Nine Revolutions of the Stars Technique

Chapter 591 The Yang family has the last laugh

There was a hint of gloom in the eyes of the high priest.

It is clear that the Tianwu Continent is on the verge of exhaustion. They have been stationed on the Tianwu Continent for ten generations and have been stationed in the Tianwu Continent for tens of thousands of years. They can finally return to the upper world.

Why do accidents happen one after another?

First, Han Yang understood all the secrets of the Shenbang organization.

The Resurrection Society that suddenly jumped out now actually possesses fragments of the God List!

The implications of this made the high priest shudder.


There is a traitor in their God List organization!

It has always been the Shenbang Organization's role in infiltrating the Holy Sect of the Imperial Dynasty of the Tianwu Continent, but now it's their turn to be infiltrated by others!

The Resurrection Society, in the eyes of the Shenbang organization, was just a small organization within the Chu Dynasty, and it actually infiltrated into the Shenbang organization.

For a moment, the high priest even felt a little confused, not knowing whether to kill Han Yang or the people from the Resurrection Society.

Yang Shenyu smiled and said: High Priest, you and I are just ordinary people who follow the rules. Only Demon King Han Yang, who has a realm every month and a great realm every year, is a peerless monster that is rare to see in thousands of years! Our affairs , you can take your time, but Han Yang must be strangled in the cradle! I wonder what the high priest thinks?

One word awakens the dreamer.

No matter how strong the Resurrection Society is, it cannot be stronger than the God List Organization.

As long as the Divine List Organization is given time, it can definitely be killed.

But Han Yang is different.

In less than a year, he went from the young man who had just walked out of Shenxu and achieved Yuan Dan to the unrivaled King of Martial Arts!

If Han Yang was given a few more months, he might be able to overturn the God List organization alone.

Whichever is the lesser of two powers that harm each other!

Kill Han Yang first, and then try to revive him!

The high priest made a quick decision.

I hope you won't disappoint me!

The high priest said with a gloomy look.

Yang Shenyu laughed and said: Don't worry, no one in the sky or on earth will want to kill Han Yang more than me.




At this moment, crisp applause sounded.

Interesting! It's so interesting! The enemies who want to kill me are all gathered together! It's a pity that people from the Imperial Dynasty and the Holy Sect are missing, otherwise it will be more exciting.

Han Yang's face was filled with a bright smile.

He originally thought that the person who passed on the news of Li Xuanyu's capture and led him to death was the Shenbang Organization.

Unexpectedly, it turned out to be the Resurrection Society, the people of the Yang family under Chen Yu.

Chen Yu is really a waste!

You can’t even control your subordinates!

How many times has this happened?

Han Yang was smiling, but he already had murderous intentions towards the Resurrection Society and even Chen Yu.

Why should such a piece of trash be left with him?

Han Yang decided that he would destroy the Resurrection Society, abolish Chen Yu's cultivation, and let him stay at home with Chen Qiaoqian and enjoy the happiness of family.

You're a loser who can't even control your subordinates, so don't play any tricks.

Isn't it good to just wait and see your grandson in peace?

Han Yang! I admit that your growth is somewhat beyond our expectations, but today, you will die!

The flames in Yang Shenyu's eyes became increasingly intense.

The space was burned by the fire phoenix and began to collapse.

The combined power of the five ninth-level Martial Kings is beyond imagination.

Not to mention, there are four third-level God List fragments and one fourth-level God List fragment for blessing!

God's punishment!

The high priest took the lead.

With a command, the divine pupils burst out with two vast divine lights.

Within the divine light, an incredible power of destruction was born, sweeping towards Han Yang.

The fire phoenix destroys the world!

Yang Shenyu also shouted angrily, controlled the flaming phoenix, and burned towards Han Yang.

Two powerful men, thirteen ninth-level Martial Kings, join forces to show off their power.


Thunder rumbled inside Han Yang.

The newly restored acupoints exploded again.

In an instant, all the energy poured into Destruction in Ten Directions in a destructive manner.


Han Yang was in his peak state and executed the most powerful sword.

The Sixth Form of the God of War, the sixth form, fighting the ancient god!

Ancient gods can also kill, let alone mere mortals in the lower realms.

The blade rises, and the unrivaled power of killing gods rises from the blade.

The high priest relied on the power of the gods.

Han Yang, on the other hand, is a God-killer.


Three attacks collided together.

The terrifying energy surge covered the sky and the sun.


Except for the high priest and Yang Shenyu, the other eleven ninth-level martial kings all vomited blood and became extremely depressed.

Han Yang's sword seemed to have cut through their souls, leaving them unable to hold on.

If it weren't for the protection of the fragments of the God List, they would have been killed by the aftermath of the blade.

The high priest looked horrified.

blasphemer! You are a blasphemer!

As the person closest to the gods, he clearly sensed the god-destroying power contained in Han Yang's sword.

Taking gods as imaginary enemies, Han Yang is definitely a blasphemer.

How miserable you are, lying at the feet of gods and lingering for breath.

Following Han Yang's indifferent voice, the blade fell.


The sound of the fragments of the divine list breaking was heard.

Behind the high priest, three ninth-level martial kings exploded and died.

Behind Yang Shenyu, a ninth-level Martial King also fell.

With just one strike, four people were killed!

This knife killed everyone with fear.


Before the high priest and others could recover from their shock, a moon wheel rose from Han Yang's body.

Samsara shines, and Han Yang's injuries recover instantly!

To this day, both the God List Organization and the Resurrection Society are aware of Han Yang's unique skill.

Now that he saw Han Yang returning to his prime, the high priest cursed in his heart.

Those idiots on the black list!

This magical power of reincarnation is clearly the unique ability of the bitch at the head of the black list.

Now controlled by Han Yang, its power is still so terrifying.

It's true that there is more than enough success and more than failure.

Fight the Ancient God!

No matter what they think, Han Yang's second sword has arrived!

It's still a knife in its prime.


The light of the divine eye rises again.


The phoenix screamed, and the fire phoenix came to destroy the world...but it was half a beat late.


The high priest changed color in shock.

He did not expect that at the critical moment, he would be plotted by the people of the Resurrection Society.


Before he could change his moves, Han Yang's blade had already arrived.


The light of the divine pupil shattered.

The sword light and the fire phoenix crossed each other and struck heavily on the divine pupil.


The sound of shattering sounded from Shentong, the High Priest and others at the same time.

Resurrection Society! You will not die well!

The high priest let out a vicious wail, and then turned into dust under the sweep of Han Yang's blade.

On the side of the Divine List Organization, all five ninth-level Martial Kings died in battle.

Lord Sin Punishment didn't even have a chance to show off his strength, so he died like an ordinary ninth-level Martial King.

Under Han Yang's blade, all living beings are equal.

Hahaha! Han Yang, how stupid you are! After exploding your acupoints twice, why are you fighting with me?

Yang Shenyu laughed proudly.

Han Yang had taken action many times, and the details had already been found out.

Self-explode the acupoints, reincarnation resumes, and self-explode the acupoints again.

This is almost Han Yang's most powerful trick to defeat the enemy.

Yang Shenyu deliberately fell behind by half a beat, leading Han Yang to use his last sword to strike at the Shenbang Organization.

Sure enough, the high priest and those idiots died miserably.

As for Han Yang, he was at the end of his strength and no longer had the power he had before!

Yang Yuting and Yang Sheng also smiled with relief.

Finally going to win!

Despite all kinds of calculations, the Yang family had the last laugh.

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