Nine Revolutions of the Stars Technique

Chapter 565: Kill Han Yang at any cost


The Divine Grace Order on Ice Mask's waist flashed suddenly, and a line of text appeared in front of Ice Mask.

Encircle and kill the Blood Lotus Swordsman with the powerful men of the temple! Reward two baptisms of divine grace, two quotas on the battlefield of all realms, and a fragment of the second-level divine list!

When he saw the previous text, Ice Mask's pupils suddenly shrank.

When she saw the back, her eyes widened in astonishment.

Second-level god list fragments?

What it is?

She subconsciously looked at the Martial Kings around her, only to find that no text lit up in front of them at all, and she was the only one who received the message.

Could it be that only giants with five divine baptisms can get the news?

As soon as the idea of ​​Ice Mask came up, a figure suddenly appeared on the stands.

Teng Kaitian!

Teng Kaitian, the seventh-level martial king of Jinyang Valley, is one of the three giants of the seventh-level martial king.

It seems that you have also received the news. How about it? Are you interested in fighting him?

Teng Kaitian, with his bald head and shiny face, bared his teeth in a smile, revealing eight teeth, making him look extremely bright.

What a fool!

Ice Mask trembled in his heart.

She had seen with her own eyes the brutal scene of the bald man tearing King Wu apart.

That good-for-nothing Black Feng is dead. You and I are the only ones left in the Tenth Temple of Divine Grace. If you can't get in, please give me a warm word!

Teng Kaitian looked heroic and spoke carelessly.

Ice Mask glanced at Han Yang on the stage and said calmly: I won't go.

Are you afraid? Teng Kaitian touched his bald head with contempt in his eyes.

Ice Mask frowned slightly and said coldly: Teng Kaitian, you don't have to act in front of me and use this clumsy provocation. If I say no to fighting, I won't fight! If you are willing to die, I won't stop you, Don’t hold me back!”

Teng Kaitian snorted coldly.

He really wanted to drag Ice Mask into the water.

Ice Mask is a person who is proficient in ice magical powers and has strong field control ability.

If she appeared on the scene, it would be twice the result with half the effort to surround and kill the Blood Lotus Swordsman.

It's a pity... people didn't fall for it.


With a flash of light, Teng Kaitian appeared on the ring.

Buzz buzz!

The light flashed one after another.

Finally, nine people appeared on the ring, standing opposite Han Yang.

There was an uproar in the stands.

Nine people!

It turned out to be nine powerful men who joined forces to surround and kill the Blood Lotus Swordsman.

Although they didn't recognize the other eight people, they thought they were about the same strength as Teng Kaitian. They were all giant-level powerhouses who had experienced the baptism of divine grace five times!

In order to kill a Blood Lotus Swordsman, the God List Organization actually mobilized many giants from the Thirteen Divine Grace Halls in Outland. It was really an exaggeration.


When he saw the giants on the stage, Ice Mask laughed out loud.

Nine warriors, four bald heads!

Jinyang Valley is indeed the most naive group of people among the six dynasties and the ten holy sects.

Thirteen God's Grace Halls, more than thirty giants and strong men, and finally nine people took action. It can be seen that many giants and strong men, like Ice Mask, have seen some clues and dare not go on stage in person.

But there are four idiots from Jinyang Valley!

You really don’t know how to live or die!

Senior Brother Teng? I didn't expect to meet you here.

Junior Brother Lu, hahaha, haven't we seen each other for hundreds of years?

Senior Sister Fu...

The nine giant-level experts used the bloody battle as a place to chat. When they talked to each other, they clearly did not take Han Yang into consideration.

In their opinion, Blood Lotus Swordsman killed Hei Feng, which proved that his strength was nothing more than mediocre!

Nine people working together can definitely kill this person instantly!

Okay! Stop talking nonsense, kill this person, we will receive the reward and go to the battlefield of all realms! Don't waste time here!

One person spoke coldly.

No need to look at who it was, just by hearing the murderous and cold voice, one knew that it must be the killer of Yinlou.

Exactly what I want!

Kill this person and go to the battlefield of all realms!

The nine people quickly reached a consensus.

Just when they were about to take action, Han Yang had already taken action first.




The sound of swords sounded like a violent storm.



Two hundred pieces!

In the end, a total of 360 Qianye Divine Swords spread across the void, overwhelming all directions.

The atmosphere of chatting and laughing in the ring instantly solidified.

Teng Kaitian and others looked at the dense sword formation in shock.


This bastard kept it!

Fight him!

Teng Kaitian roared, and nine rounds of bright suns rose into the sky at the same time, and then suddenly exploded.

A desperate blow!

He exploded his soul and activated the forbidden technique.

Most of the other eight people did the same, each activating the forbidden technique and fighting for their lives!


Han Yang waved his finger downward.

Boom boom boom!

Three hundred and sixty Thousand Leaf Divine Swords fell down.

A bunch of idiots!

Ice Mask sighed and held a moment of silence for these idiots in the ring.

They were all blinded by the continuous victories, thinking that they were really invincible.

These nine idiots did not discover the real fatality in the battle between the Blood Lotus Swordsman and the Black Blade.

Fragments of the God List!

The halo of the fragments of the God List that Black Feng used to activate the seventh-level Martial King was easily torn apart by the sword like tissue paper.

This is enough to prove that the Blood Lotus Swordsman is definitely more than a seventh-level Martial King.

But these idiots are still rushing to die!

After this battle, Jinyang Valley may not be able to recover for thousands of years!

The seventh-level Martial King was cut off at the waist, and all the geniuses were wiped out in one battle!

Just as Ice Mask expected.

Puff puff puff puff!

The sword rain fell, and all the nine giants became dead souls under the sword.

Their forbidden techniques have no effect in front of the sword rain.

The moment the halo of the God List fragments is torn apart, death is their only fate.

At the same time, all the people watching the Martial King on the bloody fighting stands of the Thirteen Divine Grace Palaces in the Outer Domain were silent.


The nine giants who could dominate a lifetime all died under the sword of the Blood Lotus Swordsman.

At this moment, a chill arose in the hearts of all King Wu.

What kind of monster came out of the Great Xia Dynasty...

They looked at the symbol of the Great Xia Dynasty on Han Yang's robe and were speechless for a long time.

Kill nine giants with one sword.

This Blood Lotus Swordsman of the Great Xia Dynasty, who was only at the first level of the Martial King, definitely had the combat power of the ninth level Martial King.

And it’s not like entering the ninth level for the first time!

Is he from our Great Xia Dynasty? Go and find out, I want to know who he is!

In the Seventh Divine Grace Hall, one of the two giants, Prince Zhan, who was born in the Great Xia Dynasty, turned red, and his fingers were trembling with excitement.

If this Blood Lotus swordsman is really from the Great Xia Dynasty, they will be prosperous.

Thousands or even hundreds of years later, an invincible King Wu will appear in the Great Xia Dynasty!

It may even be possible to get a glimpse of the Martial Emperor’s realm in ten thousand years!

A person beside him frowned and said: Your Highness, the last time the Emperor's Secret Realm was opened, there were sixty-three first-level Martial Kings from our Great Xia Dynasty who entered the Emperor's Secret Realm! But among these sixty-three people, there seems to be no one with such a heaven-defying swordsmanship. Human. And... I think his swordsmanship seems to have some shadows of the Tianjian Sect.

Prince Zhan's thoughts came to an abrupt end. He mechanically twisted his neck and said in a harsh voice: The sword-controlling skills of the Tianjian Sect?

The man next to him nodded.

Bastard! How could the Tianjian Sect be worthy enough to have such a genius! He is wearing my Daxia clothes, so he must be from my Daxia. The so-called sword-controlling skills may be just an unexpected gain for him, and he can practice it on the side.

Prince Zhan still refuses to give up.

The next moment, he exclaimed: Ha! Just say he is not from the Tianjian Sect!

I saw a figure on the stage.

Wearing a sword robe from the Tianjian Sect, with his sleeves flying around, he showed off his chic posture.

No! This is the Demonic Stone Blade of the Heavenly Sword Sect! The Blood Lotus Swordsman is in danger.

King Wu next to him suddenly changed his expression.

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