Nine Revolutions of the Stars Technique

Chapter 561 Are you selling your life?

Are you going to participate in the bloody battle of divine grace?

Outside the Shen'en Palace, King Wu, who was acting as a bodyguard, looked at Han Yang and his party in surprise, or to be precise, at Ji Xiangtian and Xiao Jiuer.

It's not that there are no high-level martial kings who participate in the bloody battle of Divine Grace, but they are very rare.

No dynasty or holy sect is willing to sacrifice a high-level martial king.

Usually the martial kings who are forced to participate in the bloody battles of divine grace are low-level martial kings of the first and second levels.

Because this level has the largest number of Martial Kings and the most mediocre people, they are the most suitable victims.

Zhang Wuyou sighed with a sorrowful look on his face: Don't mention it, we are from the Great Xia Worship Courtyard. We offended Eunuch Bingbi of Dongchang and were plotted against us. We had to participate in the bloody battle of divine grace...

This guy's acting skills are very superb, and he is worthy of being someone who can lurk in the Yuan Sect.

The look of annoyance and resentment made even Han Yang almost believe him.

The guard patted Zhang Wuyou's shoulder sympathetically and comforted him: You may not die if you participate in the bloody battle of divine grace! If you survive and receive the divine gift, your qualifications and strength will increase dramatically. Maybe you will have the opportunity to take revenge in the future. indefinite.

Zhang Wuyou sneered.

If the guard didn't use words like maybe and in case, he might have believed it.

After a brief registration, the guards arranged for someone to introduce them into the Temple of Divine Grace.

Bless you! Lambs...

Not long after the group entered the Temple of Divine Grace, a group of women in divine robes came over and blessed Han Yang and several others.

Zhang Wuyou looked confused and accepted the blessing.

But Han Yang narrowed his eyes slightly.


Tianwu Continent is not a world that believes in gods.

Now the God List organization has created temples, divine favors, these things, and now even priests have appeared.

Reminiscent of the high priest he met outside the Emperor's Secret Realm, this organization seems to be more like a magic stick organization.

Didn't those Martial Kings and Martial Emperors in Tianwu Continent notice the abnormality in the God List organization?

How could it be so easily infiltrated by the God List organization to the point where it is today?

With doubts, Han Yang secretly took action and left marks on these priests.

People from Daxia?

As soon as the priest left, a stubble-faced King Wu came over.

Judging from the logo on his robe, he seems to be from the Qin Dynasty.

Before Han Yang and others could speak, the Great Qin Martial King said to himself: Among the four of you, are there any first-, third-, fifth- or sixth-level Martial Kings?

Seeing Han Yang take a step back calmly, Zhang Wuyou could only bite the bullet and said: I am a first-level Martial King, what can I do for you?

Hearing that Zhang Wuyou was a first-level Martial King, the Great Qin Martial King's eyes lit up. He enthusiastically pulled Zhang Wuyou aside and said through a message: Do you want to risk your life?

Working hard?

Zhang Wuyou was startled, not quite understanding the meaning of this word.

King Wu of Great Qin looked at Zhang Wuyou doubtfully, and said curiously: Didn't your seniors tell you before coming to the Divine Grace Palace? You shouldn't... Forget it, I'll explain it to you again...

It turns out that the so-called working hard really means it literally.

The Shenbang organization forced the six dynasties and the ten holy sects to send King Wu to participate in the bloody battle of divine grace, which made the dynasty and the holy sects miserable.

Among them, there are many geniuses who were defeated in battles, tricked by others, and advanced to the Temple of Divine Grace.

These talented warriors found a loophole in the Temple of Divine Grace, communicated with any King Wu they might encounter in advance, and used enough benefits to buy King Wu's life!

Let King Wu deliberately lose to the geniuses in a bloody battle to ensure that the geniuses will not die in the Temple of Divine Grace.

It sounds ridiculous, because no one is willing to sacrifice themselves to help others.

However, the low-level Martial Kings in the Emperor's Secret Realm are not qualified to enter the battlefield of all realms, and they do not get the opportunity to be promoted. If things go on like this, there will always be some Martial Kings who are crazy and crazy like the Martial Kings in the wilderness.

These martial kings, who would rather die than die, are often willing to sacrifice themselves for their people.

Zhang Wuyou took a breath of air after listening to King Wu of Qin's introduction.

Everyone in Tianwu Continent is full of yearning for the secret realm of the Emperor.

Those king-level forces even fought to the death for the chance to enter the Emperor's Secret Realm.

But who would have thought that the Emperor's Secret Realm is actually a prison.

The Martial Kings in the secret realm are no better than the Martial Kings in the wilderness.

How about it? If you agree to sacrifice your life, we will give your family enough skills and resources to give birth to at least two martial kings in your family!

King Wu of Great Qin said in a bewitching tone.

Human life became an item that could be traded in his mouth.

What makes Zhang Wuyou even more chilling is that the human life being traded is that of a respected Martial King.

In the Tianwu Continent, the Martial King was supposed to be the supreme and illustrious king.

It turned out to be a sacrificial trading item here!

God list organization!

Zhang Wuyou became more and more determined to get rid of the God List Organization.

Ha... let me worry about it, senior. I am confident that I can survive the bloody battle, so I won't make a deal.

Zhang Wuyou shook off the Qin Wu King and told Han Yang the matter.

This is interesting. It seems that over tens of thousands of years, not only the Shenbang organization has infiltrated the Tianwu Continent, but the martial kings of the Tianwu Continent have also infiltrated the Shenbang organization...

After hearing Zhang Wuyou's story, Han Yang laughed.

Ji Xiangtian and Xiao Jiuer on the side looked confused and couldn't understand what Han Yang was saying, but Zhang Wuyou's pupils shrank.


These bastards can trade human lives, which means that they can affect the process of the bloody battle of divine favor to a certain extent!

The members of the Divine List organization who control the Divine Grace Blood Battle have undoubtedly been reverse infiltrated or bribed.

Oops, we seem to be in trouble...

Zhang Wuyou immediately thought of the cold look in King Qin Wu's eyes just before he left, and his heart skipped a beat.

Han Yang patted Zhang Wuyou on the shoulder and said, My purpose is to test what the so-called divine grace is. Before that, you probably won't die, don't worry.


Zhang Wuyou felt that he was being maliciously targeted.

Needless to say, Han Yang was invincible even among the ninth-level Martial King, let alone the first-level Martial King.

Ji Xiangtian and Xiao Jiuer are also existences that can leapfrog challenges.

He is the only one with the weakest strength.

The Hall of Divine Grace is in a side hall.

The four new guys from the Great Xia Dynasty rejected our deal, find out who they are!

The peaceful King Wu of Qin in front of Zhang Wuyou had a ferocious expression and a cold light in his eyes.

Sitting on the main seat of the side hall was a young man wearing a python robe.

He said calmly: Uncle Wang, why do you care so much about these little guys? I said, I am confident enough to survive the bloody battle.

King Wu of Great Qin sneered and said angrily: Yinglu! How many times have I told you that you must not be careless in the Emperor's Secret Realm! Yinghui can trick you into the Divine Grace Palace, do you think she has no back-up plan? What if? If my guess is correct, he will definitely affect the bloody battle and send people to snipe you!

When the young man heard the word win back, a flash of hatred flashed in his eyes, and he no longer refuted King Wu of Qin's words.

In addition to the guy named Zhang Cheng, there is another person in their team who is a first-order Martial King. When I arrange for someone to kill Zhang Cheng, the other guy will have to make a deal with us! I will arrange the matter, don't worry That’s good!”

King Wu of the Qin Dynasty booked Zhang Wuyou on a death journey with just a few words.

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