Nine Revolutions of the Stars Technique

Chapter 807 You have the sword master and I have the holy weapon

In the secret realm.

Han Yang moved forward following the induction that occurred in the dark.

After burning the incense, a black chess piece embedded in the stone wall appeared in front of him.

Is this the so-called natal magic weapon?

Han Yang flicked his finger.


The stone wall shook, but the black chess pieces did not fall as he expected.

Just when he felt slightly surprised, a heroic voice came from among the chess pieces.

Life is like a chess game. If you make a move, you will have no regrets!


Following this voice, a scene as vast as heaven and earth appeared in front of Han Yang.

I don’t know how many years ago.

A powerful enemy invaded Xingxiu Sea, and a young man dressed as a scholar took charge of Xingxiu Sea.

Use the heaven and earth as the chessboard, and the Martial Saint as the chess pieces.

He fought a bloody battle with the encroaching enemy.

After three days and three nights, the powerful enemy retreated. When the sword master Jueyunzi beheaded the enemy and returned to the Xingxiu Sea, this gifted scholar and chess master who single-handedly saved the Xingxiu Sea exhausted all his efforts. Fall.


The folding fan swayed slightly.

The heroic voice of the young man spread from the illusion.

I don't ask you to protect the stars like me, nor do I ask you to save the common people in the world. There is only one thing...don't tarnish the name of this saint. I am the number one chess saint in the Xingxiu Sea, Cang Yunzi. Even Jueyun Son, you should also call me...junior brother.

Such a tragic scene of inheritance made Han Yang almost laugh out loud.

I don’t know how proud this Cang Yunzi is.

Is it an honor to be called Junior Brother by Jueyunzi? Is it worth showing off like this?


The illusion before my eyes disappeared.

Han Yang opened his eyes again and found half a broken black chess piece in his hand.

Huh? This half of the chess piece actually turned into a broken holy weapon under the baptism of Cang Yunzi's will?

Han Yang discovered that the chess piece that was supposed to be a magical weapon actually transformed into the lowest-level sacred weapon?

This was somewhat beyond his expectation.

It seems that Cang Yunzi is indeed no ordinary person.

If he survives, his achievements may not be inferior to Jue Yunzi's.

It's a pity that I don't have a deep understanding of chess. If you accept me as your master, I'm afraid the pearl will betray you secretly.

Han Yang played with the chess pieces in his hand and felt a little pity.

If a chess saint obtains this broken chess piece, he will definitely be able to exert its power to 100%.

At this moment, two crisp voices sounded in Han Yang's ears at the same time.

Senior Brother Han, can you show us the chess piece in your hand...

Han Yang turned around and found that it was Qingfeng Mingyue and the two girls.

Are you good at chess?

Han Yang asked.

The twin sisters nodded simultaneously.

From the moment they entered the secret realm, they were attracted by the chess piece and walked all the way here.

Unfortunately, they were not as able to bear the artistic conception of martial arts as Han Yang, so they fell behind step by step. By the time they arrived here, Han Yang had already completed the inheritance.

This made the two of them feel disappointed.


Han Yang flicked his finger, and the black chess piece fell into the hands of one of the women.

Qingfeng Mingyue looked at Han Yang blankly at the same time, as if he couldn't believe that Han Yang would really lend them the natal magic weapon he had obtained for observation?

The two sides can be regarded as competitors.

Aren't you afraid that they will take the chess pieces and run away?

Is this...a holy weapon?!

The woman on the left who couldn't tell whether she was an older sister or a younger sister suddenly spoke, her voice trembling.

Thinking of a sacred weapon passing by them, both of them wanted to die.

It's too awful!

Just one step away.

Han Yang looked at the two sisters with interest, wanting to see how they would react to temptation.

Wuwuwu...what a pity...

After they both cried, the woman on the right held the chess piece and respectfully sent it back to Han Yang: Brother Han, promise us to treat it well...


Seeing the two people reluctant to leave, Han Yang couldn't help but burst out laughing.

Qingfeng Mingyue, shy and anxious, stamped their feet and then pouted their little mouths.

So shameful.

They are peerless geniuses in the eyes of others.

How could you do such a gaffe?

Han Yang laughed and was about to say to give the chess pieces to the two of them. Suddenly, above his head, he could faintly hear a whistling sound coming from far away.


Actually... someone can fly in the secret realm?

Han Yang frowned and looked in the direction of the sound in surprise.

The two sisters Qingfeng Mingyue looked at Han Yang with some confusion. They didn't understand why he suddenly looked up at the sky?

But the next moment, the two sisters also changed their expressions.

They also sensed it.

Someone is flying in the secret realm, and they are approaching quickly.

Martial Ancestor?

Only Wuzu can do this.

Among the candidates, there is no Martial Ancestor...

problem occurs.

Although they didn't know what was going on, the two sisters immediately realized that something big was about to happen, so they took out their telegraph notes and started transmitting messages frantically.

As for Han Yang, he stood there, squinting his eyes slightly and waiting attentively.


The light falls.

A charming figure appeared in front of the three people.

Si Hongmian!?

The two sisters, Qingfeng Mingyue, stared at each other with disbelief.

He was obviously a candidate for the Star Selection, why did he suddenly become the Martial Ancestor?

And, what on earth is she going to do?

Si Hongmian looked at Han Yang with a half-smile and asked, You didn't expect such a scene to happen, did you?

Han Yang ignored the sarcasm in Si Hongmian's tone and asked with a smile: You...are here to kill me?

Si Hongmian smiled contemptuously and said, If I didn't want to kill you, could it be that I came to kill those two losers?

Being scolded as trash, the two sisters Qingfeng Mingyue were not unhappy at all. On the contrary, the uneasiness in their hearts became more and more intense.

The identity of a person who can be personally greeted by the Star Reaching Sword Master must not be simple.

This woman pretending to be Si Hongmian did not hesitate to profess her cultivation level, avoid all layers of detection, and sneak into the Xingzi Chosen to assassinate Han Yang.

This is a fatal mission.

Regardless of success or failure, Si Hongmian will never be able to leave Xingxiu Sea alive.

Paying a heavy price for a genius-level Martial Master just to kill a second-level Martial Master Han Yang?

Han Yang, what exactly is his talent?

After confirming that the other party's target was him, Han Yang's face remained calm. He asked calmly: Are you so confident that you can kill me?

Si Hongmian also had a smile on his face when he heard this.

She turned her palm over, and there was a golden wheel in the shape of a waning moon. She said with a smile: I know that Xingxiu Sea must have been prepared in advance. Let me guess, maybe there is a Martial Saint escorting you...


Almost at the same time as Si Hongmian's voice fell, the figure of the Star Reaching Sword Master appeared in front of the four of them.

Star Reaching Sword Master!?

The two sisters Qingfeng Mingyue exclaimed in disbelief.

The famous Star Reaching Sword Master is actually beside them?

Did she always protect Han Yang, or did she enter the secret realm in advance?

The wise expression on Si Hongmian's face couldn't help but froze.

She expected that a Martial Saint would be close to protect Han Yang, but she did not expect that this person was still the Star Reaching Sword Saint who led Han Yang into the Sea of ​​Stars.

It has been more than a month since I received the sect.

For the sake of a little martial arts master, the Star-catching Sword Master, do you even give up on your own cultivation?

But no matter what, it proves that Han Yang's importance is beyond their imagination.

Using the Sun-Moon God Sect's sacred weapon to suppress the sect...Yue Jinlun! That old thief Yuelun is really willing to give up...

The Star Reaching Sword Master exuded strong murderous intent.

While she was speaking to Si Hongmian, she secretly sent a message to Han Yang: Go quickly! The Moon Golden Wheel is a top-notch holy weapon and has the ability to defend itself. Even I can't break it in a short time. You are still no match for Martial Ancestor, the sooner you escape, the better...

Seeing the mighty Star Reaching Sword Master say such spineless words was a bit beyond Han Yang's expectation.

However, Si Hongmian, or Yue Jinlun, had no intention of leaving Han Yang a chance to escape.


The golden light flashed, and a sharp ray of light shot straight down towards Han Yang.


The surrounding space was torn apart by this light.

Even though they were separated by nearly a hundred feet, both Qingfeng and Mingyue were suppressed and unable to move at all.

Both of them had despair in their eyes.

A top-grade holy weapon, capable of killing mid- to low-level Martial Saints. Using it to deal with a Martial Saint, just like what the Star Reaching Sword Master said just now, they...are really willing to do so?

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