Nine Revolutions of the Stars Technique

Chapter 509 Yuan Zong’s martial spirit is unyielding


Mu Chen had to stand up.

This is no longer the suppression of Yuan Zong, but the humiliation of Chi Guoguo.

Unexpectedly, the moment Mu Chen came forward, before he could speak, the silver-faced King Wu looked over with an indifferent expression.


A terrifying oppressive force descended on Mu Chen.

The strongest warrior in Yuan Zong, his kneecaps cracked and he knelt down straight on the ground.

This scene shocked everyone present.

In the past three days, although King Yinmian Wu suppressed the whole sect and made Yuan Zong lose his face, he did not do anything drastic.

It seems that he just came here to ask for the Qianye Divine Sword.

As a result, even Mu Chen had the idea of ​​​​losing money and avoiding disaster.

If he could give away the Qianye Divine Sword, it would be worth it if he could send away this god of plague.

Unexpectedly, this person actually attacked at the last moment.

Mu Chen is the most powerful person in Yuanzong, and he is also the face of Yuanzong.

Now being pushed to the ground and being rubbed was extremely humiliating.

Your Majesty!


The surrounding Yuanzong strong men were furious and rushed towards the Silver-faced Martial King frantically.

In their anger, they even forgot about each other's cultivation.

The silver-faced Martial King snorted coldly and glanced at everyone like lightning.



Almost all Yuandan realm warriors had their knees shattered and fell to the ground at this glance.

This is King Wu!

Could it be that none of the hundreds of Yuan Dan realms could withstand others' pressure?


There were three others, still standing upright.

Xiao Wenhou Lu Fengxian, Overlord Spear Zhou Tong, Rong Mingzhu!

These three people had been personally trained by Han Yang, and they were very beautiful and powerful.

Although they are only at the first or second level of Yuan Dan now, their own strength is even far superior to that of the three Yuan Sect Supreme Leaders headed by Mu Chen.

The bodies of the three people were shaking violently and bleeding profusely, but they did not kneel down.


The war halberd clanged, Lu Fengxian's red hair was flaring, her eyes were about to burst, and her eyes were full of crazy fighting intent.

Overlord Spear Zhou Tong also roared angrily like a wild beast, his body doubled in size, and there was a faint sound of dragon roar.

On the surface of Rong Mingzhu's body, a turtle and a snake are entwined, which is clearly the appearance of Xuanwu!

It's interesting. A small Yuanzong actually has a hidden dragon and a crouching tiger...

The silver-faced King Wu narrowed his eyes slightly and looked at Lu Fengxian and the others with a half-smile.

The pressure belonging to King Wu gradually increased.



The bones around the three of them were rattling, and their whole bodies were stained red with blood.

Even the skin started to crack.

But even so, the three of them still did not kneel down.

This scene shocked everyone present.

Thousands of Yuan Zong warriors in the Qi Gathering Realm had their hearts twitching violently, and some even had tears streaming down their faces.



Heavy emotions stirred up in everyone's hearts.

Even the branch warriors such as Gu Hongqing and Yuan Rutong clenched their fists at this time, their eyes full of crazy killing intent.

Yuan Zong!

This is the Sect in their minds!

Even if the current King Wu can break everyone's bones and make them kneel on the ground, he can't break the backbone of their hearts.

Lu Fengxian, Zhou Tong, and Rong Mingzhu would rather die than kneel!



Slowly, there was the sound of a sword being unsheathed.

All the Yuan Zong warriors around drew their weapons and walked towards the Silver-faced Martial King step by step.



Some had broken bones and some had torn muscles.

But no one chose to back down.

The head can be cut off, the blood can flow, but the ambition cannot be destroyed.

The Yuanzong warrior knew that he was no match for the opponent and that he could not cause any harm to that person, but he still continued to move forward step by step.

Ha ha ha ha……

Gu Hongqing prides himself on being a rational person, but at this time, there is also some emotion in his mind.

I am also a member of Yuan Zong!

Gu Hongqing stepped forward and also entered the area of ​​influence of the Silver-faced Martial King.

In an instant, blood flowed and bones shattered.

I, Yuan Zong, would rather die than surrender!

Yuan Rutong also took a step forward and followed Gu Hongqing's pace.

Next to the two of them was Li Yuanyi from Yuanmen.

Seventeen of Yuan Zong's eighteen sects are willing to live and die together with Yuan Zong.

Only Du Longyun stood motionless, his expression twisted and ferocious.

Crazy people! A bunch of crazy people! They're such bastards who don't know what they're capable of!

Not only that, Du Longyun was still sarcastic and sarcastic.

The silver-faced Martial King's expression gradually became indifferent, and there was an unconcealable murderous intent in his eyes.

These ants actually want to disobey themselves?

Then go to hell!

With murderous intent in his heart, Silver-faced King Wu prepared to use the king-level force field to crush these ants who dared to provoke him.

At this moment, a sudden change occurred.


Avenge blood and destroy Yuan Zong!

From all directions, bursts of killing cries suddenly rang out.

Warriors from several sects descended from the sky and entered the Yuanzong Mountain Gate.

Under the leadership of Wuji Sect and Wanjian Sect, there are also some other sects who want to take advantage of the fire and take advantage of the opportunity to gamble.

For a time, at least nearly a thousand Yuan Dan realms and nearly ten thousand Qi gathering realms came towards Yuan Zong to kill them.

Those Yuanzong warriors who had tragic intentions and had not yet approached the range of the King-level force field of the Silver-faced Martial King hurriedly tried to resist.

But the number of people on the other side is really too many.

The senior officials of Yuanzong were crushed by King Wu again, and they were leaderless. How could they be the opponents of nearly ten thousand warriors?

In just a few breaths, hundreds of people fell into a pool of blood.

Wuji Sect! Wanjian Sect!

When Mu Chen saw this scene, his whole body was burning with anger.

The wall fell and everyone pushed it.

King Wu suppressed Yuan Zong, allowing these sects to see the opportunity to destroy Yuan Zong, and they were willing to act as pawns and kill Yuan Zong.

Hahahaha... interesting, so interesting...

Silver-faced King Wu adjusted the mask on his face and laughed endlessly.

It was a great show for him.

Perhaps, in the eyes of the Wuji Sect and the Wanjian Sect, Han Yang had sinned against the six dynasties and the ten holy sects and was destined to die!

They wanted to take this opportunity to flatter the Chu Dynasty!

After understanding the thoughts of these martial arts sects, Silver Faced Martial King felt a desire to tease and humiliate him.

Show up some people who can make the decision!

He spoke calmly.

Wanjian Sect Yun Ziqi and Wuji Sect Lin Xiuyun looked at each other, then bowed and stood up.

Beside the two of them, there were the heads of six other sects.

This time, eight major sects were involved in the destruction of Yuan Zong.

very good!

Silver-faced King Wu raised his lips, pointed at Lu Fengxian and said, Go and remove his legs for me. I want to see if he kneels or not!

After hearing this commanding order, Yun Ziqi and others not only did not have any dissatisfaction, but were overjoyed.

Sure enough, this mysterious King Wu was angry with Yuan Zong because he was dissatisfied with Han Yang.

The Thousand Leaves Divine Sword is just an excuse!

He simply wanted to destroy Yuan Zong.

Yunzi understood the idea in unison, stepped towards Lu Fengxian, and said coldly: Lv Fengxian, your Yuanzong bullied the weak, colluded with the Nalan family, and killed my Wanjian Zong Xi Yushan. Today, I will kill you to avenge him!

That's the excuse.

Not only was it an excuse to kill Lu Fengxian, it was also an excuse to overthrow Yuan Zong.

Their eight major sects came for revenge... and had nothing to do with the Chu imperial court.

Yun Ziqi believed that this fig leaf would definitely be appreciated by the Chu royal family.

Lu Fengxian's face was covered in blood, her eyes were bloodshot, and her whole body was trembling due to King Wu's pressure.

But the look he looked at Yun Ziqi was full of contempt...

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