Nine Revolutions of the Stars Technique

Chapter 517 Domineering Cooperation

The sword light brought by the Star Destroyer God was gray but bright.

When the sword light lit up, the heaven and earth seemed to lose their color.

In the eyes of everyone in the Liuli Sword Sect, this sword was the only thing left.


One light and one dark.

When the light in front of them returned again, they saw the head of the guardian who tried to dissuade Zhang Wuyou from flying high into the sky.

A fifth-level martial king was killed with a single blow before he could even use the technique of replacing his life.

The fifth-level Martial King was no different from ordinary people when he died.

Everyone in the Liuli Sword Sect looked at Han Yang with horror in their eyes.

Although everyone had heard about Demon King Han Yang for a long time, they never expected that he would be so terrifying.

If they don't agree with each other, they will use the knife.

Killing a fifth-level Martial King with one sword, all three souls were destroyed, and he fell directly!

As if he had done something inconspicuous, Han Yang glanced at everyone in front of him indifferently.

Now, is there anyone who objects?

The entire Liuli Sword Sect was silent, and no one dared to speak out.

The ancestor was heartbroken, his body was cold, and his heart was beating violently.

He knew that if the target of that knife attack was himself, he would definitely not be able to stop it.

The fate of the guardian is the same.

Zhang Wuyou didn't even look at the body lying in a pool of blood, but said bitterly: Brother Han, although you are strong, there is no way you can destroy the Ming Cult!

Han Yang said calmly: That's my business and has nothing to do with you.

There was no more conversation between the two.

Everyone on all sides fell into a cold state because of the silence between the two.

All the warriors of the Sword Sect seemed to be frozen, not daring to move at all for fear of causing Han Yang to misunderstand.

After a long time, Zhang Wuyou spoke again: Can I not kill my people?

Han Yang smiled and said: If you can find out the Tianyan Sect for me and destroy them, then I can spare them from death.


As soon as these three words came out, even Fu Liuxin was trembling.

The Tianyan Sect's puppetry technique has spread throughout the world following the battle in the wilderness.

A small sect that doesn't even have a Martial King actually has a sixth-level Martial King-level puppet, and has killed and devoured many saint-level geniuses. Its strength far exceeds that of an intermediate-level Martial King!

Tian Yanzong's recent reputation in the Great Chu Dynasty is only slightly weaker than that of Han Yang.

Countless people are frantically searching for traces of the remnants of the Tianyan Sect, hoping to dig out the secrets of the Hive Puppet from them.

Zhang Wuyou was silent for a moment, nodded and said: One year!

Even with the Mingjiao's intelligence network, it would take a lot of time to uncover the Tianyan Sect.


Han Yang spoke calmly.

The Glazed Sword King Fu Liuxin on the side felt that the two young men beside him were crazy.

One plans to destroy Mingjiao, and the other wants to dig out Tianyan Sect.

Both of these things are tantamount to reaching the sky.

Qingzhou, Ziyun City.

A huge flying boat slowly landed hundreds of miles away from Ziyun City.

Two people jumped out from the flying boat. They were Saint Luanyuan and the old woman who was the protector beside her.

It's too late! Let's hide in Ziyun City first!

The face of Saint Luanyuan was quite ugly.

She didn't expect Han Yang to be so bold.

He brazenly returned to the territory of the Chu Dynasty and forced his way into the Xuan Palace, but he actually openly killed the Glazed Sword Sect?

The moment she received the news, she knew she was in big trouble.

Zhang Wuyou would never miss a good opportunity to hit her.

Originally, he wanted to escape from Qingzhou and return to the Mingjiao headquarters to avoid the limelight first.

But now, it's obviously too late.

With the speed at which Han Yang drove the flying boat, he could catch up with them in less than half a day.

The only way is to hide it temporarily.

The old woman hesitated for a moment and said: Your Highness, I am afraid that King Qing will not dare to confront Han Yang... Hiding in Ziyun City is not the best choice.

Ziyun City is where King Qing, who guards Qingzhou, lives.

In the nine states of the Great Chu Dynasty, except for the Zhongwang of the Divine Capital of Zhongzhou and the King of Liang of Liangzhou, who were sixth-level Martial Kings, the guarding Martial Kings of other states were actually only first-level Martial Kings.

Just like the Eastern King of Dongzhou.

With the strength of a first-order Martial King, how could he possibly stop Han Yang?

Saint Luanyuan said coldly: You don't understand! King Qing has a different identity. He is... a member of the Yang family.

Yang family?

The old woman was a little confused.

Yang Lingyun, the mainstay of the Yang family and the King of Golden Sword Martial Arts, was beheaded by Han Yang. The mere members of the Yang family...

It's not the Yang family of Da Chu, but the Yang family clan!

Saintess Luanyuan's eyes flashed with crazy coldness.

The old woman was confused again.

She had never heard of the name of the Yang family.

Saint Luanyuan said: The mysterious Martial King who joined forces with the Barbarian King to fight Han Yang came from the Yang family!

Hearing this, the old woman took a breath of air.

In that battle in the wilderness that day, Han Yang killed two sixth-level Martial Kings and a sixth-level puppet, and became famous in one battle!

Many people secretly speculated on the origin of the mysterious Martial King among them.

Unexpectedly, the saint actually heard about it.

And it was also found on King Qing.

She took a deep look at Saint Luanyuan. She was worthy of being a ruthless character who could lurk in the wilderness for many years. She indeed had the means.

The two of them stopped talking, but worked in tandem, sneaking into Ziyun City as ordinary people.

It is thousands of miles away from Qingzhou.

A flying boat full of royal aura is heading towards Qingzhou at an unparalleled speed.

In the cabin.

The king was a little uneasy playing chess with an old eunuch wearing a python robe.

Wearing a python robe as a eunuch, it is obvious that the old eunuch is one of the three eunuchs of the Royal Horse Supervisor, and his status is only under Chief Fei.

He is also a genuine ninth-level Martial King.

King Zhong didn't expect that Chief Fei, or the ancestor of the Chu Dynasty, would pay so much attention to Han Yang.

They actually sent out the old eunuch who almost never left the imperial city.

These old monsters are all dying people who have only a short lifespan and are on the verge of death.

Once you take action, your life span will be exhausted and you will die.

They can be called the mainstay and final trump card of the Chu Dynasty.

If there is no danger of the dynasty being destroyed, it will never happen.

This time, he came to hunt Han Yang.

Zhongwang, you are a little impatient.

The old eunuch, known as Admiral Li, pinched his throat and spoke.

The king smiled and said nothing.

He had a hundred doubts hidden in his heart, but he didn't dare to ask these old monsters.


Admiral Li dropped the ball and said calmly: We are here just to capture Han Yang and return to the capital of gods. You don't need to think too much, just do your job.

The middle king said respectfully: Xiao Wang understands...


Admiral Li narrowed his eyes and said, Before leaving, the manager gave me an order to go to Qingzhou and kill King Qing. Is that okay?

The king trembled and looked at Admiral Li in shock.

Kill King Wu of Zhenzhou?


However, Admiral Li flipped his palm and actually pulled out an imperial edict and placed it in front of the King.

The king looked solemn and carefully opened the imperial edict. After reading it, his expression changed drastically.

What? Prince Qing... is actually a remnant of the previous dynasty?

The previous dynasty was the Han Dynasty!

A super empire that once dominated the Tianwu Continent.

The six dynasties joined forces to overthrow the Han Dynasty and were able to establish the current foundation.

King Zhong originally thought that the Han Dynasty had become a passing cloud and had been destroyed long ago.

Unexpectedly, tens of thousands of years have passed, and remnants of the previous dynasty still show up?

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