Nine Revolutions of the Stars Technique

Chapter 545 Fighting for the Luck of the God List Fragments

The power of the Star Destroyer God was completely eliminated after killing five sixth-order Martial Kings.

The dozen or so low-level Martial Kings were lucky enough to escape without being killed.

However, they all fell into a sluggish state at this time and even forgot to escape.

what's going on?

Did King Liu and the others die in battle?

Beheaded with a knife?

From the moment the airship crashed to the ground to the five female warrior kings being beheaded, it took less than five breaths from beginning to end.

The two owners of the fragments of the God List, five sixth-level Martial Kings, died like this.


The Martial Kings suddenly realized that they had been deliberately misled.

How could Han Yang have the combat power of a sixth-level Martial King!

If placed on the Tianwu Continent, it would clearly be able to kill the ninth-level Martial King!


More than a dozen low-level Martial Kings fled in all directions.

Suppressed by the Forbidden Air Formation, they could only run away on two legs.



The sound of swords sounded.

The Qianye Feijian shot out like a swimming dragon.

Puff puff puff puff!

These low-level Martial Kings died under the flying sword without even saying a word.

In the valley.

The remains of twenty Martial Kings had already dyed the ground blood red.

But Han Yang stood with the sword in hand and didn't move an inch.

Feeling the luck absorbed by the black list, Han Yang completely understood Zhang Wuyou's plan.

This guy actually wanted him to kill these Martial Kings who came to him and use their luck to be promoted, instead of sucking up the luck of Tianwu Continent.

It's a good idea... It's a pity that you underestimated the luck I need to gather my heavenly soul and be promoted to King of Martial Arts!

According to the luck accumulated by these Wu Kings, it would take at least several thousand people to be able to promote Han Yang!

Wait...if it's luck...

Han Yang's eyes moved to the three fragments of the divine list in the valley.

These three God List fragments obviously contain a lot of luck, but because they are bound by the God List fragments, they cannot be absorbed by the Black List.

Han Yang waved, and all three fragments of the divine list fell into his hands.

The material of the God List fragments has reached the artifact level.

His current strength is not enough to crush it with violence.

If you want to destroy the fragments of the God List, you have to find other ways.

With a thought in his mind, Han Yang took out the transmission talisman and sent a message to Zhang Wuyou: Is there a master of weapon refining in the Emperor's Secret Realm?

After a long time, Zhang Wuyou's message came back: Yes! There are also many treasure-level weapon refiners!

Miraculous elixirs are rare, and weapon-refining materials are easy to find and can be reused.

Therefore, compared with the scarcity of alchemists, there are many weapon refiners.

After tens of thousands of years of accumulation, there are countless weapon refiners in the Emperor's Secret Realm.

It can be seen from the fact that each of these King Wus has a treasure in his hands.

Don't send these rubbish Martial Kings here to die, try to lure some weapon refiners to come here!

Han Yang continued to transmit messages.

Zhang Wuyou obviously didn't expect that Han Yang would see through the plot so quickly, and he remained silent for a long time without recovering.

After half a stick of incense, Zhang Wuyou continued to send the message.

This time, there are descriptions of the appearance and characteristics of more than a dozen weapon refiners.

These are the thirteen treasure-level weapon refiners among the first batch of Martial Kings in Qingyun Valley. I will continue to sort out the ones in Nanzang Valley and will give them to you later.

The message from Zhang Wuyou made Han Yang raise his eyebrows.

Qingyun Valley?

Nan Zang Valley?

Not a separate dynasty and holy sect?

How many Martial Kings are coming from Qingyun Valley?

Han Yang suddenly had a bad feeling.

The transmission talisman was silent for another moment.

There are about 200 sixth-level Martial Kings and about 1,000 fifth-level Martial Kings. Among them, at least half are those with divine color fragments.


Han Yang had the urge to kill Zhang Wuyou with a knife.

Do you really think he is invincible?

The fragments of the God List are like turtle shells, extremely difficult to break.

So many Martial Kings with fragments of the God List can pile him up to death!

Xiao Jiuer's practice of corpse refining is pretty good. Next time we meet, I'll teach it to you!

Han Yang is preparing to train Zhang Wuyou into a heavenly corpse.

There was no movement from the transmission notes, as if Zhang Wuyou was dead.

Just when Han Yang was about to put away the transmission talisman, another message came.

According to the speed they left, Qingyun Valley will arrive after a stick of incense, and Nanzang Valley will arrive half an hour later... There are nine seventh-level Martial Kings in Nanzang Valley. I wish you good luck!


Han Yang decided that next time they meet, he will refine Zhang Wuyou into a heavenly corpse to keep Xiao Jiuer company!

One stick of incense...there should be enough time!

Han Yang calmed down and began to use the Holy Body of Heaven to deduce the Three Life Techniques and merge the three souls of heaven, earth and man.

Hundreds of miles away.


The life talisman in Taohuawu Master's hand shattered, causing her expression to change suddenly.

King Xihua Martial King has fallen! Han Yang was able to break through the halo of the sixth-level Martial King's God List fragments?

When she received the information, the old King Wu of Taohua Island, King Xihua Wu, was out hunting, so she personally arranged for King Xihua Wu to rush to intercept and kill Han Yang in advance.

As a result, King Xihua Wu's life talisman actually shattered.

This proves that Han Yang is much stronger than what the intelligence says!

If you want to break through the fragmented defense of the sixth-level Martial King, you need at least an eighth-level, or even a ninth-level Martial King to do it!

Demon King Han Yang possesses the ninth-level Martial King combat power!

After getting this judgment, the dock owner's heart twitched violently.

Is this Han Yang a monster?

In just two months, the strength has improved so much?

It's impossible... No matter how talented you are, it's impossible to improve so much in two months... There must be something wrong with the intelligence!

The dock owner quickly made a judgment, but this judgment was useless.

Now everyone is riding a tiger and it is difficult to get off.

Even if they knew the intelligence was wrong, could they still withdraw?

After pondering for a moment, she ordered: King Huazhao Wu, please inform Master Nine Flowers that I want all the information about Demon King Han Yang!

King Zhihua Wu on the side couldn't help being surprised.

Now that the opening period of the Emperor's Secret Realm has not yet arrived, no one is allowed to enter or exit.

If you want information about Demon King Han Yang, you can only go through the God List Organization.

If you want the Shenbang organization to agree to secret domestic and foreign contacts, you need to pay a huge price.

Often one, or even two God List fragments!

Seeing the solemn expression on the dock owner's face, she could only nod respectfully and said: Don't worry, I know what to do!

After the Martial King Zhihua took the order and left, the dock master spoke again, and the voice was clearly transmitted to the ears of every Martial King on the Peach Blossom Island Royal Aircraft.

When we surround Han Yang later, let's move slowly and don't rush to the front line! Han Yang has the ability to kill the ninth-level Martial King and break through the defense of the sixth-level Martial King God List! Xihua Martial King has already fallen among them In hand.

When they heard the first half of the sentence, many of the martial kings on Peach Blossom Island were a little hard to understand.

When they heard that King Xihua Wu had died, they couldn't help but feel a chill in their hearts.

King Xihua Wu was very powerful, even among the top three among them, but he died in the hands of Han Yang.

Han Yang, the demon king, seemed not as weak as they thought.


At this moment, a series of roars sounded around.

The other dozen or so airships were all speeding up.

The six dynasties and the ten holy sects all wanted to kill Han Yang and seize the treasure of Shenxu.

A bunch of idiots!

The only master of Taohuawu in Qingyun Valley who knew how powerful Han Yang was, a sneer appeared on his face. Instead of speeding up, he ordered to slow down.

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