Nine Revolutions of the Stars Technique

Chapter 512 One word decides life or death

Han Yang! The conflict between the kings of Wu will not bring harm to the relatives...

King Silver Face Wu finally became afraid when he heard that Han Yang actually wanted to destroy his sect and relatives.

He had no doubt that Han Yang would do what he said.

When Han Yang heard this, he smiled slyly: You seem to have forgotten one thing... I am only at the ninth level of Yuan Dan, and I have not yet entered the king realm.


The face of Silver-faced Martial King was full of disbelief.

Indeed... Han Yang is really at the ninth level of Yuan Dan!

A person with the ninth level of Yuan Dan went to Qingzhou to kill people and exterminate his clan. Is there anything wrong with using Yuan Dan against Yuan Dan? There is nothing wrong with that!

The ninth level of Yuan Dan...

Not to mention the Silver-faced Martial King, even the Yuanzong warriors, including Lu Fengxian and others, were a little dazed when they heard Han Yang's words.


Everyone is talking about how powerful Han Yang is in killing the sixth-level Martial King with his sword.

But they all forgot one thing, Han Yang was really only in the Yuan Dan realm!

The Yuan Dan realm that can kill the sixth level Martial King...

Lu Fengxian and Zhou Tong had an urge to complain in their hearts.


Han Yang squeezed the silver-faced Martial King's hand tightly and said, I won't repeat the same thing a second time!


At this moment, the Silver-faced Martial King was completely desperate.

His eyes fell on the four sides of the square.

There, there were hundreds of corpses of Yuan Zong warriors.

Those who died at the hands of Wuji Sect and Wanjian Sect warriors were all suppressed by his King Realm force field and unable to resist.

The killings that were just a joke before were now dazzlingly red.

He was able to destroy Yuan Zong with just one word. It was only natural for Han Yang to retaliate against him and destroy his sect and relatives.

I said……

This person finally compromised in front of Han Yang.

The Mingjiao is an extremely mysterious organization with strict rules.

But compared to the punishment that Mingjiao might inflict, he was more afraid of Han Yang's methods.

Subconsciously, he told everything about Zhang Wuyou and the Ming Cult.

Very good. You're very honest. I'm very satisfied.

A smile appeared on Han Yang's face.

As soon as the silver-faced Martial King twitched the corners of his mouth, trying to force out an ugly smile, he heard a snapping sound from his neck.


His neck had been strangled by Han Yang.

The sudden killing made everyone present tremble.

Smiling one moment and crushing him to death the next?


A series of swallowing sounds sounded.

Yun Ziqi and others' faces were pale, and their eyes were filled with fear.

They knew that after the death of the Silver-faced King Wu, it would be their turn.

No one will be left alive who is stained with the blood of Yuan Zong's warriors!

Han Yang didn't look at them, and gave the first order with a cold expression.

Bang bang bang!

As soon as he finished speaking, at least hundreds of heads exploded.

Nearly a hundred warriors died under the crushing force field of the Auspicious Heavenly King Realm.

Don't kill me... Mr. Han, I can atone for my sins. I know that the Da Chu royal family wants to take action against you. I also know...

At the moment when death came, Yun Ziqi was finally afraid.

They lost the bet!

Because no one would have thought that Han Yang would have the guts to return to Dachu.


Before he finished his sentence, Yun Ziqi's head exploded, no different from those of Qi Gathering Realm warriors.

In the face of death, everyone is equal.

Lin Xiuyun was lucky not to die.

Because he had maintained his identity before and did not take action against Yuan Zong disciples, he was lucky enough to survive.

However, before he could relax, he heard Han Yang give a second order.

Above the Yuan Dan realm, kill!

To cut weeds, we must remove the roots.

If these people dare to attack Yuan Zong, Han Yang will teach all the warriors in the world a harsh lesson.

Let them know what will happen if they dare to attack Yuan Zong.


Hundreds of Yuandan warriors screamed, but to no avail.

Ji Xiangtian faithfully fulfilled Han Yang's orders.

Bang bang bang!

All Yuandan warriors from several sects died!

When the first batch of warriors were killed, Yuan Zong's people were still cheering.

But hundreds of Yuandan warriors died unexpectedly in an instant, causing them to all fall silent.

Those are Yuan Dan realm!

In Xuanfu, he is almost regarded as a god-like existence.

But now, in front of Han Yang, he is no different from an insect and is not worth mentioning.

Good kill!

Lu Fengxian was the first to speak and said coldly: These bastards deserve what they deserve!

If Han Yang hadn't appeared, Yuan Zong would have been destroyed by these people.

Lu Fengxian didn't think Han Yang was ruthless at all.

If it were him, all the ten thousand warriors from various sects would die.

Anyone who steps into the Yuanzong Mountain Gate has no chance of surviving.

There was a sound like fried beans, and in an instant, only seven or eight thousand people were left standing.

Under the horrified gazes of these warriors, Han Yang gave the third order.

The rest will stay in Yuanzong to do hard labor and mine for ten years, and then it will depend on personal performance!

In an instant, even though the warriors of various sects felt as if they were mourning their heirs, many of them breathed a sigh of relief.

Han Yang didn't plan to let them go easily, but at least they survived.

Only the lucky elder Zhou escaped from Yuan Zong in despair after being released by Ji Xiangtian.

He swore that he would never be an enemy to anyone again in this life.

The martial arts world is really too dangerous.

Groups of prisoners were brought down, and the corpses left behind were swept away.

Han Yang, although you are very strong, I still don't recommend you to stay.

Mu Chen walked to Han Yang and tried to persuade him again.

Han Yang smiled and nodded: Elder Mu, there is no need to worry. Even if I want to stay, I don't have the time... I will go to the Emperor's Secret Realm soon.

Hearing the words Emperor's Secret Realm, Mu Chen showed a trace of confusion.

Yuan Zong's power is not enough to know the secrets of the Emperor's Secret Realm.

Han Yang didn't explain much, but changed the subject and said, That boy Zhang Wuyou is very slippery and has repeatedly attacked secretly. I'm afraid that if I get there too late, he will escape.

Are you going after Zhang Wuyou? Mu Chen was a little worried.

He had obviously heard of Mingjiao.

Moreover, according to the Silver Faced Martial King, each of the four great guardian Dharma Kings of the Ming Cult is a sixth-level Martial King, and the envoys to the left and right of the Sect are even ninth-level.

Not to mention, there is an all-powerful leader!

If Han Yang faced off against such a behemoth, he would be in danger.

Seeing Mu Chen's worries, Han Yang smiled and said, Don't worry, I have no intention of destroying the Ming Cult. I just want to kill Zhang Wuyou.

Zhang Wuyou had previously sent people to injure Xiao Jiu'er and Li Xuanyu, and stirred up trouble in the wilderness. Now, he took advantage of his absence to attack Yuan Zong so cruelly that he almost caused Yuan Zong to be destroyed.

How could Han Yang give up on such a great feud so easily?

The tacit understanding between him and Zhang Wuyou had long been broken.

You are a person who wants to do great things. Now that you have made up your mind, I won't say any more. Just bring all these Thousand Leaf Divine Swords with you!

Mu Chen shook his head bitterly and waved his hand, signaling Gu Hongqing and others to send the Qianye Divine Sword over.

At this time, Ji Xiangtian suddenly pointed at Du Longyun and said: Master, this guy just said bad things about you, saying that the Silver-faced King of Martial Arts came to your door, and it was you who suffered retribution! He also said that you have made enemies on all sides, and you will die a good death sooner or later!


There was deathly silence above the Yuanzong Mountain Gate Square.

Everyone looked at the pale Du Longyun in shock...

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