Nine Revolutions of the Stars Technique

Chapter 522 The stupidest plan

Either you die or I die!

Following Han Yang all the way, the Glazed Sword King Fu Liuxin knew Han Yang's character very well.

Killing the ghost grandma is his certificate of surrender.

If I don’t kill the ghost grandma, I will definitely kill him!


Fu Liuxin's sword trembled, and he yelled angrily: It's not that I want to serve Mr. Han, but that as a protector, you did not dissuade Saint Luanyuan, acted recklessly, and caused great disaster for our Mingjiao. You deserve to be punished. die!

At this moment, Fu Liuxin was really filled with hatred.

If it weren't for these two stupid women, why would we be in this situation today?

King Meng died unjustly!

Everyone in Mingjiao died unjustly!

The ghost grandma who had been shouting just now turned pale as if she had been struck by lightning.

She did make a mistake.

She was immersed in Saintess Luanyuan's calculations, but she forgot one of the biggest rules in the martial arts world: the strong will not die, and the sect will never be destroyed.

Han Yang, before this demon king is dead, they dare to plot against Yuan Zong, which is really bringing about their own destruction.

Once this rule of sect no crime is broken, the result will definitely be bloody revenge.

His Majesty Fu, give me a chance, I...

Granny Ghost wanted to continue, but Fu Liuxin was too lazy to listen.


A sword cry sounded, and the light of colored glaze shone in the sky.

The sword of the seventh-level Martial King stretches across the sky!

In the entire Ziyun City, Fu Liuxin's sword was the only one left.

Granny Ghost wanted to escape, but she couldn't escape the sword light at all.


With a wailing cry, the ghost mother-in-law died under the edge of the sword in the blink of an eye.

The art of substitution was activated, and when the figure reappeared, another streak of sword light fell like raindrops.

Puff puff!

The four lives of Granny Ghost were taken away by the light of the sword in an instant!


In less than two breaths, the saint protector died under the sword of the Glazed Sword King!


The sharp sword light tore apart the wall of Ziyun City, leaving a deep pit.

When the smoke cleared, almost a third of the west wall had disappeared.

All the soldiers on the city had a look of horror in their eyes.

This is the high-level Martial King!

When the cultivation level reaches the king level, no matter how many warriors there are, it is impossible to make up for the gap in level.

Destroy the city with one sword!

The body of Saint Luanyuan was stiff, and there was no trace of human color on her pretty face.

At this moment, you can still see her pride when she plotted against Yuan Zong and Han Yang.

All that's left is regret and resentment.

Fu Liuxin's eyes were fixed on Saint Luanyuan. If he were not afraid of arousing Han Yang's dissatisfaction, he would really like to cut the woman in front of him into pieces with a thousand knives.

Perhaps because of her, the Mingjiao's ten thousand-year-old foundation will be destroyed in one day!

Han Yang is not yet the rival of the Ming Cult's envoy or the leader of the Ming Cult.

But with his talent, it was only a matter of time before he could destroy the Ming Cult.

Ever since Saint Luanyuan used Yuan Zong as a pawn to plot against Han Yang, the Ming Cult's fate was already doomed.

When she saw Fu Liuxin returning to Han Yang with a cold expression, Saint Luanyuan was so excited that she finally woke up.

No, no, no... that's not the case... Your Highness the Demon King, I am not targeting you, let alone Yuan Zong, I am just plotting against Zhang Wuyou! I have no ill intentions towards you, please believe me!

Saint Luanyuan explained loudly as if she was crazy.

The death of Grandma Gui made her completely awaken.

If she doesn't show some sincerity, she may not survive!

Han Yang said calmly: Whether you have any ill intentions towards me or not, it doesn't matter. What matters is that I, Yuan Zong, was almost destroyed because of you!

The expression on Saintess Luanyuan's face couldn't help but froze.


As a bystander, King Qing looked at this crazy woman speechlessly.

If Han Yang is not dead, can he plot against Yuan Zong?


If there was such a good thing in the world, then the Chu Dynasty would have destroyed Yuan Zong long ago, so would it still need her?


I thought it was a cancer hidden in the territory of the Chu Dynasty and a serious concern of the Chu Dynasty.

I didn’t expect that the selected saint would be such an idiot?

Sure enough, the Lord's choice not to join forces with the Ming Cult was extremely wise.

At this moment, a sense of contempt and contempt actually arose in King Qing's heart.

Auspicious heaven!

Han Yang was too lazy to talk nonsense with Saint Luanyuan and ordered Ji Xiangtian to take action.

Ji Xiangtian smiled and rose into the air.

Master, don't worry, I will let her taste all the punishments in the heavens, and then let her die in excruciating pain!

It was originally as sweet as a lucky doll in a New Year painting, but the words coming out of her mouth were terrifying.

No no no...

Saint Luanyuan kept retreating and shouted at Zhang Wuyou: Zhang Wuyou, you are the holy son of my Mingjiao, and you just watch Han Yang massacre my Mingjiao Martial King!

Zhang Wuyou didn't even roll his eyelids.

After this stupid woman plotted against him, did she still expect him to save her?

It's so stupid!

At this moment, King Qing, who had been constantly reducing his presence before, vibrated the transmission notes on his waist, and a touch of joy quickly appeared on his face.


After delaying for so long, reinforcements finally arrived from behind.


Just when Ji Xiangtian was about to kill Saint Luanyuan, an old man in linen clothes suddenly appeared in the void as if appearing out of thin air.

His appearance immediately changed Ziyun City, as if it was a different world.

The powerful aura emitted inadvertently caused all the soldiers on the city wall to crawl to the ground, their bones cracking.

Jixiang Tian, ​​Xiao Jiuer, Luanyuan Saint, Zhang Wuyou.

These low-level Martial Kings were also unable to control their bodies and were forced to fall from the air to the ground.

Ninth level Martial King!

Liuli Sword King Fu Liuxin's face turned pale, and he used the power of his soul to activate the King Realm force field, and was able to barely resist the terrifying pressure from the opponent.

The entire Ziyun City seemed to be at the end of the world.

Junior, meet King Donglin!

Only King Qing knelt down on the ground with feverish eyes and worshiped the visitor.

This scene made everyone present change their expressions.

This ninth-level Martial King is not wearing the clothes of the Chu Dynasty, but King Qing, the Martial King of Zhenzhou who was conferred by the imperial court, chooses to pay homage to this person?

The meaning makes people who know some of the inside story shudder.

The old man in sackcloth, who was King Donglin, glanced at King Qing indifferently, nodded and said: You have been lurking in Dachu for nearly a thousand years, and your merits are complete. Today you can return to the Holy Land and meet the Lord!

King Qing was overjoyed and prostrated himself in the tunnel again: Serving the Lord is the glory of the younger generation!

The expression of crazy pride is like that of a fanatic believer.

King Qing! You, do you know what you are doing!

The embroidered guard Qianhu who followed him and prepared to die with him couldn't help but his eyes were about to burst, and he glared at Qing Wang fiercely and shouted.

King Donglin just glanced at it casually, and with a loud bang, the ninth-level Yuan Dan warrior was blown to pieces on the spot.

On the city wall, all the soldiers in Ziyun City were stunned, their eyes full of horror.

King Qing rebelled? !

Qianhu, the Xiuyi Guard, was killed!

Ziyun City is about to change!

King Donglin didn't care at all about the death of a mere Qianhu. He looked at Han Yang with indifferent eyes.

You...are you Han Yang? The young master's useless husband?

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