Nine Revolutions of the Stars Technique

Chapter 503 Meet the Young Master

far away.

Beichuannan, Han Feiyun, Zuo Fenghua and others all stared at this scene in stunned silence.

Fragments of the God List!

Han Yang actually forced Ji Feihua, the Supreme Elder of Xuandao Palace, to use the fragments of the divine list to save his life?

The fragments of the God List can only be used in the Emperor's Secret Realm. This is an iron rule.

If the God List fragments are used in Tianwu Continent, the dirty vitality of heaven and earth will contaminate the fragments.

It would take at least hundreds of thousands of years for Ji Feihua to have the opportunity to cleanse this fragment of the God List.

Such a price is even more terrifying than killing Ji Feihua's soul!

Any Martial King who has entered the Emperor's Secret Realm and obtained fragments of the God List knows how precious the fragments of the God List are.

This time, Ji Feihua suffered a big loss.

Xin Mingzi's body was already trembling.

She never imagined that Chen Qiaoqian, the wild man she looked down on, would be so terrifying.

He actually forced the supreme elder Ji Feihua to use the fragments of the divine list to save his life!

If Chen Qiaoqian informed Han Yang about the previous events, wouldn't she...

For a moment, Xin Mingzi felt cold all over, and endless regret arose in her heart.

I will eat your bones and drink your blood.

Ji Feihua became angry and rushed towards Han Yang crazily.

Haha... Is that thing your support? The poor man made a wedding dress for others without knowing it...

Han Yang, who had a streak of gray on his temples, put a heaven-level elixir into his mouth with a smile on his face.

If you want to fight, then fight!

If Ji Feihua still dares to charge, he won't mind slashing her a few more times!

He wanted to see how rare the so-called fragments of the God List were, and whether they could protect the old woman for the rest of her life!


At this moment, an old and sharp voice sounded in the void.

The next moment, a tall and thin figure appeared between Ji Feihua and Han Yang.

How can Ji Feihua be willing to give up and let go?

If anyone dared to stop her, she would slap her with a wave of her hand.

The gate of all mysteries!

Ignorance, you dare to attack me!

The figure snorted coldly and slapped a palm casually.


The most powerful secret of Xuan Yi Palace, the gate of all mysteries, was actually slapped to pieces by the appearing figure.

This scene shocked everyone.

Ji Feihua also looked stern and stopped suddenly.

Only then did they see clearly that the person standing in front of Han Yang was an old eunuch wearing eunuch clothes.

He looked at Ji Feihua with an indifferent expression and said calmly: Xuan Daodao Palace is really inferior to every generation. The majestic ninth-level Martial King was actually forced to use the fragments of the Divine List by a mere Yuan Dan realm. He really failed to live up to Ji Hao's great reputation back then!

Ji Feihua was originally angry, but after hearing the name Ji Hao, she couldn't help but feel excited.

Ji Hao, the previous master of Xuandao Palace several generations ago, has been dead for nearly ten thousand years!

The old eunuch actually said this name. Could it be that... he knows Palace Master Ji?

The thought passed in an instant. When his eyes glanced at Han Yang behind the old eunuch, Ji Feihua was once again blinded by anger.

Whoever stops me from killing Han Yang today will die!

The broken jar was broken.

Ji Feihua has desperately inspired the power of the fragments of the God List.

Her aura, blessed by a mysterious power, continued to rise, and soon reached an incredible level.

If he had such power before, he would be able to kill Han Yang with one punch in his first shot.

The blessing given to King Wu by the fragments of the God List is terrifying!

But the old eunuch didn't care about the power of the God List fragments. Instead, he said calmly: Are you...sure you want to fight with me?

Old guy! Stop pretending to me! Since you know the fragments of the God List, you should know that after activating the fragments, within a stick of incense, I will be invincible in the Tianwu Continent!

With the blessing of the fragments of the God List, Ji Feihua seems to have gained infinite confidence and does not put anyone in her eyes at all.

Faced with her aggressive attitude, the old eunuch simply said: For the sake of raising my young master to the realm of King Wu, I will not kill you.

Young master?

Ji Feihua was already preparing to kill someone, but when she heard this, she couldn't help but be stunned.

Then, she looked at Chen Qiaoqian who was confused with an incredible look.

The only Martial King she trained personally was Chen Qiaoqian.

Could this ridiculously powerful old eunuch... call Chen Qiaoqian young master?

Who...are you?

Ji Feihua was about to speak again when she saw the old eunuch wave his hand gently.

A strange energy shot into the golden light on her body.


The golden light inspired by the fragments of the divine list began to tremble violently.

what did you do to me?

Ji Feihua panicked for the first time.

Activate the fragments of the divine list to gain divine blessings.

At least in Tianwu Continent, it may be called an extremely powerful existence.

But now, the other party just stretched out his hand and made her unable to control her body?


The old eunuch flicked his fingers, and Ji Feihua's figure suddenly turned into a golden light, suddenly rose into the sky, and then disappeared.


Everyone at the scene was speechless.

They all looked at the old eunuch in front of them in horror.

The ninth-level Martial King, even under the condition of activating the fragments of the divine list, disappeared with just a few clicks of his finger from this old eunuch? !

Who is this old guy?

How could there be such a powerful existence?

In an instant, all the warriors in Xuandao Palace felt a strong chill in their hearts.

After everything was done, the old eunuch turned around respectfully and saluted Chen Qiaoqian: The master sent this old slave to welcome the young master home.

At this moment, Chen Qiaoqian, who became the focus of everyone's attention, looked confused.

She subconsciously moved towards Han Yang.

Young master?


What the hell!

Han Yang nodded at Chen Qiaoqian, telling her not to worry, then looked at the old eunuch standing in front of him and asked, Are you from Chen Yu?


Chen Qiaoqian couldn't help but widen her eyes when she heard her father's name.

She hasn't heard from her father in several years.

The old eunuch turned around, bowed kindly to Han Yang, and said, I have seen the consort. This old slave is indeed sent by the Lord.


Han Yang twitched the corners of his mouth, suppressed his thoughts of complaining, and said, Go back and tell Chen Yu that he wants to see Qiao Qian and ask him to come by himself.

Han Yang...

Chen Qiaoqian shouted anxiously when she heard that Han Yang stopped her from going to see her father.

She missed her father too much.

Looking at Chen Qiaoqian's pitiful eyes, Han Yang couldn't help but feel soft in his heart.

The old eunuch seemed to be a very discerning person. He knew that Chen Qiaoqian's thoughts were all on Han Yang, so he said with a smile: Don't worry, Prince Consort, the lord is taking the young master back, just to let the young master accept the lord's inheritance. When the young master comes, When the master succeeds in his studies, he will naturally return to his consort.

The old eunuch said consort to the left and young master to the right. Chen Qiaoqian's face turned slightly red when she heard this, and she looked at Han Yang with a hint of pleading.

How could Han Yang be willing to refuse such a look.

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