Nine Revolutions of the Stars Technique

Chapter 804 I drank too much today

On the flying boat, hundreds of candidates stood facing each other, and everyone was silent.

More than 90% of the candidates couldn't help but turn their attention to Han Yang, who was wearing white clothes.

The Star Reaching Sword Master personally led the way, making Han Yang the most popular person this time.

Even a few nine-star geniuses looked at Han Yang a few more times.

Han Yang observes the nose with eyes and the heart without pretending to be external.

At this time, he was feeling various changes in his body.

In one month, he swallowed a hundred precious medicines. Almost three plants a day finally allowed him to open Shang Qu, the second acupoint with veins, and was promoted to the second level of Martial Lord.

The opening of Shangqu Point brings not only an improvement in realm.

There is also control over the laws of deification.

At this time, Han Yang was several times stronger than when he was at the first level of Martial Master.

The Law of Deification is definitely the strongest law Han Yang has ever seen, bar none.


While he was still comprehending the rules in detail, the flying boat slowed down and then stopped slowly.

An old man with white beard and hair appeared above everyone out of thin air.

Some of you know it, and some of you don't know it yet. Let me tell you the assessment rules for the first level of this Star Selection.

Below is my Xingxuhai Ten Thousand Dharma Platform. Only those who walk down the Ten Thousand Steps along the Ten Thousand Dharma Platform can be qualified to participate in the second level of the assessment.

Don't look at the process, just the results. Now, let's get started.

After that, the old man waved his hand, and the flying boat everyone was riding on sank into his Najie and disappeared.

All the candidate stars were suspended in mid-air, facing the so-called Ten Thousand Methods Platform.

This Wanfa Platform turned out to be a high platform from top to bottom.

There are 10,000 steps in total.

Climb down the steps and finally step onto the ground.

Just looking at it with the naked eye, you can't see any clues on it.

However, Han Yang could clearly sense that the power of countless complicated laws was flowing on the Ten Thousand Laws Platform.

The so-called Ten Thousand Dharma just means that there are as many as ten thousand different laws on this Ten Thousand Dharma Platform.

There are more than a hundred subordinate sects in Xingxiu Sea.

The sect located in Shangzhou will have at least two or three candidates participating in the assessment.

Some of the top Shangzhou even have more than a dozen candidates.

As for the affiliated sects in the five major divine states, there are even more candidates.

The most powerful Middle-earth Divine Continent actually has ninety-three candidates to participate in this selection.

Only Han Yang, who came from the desolate Manzhou of Xiazhou, had withered talents and participated in the assessment alone.


While he was still observing the situation around him, a purple figure stepped forward and landed on the Wanfa Platform.

Chu Feng Tu!

Almost everyone recognized the identity of this young man in purple robes. He was the first genius in Qi Huan Shangzhou and one of the Nine Stars in the Double Palace.

His name represents legend.

Chu Fengtu is also one of the six double palace nine-star geniuses this time.

Just when everyone thought he would step directly out of the first step, Chu Fengtu suddenly turned around and looked at Han Yang.


He made a throat-cutting gesture with a sinister expression.

Hahaha...I'll wait for you on the road.

Having said that, the man strode along the steps of Wanfa Terrace, climbed down the steps, and disappeared as fast as lightning.

Han Yang had no other expression on his face, and his figure remained motionless, as if he had not seen Chu Fengtu's provocation.

This scene naturally attracted ridicule from many people.

Brother Ximen, I will take the first step!

One of the tall and powerful men laughed boldly, and the second one stepped onto the Wanfa Platform.

Hmph! You are worthy of calling my name even though you are so reckless!

The handsome man behind him floated down like the wind, and was the third person to step onto the Wanfa Platform.'s interesting, let's go down too...

There was laughter like silver bells, and two beautiful women with exactly the same appearance stepped onto the steps hand in hand, causing many people to exclaim again.

Cool breeze and bright moon.

One woman has nine stars in the sword palace, and the other has nine stars in the sword palace.

But the most special thing is that the two of them are still nine stars in the chess palace.

He is also the only two Nine Stars in the Double Palace who are also good at chess among the Xingzi Tianxing.

The other four people were mostly skilled in swords and swords.

Behind the two women, another woman in red entered gracefully.

Si Hongmian.

Among the six people with two palaces and nine stars, she is the most special one, because excluding the two swords and swords, her chess palace also reaches seven stars.

Only one star away, he can rival the eternal genius Zhuge Haoyang.

At this point, all six double palace nine-star geniuses have entered the stage.

The rest of the people subconsciously turned their attention to Han Yang.

Han Yang's information was murky and unclear, and everyone in the Hall of Stars kept it secret, leaving him always shrouded in a mysterious halo.

In the eyes of many candidates, Han Yang would have to be a talent with two stars and nine stars at worst.


At this moment, someone snorted coldly, ignored the established rules, and stepped onto the Ten Thousand Methods Platform before Han Yang.

Nan Jianming.

A swordsman named after his sword.

He didn't even look at Han Yang and stepped onto the steps.

With Nan Jianming's guidance, more and more candidates ignored Han Yang and stepped onto the steps.

In the end, other people began to rush forward and stepped onto the Ten Thousand Methods Platform one by one. Han Yang was the only one left there.

Only then did Han Yang take a step forward with a smile on his face.

This so-called star selection is indeed interesting...

He already had a premonition of the bloody storm that was to come.


The moment he stepped onto the Ten Thousand Laws Platform, law after law rushed toward him.

The terrible pressure made all the bones in his body crackle.


The bluestone shattered underfoot.

He couldn't control his own power and almost lost control of his body.

Good guy...

The corners of Han Yang's mouth twitched fiercely.

This Ten Thousand Laws Platform actually uses the power of law to suppress the warriors who step onto the steps.

The deeper you understand your own laws, the less pressure you will feel. On the contrary, the pressure will be huge.

Han Yang was miserable.

He has a deified body and can control all the laws of the world. In this way, all the thousands of laws in the Ten Thousand Laws Platform, thinking that they meet Han Yang's needs, all rush to him at the same time.

It is equivalent to enduring the oppression of all laws on the Ten Thousand Laws Platform at the same time.

Other candidate stars only need to resist the power of one, or two or three laws.

As for Han Yang, he withstood the power of more than 10,000 laws at the same time.

It is equivalent to carrying a big mountain.

What a scam! Doesn't this mean that the more laws you understand and the stronger you are, the greater the pressure you will suffer?

Han Yang felt that the designer of the first level of Xingzi Tianxuan must have a very clever mind.

After taking a deep breath, Han Yang straightened his body, gradually adapted to the terrifying pressure under ten thousand times of oppression, and took the second step.


The bluestone beneath his feet shattered again.



It's almost like... one step at a time.

Under the pressure of ten thousand times, even Han Yang was a little helpless.

Fortunately, I was the last one to enter. Otherwise, if I had stepped on the steps, wouldn't I have been scolded by the star candidates behind me?


Hundreds of miles away, an old man with a red nose took several sips of wine and muttered angrily: Who is cursing me? Don't let me know, otherwise...

At this time, a deacon beside him respectfully replied: Drunken Star...

The red-nosed old man glared, and the deacon hurriedly changed his words: Master Jiu Sheng, there are nine people who are practicing the Four Methods, thirty-two people who are practicing the Three Methods, and ninety-eight people who are practicing the Two Methods participating in the Xingzi Heavenly Selection. people……

At this point, he paused and replied hesitantly: There is another one, I can't figure out what the situation is...

The red-nosed wine saint was drinking with his neck tilted back. When he heard this, he spat in the deacon's face: You trash! You can't even understand how many laws the warriors who set foot on the Ten Thousand Magic Platform have practiced? What else is there to live for? I mean, I might as well strangle you to death!

The deacon didn't dare to wipe the wine from his face and said: It's really... too weird. Master Wine Saint, you will understand if you go and see it for yourself...

With that said, he picked up the wine master and left regardless of his superiority or inferiority.

The Wine Master wasn't angry either, he just kept muttering: Okay, okay, I want to see how useless a kid you are, you actually...

Suddenly, his voice stopped.

Because, on a huge shadow wall, he saw nearly ten thousand laws, turning into rainbows, rushing forward, rushing towards the young man in white who was walking at the end of Wanfa Terrace.

The pressure made people stagger and falter.

His grandma's legs...

The old drunkard who did not believe in evil rubbed his eyes. After a while, he suddenly sighed heavily, I must have...drunk too much today...

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