Nine Revolutions of the Stars Technique

Chapter 528 Han Yang runs out of oil and lanterns dries up

Ninth level Martial King!

Han Yang actually killed a ninth-level Martial King.

Back then, Han Yang cut off Ji Feihua's arm in Xuandao Palace, which was shocking to the world.

But today, he actually killed a ninth-level Martial King alive.

Even if the opponent is seriously injured and has no strength, he is still a ninth-level Martial King!

It was only then that Saint Luanyuan realized how big of a mistake she had made.

I... actually tried to use a demon king. It was really a wishful thinking.


She opened her mouth, but only one word came out.

At this moment, she didn't even know what to say to Han Yang.

Auspicious heaven!

At this moment, Han Yang gave a light drink.

Ji Xiangtian was indeed Han Yang's loyal lackey and immediately understood what he meant.

Hehehe... How dare you plan to harm the master's former sect, you are not good...

In a flash, she appeared beside Saint Luanyuan.


The triple king realm force field fell.

Saint Luanyuan didn't even have time to say a word before she was crushed into dregs.

This scene made Zhang Wuyou and Qing Wang's eyes twitch.

After dealing with Saintess Luanyuan, I'm afraid it will be their turn.

The cruel methods of Demon King Han Yang frightened the two of them.

Not far away, Liuli Sword King Fu Liuxin, his eyes flickering, stared at the white-haired Han Yang, as if he wanted to dig out some clues.

King Qing...

Han Yang looked at Qing Wang aside with an indifferent gaze.

King Qing was excited and hurriedly stepped forward: Your Highness the Demon King, I...

He was only halfway through his words when he was interrupted by Ji Xiangtian.


Ji Xiangtian slapped him gently on the forehead, changing his head from a round shape to a waning moon shape, and half of his face almost collapsed.

If it weren't for King Wu's powerful vitality, King Qing would have been killed by this slap.

Master is talking, please listen to me honestly. If you dare to interrupt casually, I will make your life worse than death!

Ji Xiangtian put his hands on his hips and roared in a sweet voice.

She felt that she could walk sideways in Tianwu Continent in the future.

Even the ninth-level Martial King was killed by Han Yang. Who else dares to be Han Yang's enemy?

By following the invincible master, you can be considered invincible, right?

Ji Xiangtian was extremely proud.

Qing Wang's mind was buzzing, his eyes were so distorted that they were not aligned in a straight line, and he was speechless, but he did not dare to say the word no.

Tell me, how many Martial Kings are there in the Yang family?

Han Yang asked curiously.

First there was a sixth-level Martial King, and now a ninth-level figure popped out.

The Yang family seems to be far more powerful than imagined.

Even in the Xuandao Palace, there is only one ninth-level Martial King sitting in charge.

The Yang family can actually send a ninth-level person to attack and kill him at will?

I'm...young, I don't know...

At this moment, Qing Wang was really desperate.

Ever since he was arranged to lurk in the Great Chu Dynasty, he had only met three or five Yang family Wu kings.

This is because those Yang family martial arts kings were sent here to guide his martial arts practice.

As for how many martial kings there are in the Yang family, it is impossible for him, a small person, to figure it out.

Oh, then there's no use keeping you.

Han Yang said indifferently.

No! Spare me, I...


Qing Wang still wanted to beg for mercy, but Ji Xiangtian on the side didn't give him a chance at all, and slapped Qing Wang's head off again.

Before the life-substitution technique could be activated, he was crushed to death again.

With Ji Xiangtian's strength, it would be impossible for a mere first-order Martial King to successfully take over in front of her.

Two first-level Martial Kings were killed one after another.

Zhang Wuyou's expression became a little stiff.

However, he still forced himself to speak and asked: You want to kill me?

Naturally, I asked Han Yang this question.

You don't have to die.

Han Yang said.

Just when Zhang Wuyou breathed a sigh of relief, Han Yang continued: I will lead you to destroy the Ming Cult.


Zhang Wuyou smiled bitterly and shook his head.

Sure enough, his lucky escape was just of some use.

This demon king is still so cold.

At this moment, Han Yang looked at Liuli Sword King Fu Liuxin with a half-smile, Why, don't you do it?

Fu Liuxin, whose eyes were twinkling, immediately froze and said: Do something? Your Highness, you are joking. How dare I do something to you, Your Highness...

Even Zhang Wuyou looked at the two of them in shock.

Han Yang said with a smile: Ever since I ordered Ji Xiangtian instead of killing Saint Luanyuan myself, you have been looking at me with strange eyes, because you suspect that I have run out of energy and no longer have the strength of the Martial King Realm. ,Right?

After being exposed by Han Yang, Fu Liuxin's expression gradually turned cold.

That's right!

He did suspect that something was wrong with Han Yang.

Han Yang now had white hair and a bleak figure. He didn't even kill Luanyuan and King Qing himself.

This made him have to suspect that Han Yang had reached the end of his strength and was just resorting to an empty city strategy.

But in fact, Han Yang had slashed four times in a row, and the power was too terrifying.

So much so that even though Fu Liuxin was mostly suspicious, he still didn't dare to test it easily.

At this time, the Qianye Divine Sword buzzed and trembled, and flew to Han Yang's hand.

He said with an indifferent expression: Unfortunately, no matter whether you want to take action or not, I will kill you today.

Fu Liuxin hurriedly backed away and shouted: Han Yang! You promised not to kill me, you mighty demon king, but you broke your promise and got fat, you...

Han Yang sneered and interrupted him: Earlier, the king attacked me secretly. You had many opportunities to stop him, but you allowed him to attack me! This is your death penalty!

If Zhong Wang's sneak attack hadn't interrupted Han Yang's healing, Han Yang would have definitely been able to recover all his acupoints.

In this way, he might only need to cut four times instead of five.

Fu Liuxin's inaction allowed Han Yang to use one more sword, which cost at least 30% more of his lifespan and foundation!

I am the Dharma King of Mingjiao, not your slave. Why should I...

Before Fu Liuxin could finish his sentence, Han Yang's sword had already arrived.

The Four Symbols Curse Seal Knife, the Azure Dragon is broken!

One sword, breaking the sky!

Now Han Yang's acupuncture points are all useless, and his strength is completely gone.

However, after killing Yang Mace, a ninth-level Martial King Curse Seal was sealed on the Qianye Divine Sword!

With a slash of the sword, the brand of the ninth-level Martial King exploded instantly.

Oh no……

Fu Liuxin looked horrified and desperate, unable to think of any resistance.

Although this sword is not as devastating as Killing Zen, it is at least as powerful as a ninth-level Martial King's strike.

Han Yang can indeed still fight.

At this moment, Fu Liuxin finally knew that his calculation was wrong.

Unfortunately, there is no regret medicine in this world.


The edge of the Qianye Divine Sword pierced Fu Liuxin's head.

The annihilating power on the sword's edge wiped out all the three souls of heaven, earth and man who were paying attention.

The seventh-level Martial King Fu Liuxin died!

This guy……

Zhang Wuyou's heart twitched violently.

Like Fu Liuxin, he also suspected that Han Yang had run out of gas.

However, like a demon king with endless fighting power, Han Yang once again struck out with a sword that was not weaker than the ninth-level Martial King?


What a bummer.

Zhang Wuyou sighed in his heart.

Fragments of the God List...

At this moment, Xiao Jiuer held a ball of golden light, flew back like a treasure, and held it in front of Han Yang.

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