Nine Revolutions of the Stars Technique

Chapter 573 Han Yang is the real god

No, no, no... Han Yang has definitely died in divine punishment! You can't be Demon King Han Yang! This is an illusion! Yes, it must be an illusion!

Protector Dong roared like crazy.


A flash of sword light flashed, and one of his arms flew out.

There is a token in the palm of his hand.

Han Yang said calmly: It's a good trick. You know how to pretend to be crazy and act stupid to delay time, and use the token to teleport away. Unfortunately, your acting skills are much worse than Zhang Wuyou.


Zhang Wuyou looked innocent.

Why did it involve myself?

Then, he suddenly trembled.

Han Yang is not dead!

Survived under the mighty puppet of God?

According to the previous description of the tenth messenger, in the past 100,000 years, only one person in Tianwu Continent has survived from the puppet of God.

That's because when facing the Puppet of God, Xie Lengchan broke through and entered the Martial Emperor Realm, and finally made a comeback against the odds!

Since then, no one has had such good luck!

Han Yang actually became the second person to survive God's punishment.

The tenth messenger was also struck by lightning, his expression dull and unable to speak a word.

Even if he can avoid divine punishment, what kind of monster is this Han Yang! ?

Han Yang! Don't be complacent! The Nine Ambassadors have dispatched the Divine Punishment Team! You will definitely die...

Protector Dong no longer acted coyly, and cursed with vicious eyes.

It's a pity that you won't see that day.

Han Yang waved his hand with a knife.

With his current strength, killing an eighth-level Martial King is like killing a chicken but a dog.


Protector Dong's body exploded and he was wiped out four times in an instant!


At the moment when Protector Dong fell, a golden light lit up.

The protector who had previously fought against the Ice Mask had activated his token at some point and was about to teleport away.

Before leaving, he made a throat-cutting gesture towards Han Yang with a ferocious expression.

After tens of thousands of years of being pampered and aloof, the guys in these God List organizations simply cannot accept failure.

Even if he was running for his life, he still had to provoke Han Yang.


The sound of the knife lights up.

Red spreads!

Beauty, turn on!

Destroy the gods!

The fierce sword light crossed the spatial distance in an instant and struck in front of the protector.

Idiot! I am protected by the light of teleportation, you can't possibly...


Before the protector could finish his sentence, he heard the sound of the teleportation mask breaking.

During the transmission process, it was cut off by Han Yang's knife.


This unlucky protector was torn into countless pieces by the out-of-control teleportation force amidst his desperate roar.


The remaining martial kings around looked at Han Yang with incredulous eyes.

They now know Han Yang's true identity.

Not the Blood Lotus Swordsman, but the recently famous Demon King Han Yang.

These people never thought that the person who finally rescued them from the God List Organization would be the Demon King Han Yang.

Have you examined him?

Han Yang ignored those King Wu with complicated eyes and stepped towards Zhang Wuyou.

Zhang Wuyou had countless doubts in his heart, but he never asked them out.

He nodded and said: This person is not the winner of the Great Qin Dynasty, but the Shenbang organization replaced him with the method of a substitute! There are countless lurkers like this Li Daitao! The six great dynasties, the ten great saints Among the sect, half of the ninth-level Martial Kings have been replaced by the God List Organization!

When he said these words, Zhang Wuyou felt extremely heavy.

Tianwu Continent is indeed about to be drained by the God List Organization!

Even the ninth-level martial kings from the six dynasties and the ten holy sects were replaced by substitutes.

It’s chilling to think about.

Han Yang raised the corners of his mouth slightly and chuckled: It seems that some people think that it is absolutely impossible for me to come back alive.

The tenth messenger collapsed to the ground, his face ashen.

He really didn't expect Han Yang to be alive.

Without Han Yang's protection, people like Zhang Wuyou would definitely die, so he dared to reveal these secrets unscrupulously.

Now that Han Yang has returned and the secret has been exposed, he will also become an eternal sinner of the God List Organization.

Han Yang, with your own strength, it is absolutely impossible to resist the destruction of Tianwu Continent! As long as you are willing, I can invite you to join the God List and ascend to the upper world together! It is impossible for a proud man like you to care. Isn’t it just a vulgar lower realm like Tianwu Continent?”

Knowing that he would definitely die, the tenth messenger actually tried to persuade Han Yang with his sharp tongue.

Han Yang laughed when he heard this and said: I really don't care about Tianwu Continent, but your little god list organization is so virtuous and capable that it is worthy of letting me join!

The tenth messenger stagnated.

Subconsciously, I wanted to retort.

The God List is a chess game arranged by the great forces in the upper world. It governs the world in all directions and is also the controller of the Tianwu Continent. It is not a small organization.

But thinking that Han Yang could survive from the hands of God's puppet, he didn't have the confidence to say these words.

Han Yang's strength has surpassed his understanding.

Even in the God List organization, he has never seen such a genius.

Han Yang is even more outstanding than Xie Lengchan, who became the Martial Emperor ten thousand years ago!


Before the tenth messenger could formulate his words, Han Yang had already stepped on him, crushing his brains to pieces.

The star-destroying divine sword flashed.

The remaining two lives of the tenth messenger were all wiped out!

The esteemed tenth messenger of Shen'en Temple, the ninth-level Martial King, died!

This scene made the remaining King Wu around him tremble.

He is indeed a big devil who kills people whenever he disagrees!

They will never forget that there is no way to resolve the hatred between Demon King Han Yang and the six dynasties and the ten holy sects.

If Han Yang killed people and silenced them, then they... would have no power to resist.

Ji Xiangtian, go and seal their memories! The secrets of the Shenbang Organization are not suitable to be exposed now!

Contrary to everyone's expectations, Han Yang did not kill them, but ordered Ji Xiangtian to seal their memories.

Ji Xiangtian giggled: Yes! Great master!

She knew that Han Yang would be fine!

No matter how mysterious the puppet of God is, it is impossible to defeat Han Yang.

Han Yang, he is an invincible god!

Just when Ji Xiangtian was about to take action, Han Yang continued: Control the time to three months! After three months, let the memory be unblocked!

As soon as these words came out, Zhang Wuyou's eyes lit up.

What a plan!

Three months later, these people must have been scattered throughout the Emperor's Secret Realm.

When the memory is restored, the secret breaks out, and the entire secret realm of the Emperor will be filled with bloodshed!

Perhaps the God List Organization may be overthrown as a result!

The most important thing is that Han Yang will definitely be stronger in three months than he is now.

Of all the Martial Kings present, no one dared to resist, not even Ice Mask.

Today I finally got a glimpse of the Demon King, but it's a pity that I have to lose my memory. It's really a pity...

Before his memory was sealed, Ice Mask sighed heavily.

After all King Wu's memories were sealed, Han Yang grabbed Zhang Wuyou and the other three and said, I'll take you away!

The next moment, the sword light lit up.

The power of space confinement was abruptly broken!


The teleportation light of the Blood Battle Platform was scattered and shattered, and they could no longer be restrained from teleporting!


Rays of light lit up, and everyone disappeared into the void.

The Tenth Divine Grace Hall, inside the teleportation formation.


Two rays of light flashed, a man and a woman, and two figures appeared above them.

On the lapels of their clothes, there was a huge word divine punishment embroidered on them.

God's Punishment Team!

One of the strongest hunting teams in the God List organization!

Both of them are ninth-level Martial Kings, but their strength is higher than that of the Thirteen Ambassadors.

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