Nine Revolutions of the Stars Technique

Chapter 536 A grand disguise

Xuan Yi Palace, Xuan Yi Palace.

The Ninth Hall Master was pacing back and forth, mumbling and cursing incessantly.

Damn Ji Feihua! Damn Lu Guangming! Damn them all, damn you all!

The dozen or so maids in the main hall all lowered their heads, not daring to offend the angry Ninth Hall Master.

After the news of Demon King Han Yang's arrival on Sanxian Island came out, almost all the martial kings of the six dynasties and the ten holy sects fled.

The Lord of the Ninth Palace also wanted to evacuate temporarily.

As a result, Ji Feihua somehow contacted the main hall master Lu Guangming!

Lu Guangming personally ordered the Lord of the Nine Halls to guard the Xuanyi Hall and not leave!

This is equivalent to letting the Lord of the Nine Halls sit back and wait for the Demon King Han Yang to kill him.

However, the Lord of the Ninth Hall did not dare to disobey her orders, let alone leave privately. One can imagine the anger in her heart at this time.

Three or four warriors from Ji Feihua's faction had been killed by her for no reason.

People from other factions were also frightened.

If this continues, all the Yuandan realm maids in Xuanyi Palace will be killed by the Lord of the Nine Palaces before the Demon King comes.

Palace Master...

A guard stepped into the hall, saluted respectfully, and reported back: There is a white-haired man who claims to be an old acquaintance of the hall master and said that there is a way for the hall master and us to escape this disaster...

What did you say?!

Before the guard could finish speaking, he was grabbed by the neck by the Lord of the Ninth Hall, You said someone can help me get through this disaster? What are you waiting for? Let him in! No, I will greet him personally!

Throwing the guard away, the Lord of the Ninth Hall rushed out of the hall.

Now, as long as she can survive, she is willing to treat her as a guest even if her enemies are coming.

It's no wonder that the Lord of the Ninth Hall took the trouble to greet you.

At this time, a cold voice came from outside the hall, and a man wearing a blood lotus mask slowly walked in from outside the hall, with white hair fluttering in the wind.

You are an old acquaintance of mine? How can you help me?

The Ninth Hall Master asked subconsciously, and then his eyes fell on the blood lotus on the mask involuntarily.

Blood lotus?

She was startled, feeling like she had heard of it somewhere.

Bang bang bang bang!

The moment she was stunned, the man wearing the blood lotus mask moved his fingers.

Strong winds swept by.

All the maids and guards in Xuanyi Hall fell down, not knowing whether they were alive or dead.

The Lord of the Ninth Palace suddenly activated the King Realm force field like a hedgehog with its hair blown off.

Blood Lotus Swordsman! are Demon King Han Yang!

In an instant, the Nine Hall Master's heart fell into hell.

After Demon King Han Yang killed the ninth-level Martial King with his sword, his growth experience was dug up, down to the smallest details.

The incarnation of the Blood Lotus Swordsman couldn't hide it from anyone.

The moment he discovered Han Yang's identity, the Ninth Hall Master knew that he was doomed.

If she collides with Demon King Han Yang, she will definitely die.

Wearing a blood lotus mask and transforming into a blood lotus swordsman, Han Yang slowly said: Hand over the fragments of the divine list, and I will let you live!


The Ninth Hall Master's heart felt like he was on a roller coaster, returning from hell to heaven in an instant.

Not many Martial Kings could survive under the hands of Demon King Han Yang.

Han Yang did not continue to speak, but looked at her indifferently.

Gritting his teeth, the Lord of the Ninth Hall, without hesitation, peeled off the pieces of the divine list at the center of his eyebrows and respectfully presented them to Han Yang.

It's interesting.

Han Yang nodded and was about to knock him out with a snap of his fingers.

At this moment, His Highness Ninth Prince suddenly said: Do you want to enter the Emperor's Secret Realm?

Han Yang's eyes were like daggers, and he said coldly: It's not good for you to know too much.

The Lord of the Ninth Hall hurriedly lowered his head humbly and said respectfully: I have no other intention. I just want to remind His Highness that Ji Feihua has traded a piece of the God List from the Ni Wang and will be leaving the prison island soon. If His Highness becomes the emperor, It’s a secret realm, so be careful.”

This actually made Han Yang a little more interested.

This Nine Hall Master of Xuan Yi Palace is a bit interesting.

Seeing Han Yang's eyes, his heart became cold. The Lord of the Ninth Palace said frankly: I was tricked by Ji Feihua and left here to die. If Your Highness can kill her and avenge me, that would be great.

Han Yang chuckled lightly and said, If you can see her, you wish.


With a flick of a finger.

The Ninth Hall Master was knocked unconscious directly.

Until the moment before she fell, there was still an incredible light in her eyes.

Outside the palace.

Ji Xiangtian, Ying Cheng, Si Su, and Zhang Wuyou are already waiting.

Xiao Jiuer was pitifully hiding in Ji Xiangtian's big robe, hiding his figure.

The figures of the Fuwa version of Ji Xiangtian and Xiao Jiuer are so obvious that it is almost impossible to hide them from others. One can only transform into a goddess and the other hides.

Let's go to the Emperor's Secret Realm.

Han Yang flicked his fingers and threw a fragment of the divine list to Xiao Jiuer.

Now, except for him, the other five people each have a fragment of the God List.

Zhang Wuyou smiled bitterly and shook his head.

This pretense is simply self-deception.

Their appearances have long been spread throughout the Three Immortals Island. Could it be that the Divine List Organization was blind and allowed them to enter the secret realm?

He wanted to remind Han Yang, but Han Yang blocked all his words with a look.

The entrance to the Emperor's Secret Realm is only a few hundred miles away from the Three Immortals Island.

When a group of six people flew towards the sealed entrance, they immediately attracted the attention of many people.

Is that the deposed prince of Great Qin winning the city?

Is that the Daxia Princess Sisu next to you? Why did they come to Sanxian Island?

You are so bold, aren't you afraid of being chased by the two dynasties?

Wait a minute... the swordsman with the blood lotus mask next to them looks familiar...

Blood Lotus Swordsman! The incarnation of Demon King Han Yang before he rose!

In less than half a stick of incense, the identities of Han Yang and his party were exposed.

After realizing that the man with the blood lotus mask and white hair was actually the famous Demon King Han Yang, the people around him dispersed.

No one dares to come near again.

Wherever Demon King Han Yang passes, there will be bloodshed.

How dare they provoke these little Yuan Dan warriors.

Although these people had retreated, the news that Han Yang had arrived at the Three Immortals Island and headed towards the Emperor's Secret Realm had already spread without warning, causing alarm in all directions.

Zhang Wuyou listened to the chatter around him, couldn't help but twitch the corners of his mouth, and subconsciously looked at Han Yang.

Unexpectedly, Han Yang continued to walk with his sword as if he hadn't heard anything.

Man, we've all been exposed!

Zhang Wuyou was speechless for a while and could only shake his head.

Boom boom boom!

At this moment, three figures suddenly appeared in front of the group of people.

The leader was a sixth-level Martial King, wearing the customary robe of the God List organization.

Han Yang! This is not a place you can come to! Retreat now, and I, the God List... can let you live!

Although he was only at the sixth level, the Martial King of the Divine List still looked bossy and did not seem to take Han Yang seriously.


The moment he finished speaking, a sword light lit up.

Use your sword to control your sword!

The four elephants cursed the sword, and the white tiger killed him!

The whistling White Tiger Sword Qi, like a violent storm, swept towards the three Martial Kings.

Han dare you!

The sixth-level Martial King subconsciously wanted to inspire the fragments of the God List.

In his opinion, as long as he activates the power of the fragments, he is qualified to fight even against the Demon King Han Yang...

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