Nine Revolutions of the Stars Technique

Chapter 539 Please enter the urn


Two huge forces collided.

Space seemed to be stagnant, and time seemed to have stopped.

After a while...


Endless light spread out from between the two people.

The surging energy even made it impossible for Ying Cheng and others to look directly at him.

Just one move seemed to be similar to the peak of Ziyun City's sword attack on Yang Mace that day.

In one month, Han Yang became stronger.

But Canggu is also very powerful!

After the energy surged, Canggu shouted loudly, stepped forward, and struck out with another hammer!

Han Yang's Sha Chan was broken!

Sha Chan, who was invincible, could not suppress Canggu!

In that case...

The star energy in Han Yang's body boiled, and the twenty-seven acupoints suddenly contracted and then expanded.


Self-explosion orifice!

A large amount of star energy and runes gathered above the blue long knife.

Kill Zen!

Killing Zen with one strike again!

But this time, the power has obviously increased several times.

Ouch, ouch, ouch...

Canggu also seemed to be aware of the approaching danger.

Rune marks appeared on his bronze skin.

The already tall body expanded again and turned into a giant one foot tall.

Fire flames burn the sky!

Canggu suddenly struck out with a hammer.

The endless black flames turned into a pitch-black war hammer and blasted towards Han Yang's killing Chan!

Almost at the moment Canggu performed his stunt, the moon rose around Han Yang's body.


The acupuncture point that had just self-destructed recovered instantly.


Han Yang then struck again.

Or kill Zen!


The first knife had already collided with the flaming war hammer.

Two waves of terrifying energy spattered wantonly, as if the end was coming.

But then, Han Yang's second knife came again.


This sword shattered Canggu's flaming war hammer.


The sound of broken treasures sounded.

The war hammer in Canggu's hand exploded inch by inch.

Boom boom!

The two swords at the front and back struck Canggu's body with lingering power.

A slash to the chest.

It tore Canggu's chest, almost splitting him in two.

A slash to the neck.

He almost killed him with a knife.

Golden blood is thrown into the void.

Unable to stand Canggu, he knelt on the ground with a thud.

The agitated energy slowly dissipated at this moment, and calm returned to the battlefield.

it's over.

In less than ten breaths, this earth-shattering battle came to an end.

The high priest didn't take a second look at Canggu, who was seriously injured and dying. He only looked at Han Yang with an indifferent expression, nodded and said: Yes, you are qualified to make a deal with me.

Han Yang casually threw the long blue knife to Langu aside, sighing: This knife is a bit bad and not suitable for me to use.

The high priest's eyes rolled occasionally. After pondering for a moment, he turned his palm and a long black knife appeared in his hand.

This sword is called Destruction in All Directions, and I give it to you!

With a flick of his finger, the black knife called Destruction in All Directions came to Han Yang.

Han Yang!

At this time, seeing Han Yang slashing the ninth-level Martial King Yingcheng without saying a word, he finally couldn't help it anymore.

He sent a message and asked: What is going on between you and this high priest? Why did he trade with you? Why did he give you such a precious treasure? Do you know what kind of weapon is Destruction in All Directions?

Not only Yingcheng, but even Sisu was so shocked that he couldn't open his mouth from ear to ear the moment he saw that all directions were destroyed.

The ten directions are all destroyed. The weapon once used by the most powerful martial king in the Tianwu Continent, the Killing King, is known as the most precious weapon and the most ferocious weapon in the Tianwu Continent!

The Killing King even managed to kill a Martial Emperor by destroying all directions!

This is also the only time in the Tianwu Continent that a king kills an emperor!

In that battle, the Killing King killed the Martial Emperor with one sword, but he himself was also devoured by Destruction in All Directions.

Among the ferocious soldiers of Tianwu Continent, they were wiped out from all directions and ranked third!

After the death of the King of Killers, this magic sword disappeared.

Unexpectedly, it would appear in the hands of the high priest of the God List Organization, and at this time, he would also give it to Han Yang?

Han Yang did not answer Ying Cheng's question, but turned to the high priest and asked: Is there any heaven-level elixir? I want to heal my wounds.


Ying Cheng, Si Su, Zhang Wuyou, Ji Xiangtian, and even Xiao Jiu'er all looked at Han Yang and the high priest in confusion.

Aren’t Han Yang and the Shenbang Organization mortal enemies?

It's not enough for this guy to ask for an emperor-killing weapon, he actually wants a heaven-level elixir?

Do you really think he is a fool?

But... what's even weirder is that the high priest's expression didn't change at all. With a flick of his finger, he popped out another elixir and shot it at Han Yang.

Han Yang opened his mouth and swallowed it without hesitation, without worrying that there was something wrong with the elixir.

The weird scenes one after another made the people in Yingcheng dizzy.

After giving away the elixir, the high priest seemed afraid that Han Yang would ask for something again, so he turned around and activated the light gate of the Emperor's Secret Realm.


There was a flash of light.

A huge portal hundreds of feet long, as if leading directly to the kingdom of heaven, appeared in front of everyone.

At the edge of the portal, many illusions flashed.

There are goddesses singing, flying immortals singing and dancing, demons laughing ferociously, and monsters roaring and hissing.

Just a brief glance made several people in Yingcheng feel numb and dare not look directly.

It's really a big deal. Even high-level Martial Emperors may not be able to create such a portal!

Han Yang just glanced at it and didn't care.

At this moment, a voice floated from a distance.

High Priest! This person is the mortal enemy of our Holy Sect. Please stop him! You must not let him enter the secret realm.

Ji Feihua!

Ji Feihua, the supreme elder of Xuandao Palace, escaped from the prison island at some point and chased him here.

Behind her, there was actually a ninth-level Martial King of unknown origin!

Han Yang smiled at Ji Feihua and said, Don't let me see you in the Emperor's Secret Realm, otherwise, you will die!

After saying this, he stepped out and stepped into the light gate of the Emperor's Secret Realm.

Jixiangtian and others hurriedly followed.

A group of six people disappeared within the light gate in an instant.


Ji Feihua and the King of Martial Arts arrived one step late, and their figures landed in front of the light gate, looking at the high priest with a livid face.

Why didn't you stop them!

Ji Feihua, who was so angry, didn't notice that her tone actually meant to question him.

The high priest's expression remained indifferent and said: Anyone with a fragment of the God List can enter the Emperor's Secret Realm. This is the rule of the God List organization. Are you teaching me how to do things now?

Ji Feihua's expression couldn't help but froze.

In addition, the King of Martial Arts hurriedly explained: The man before was the Demon King Han Yang. He once killed the World Walk of the God List Organization. He committed a heinous crime. Elder Ji also kindly wanted to remind the High Priest...

The high priest said calmly: Demon King Han Yang? No, that person just now... is the Blood Lotus Swordsman of the Yuan Sect.


Ji Feihua's eyes widened, as if she had heard the most ridiculous joke in the world.

Blood Lotus Swordsman?

Even though she was dozens of miles away, she could feel the evil Buddhist Zen spirit emanating from Han Yang's unique skill, Sha Chan.

Not to mention, the wounds of General Canggu still have the artistic conception of Killing Zen.

The high priest actually told lies with his eyes open?

Ji Feihua still wanted to argue, but the ninth-level Martial King beside her pulled her behind her.

Then King Wu said: Yes. That person is the Blood Lotus Swordsman... Elder Ji and I are also preparing to enter the Emperor's Secret Realm. Please ask the high priest for permission!

Hearing these words, the high priest's eyes finally gained a touch of color.


After saying that, he opened the door and allowed Ji Feihua and the ninth-level Martial King to enter.

This scene made Ji Feihua a little stunned.

Not only did he protect Han Yang before, but he even protected Han Yang's identity.

How come they were allowed to enter and pursue him in the blink of an eye?

What kind of trick is this old guy playing?


The high priest flicked his finger, and a token with the symbol of the God List flew into Ji Feihua's hands.

You two, after entering the Emperor's Secret Realm, issue a kill order on my behalf. Whoever kills the Blood Lotus Swordsman will be rewarded with ten fragments from the God List! A set of emperor-level skills! Qualification for battlefields outside the territory... for ten years!

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