Yang with all his strength.

Everyone's heart twitched violently.

There are many doubts in my heart.

Han Yang, why don't you hide? !

Or... is it simply difficult to avoid?

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