Nine Revolutions of the Stars Technique

Chapter 830 Guardian of the Continent

Stupid mortal! Martial Lord, you can never rebel against Martial Saint, you...

The old woman originally had a sarcastic look on her face and wanted to make a sarcastic comment, but she couldn't continue in the middle of her words.

Because she suddenly remembered that someone had already achieved the level of Martial Lord and defeated the Martial Saint!

Han Yang!

It was Han Yang who used his heaven-defying power to defeat the Martial Saint and became famous in one battle, which caused the Sun and Moon God Sect to fall into its current miserable state.

Thinking of this, the old woman became even more angry.

Do you think you are Han Yang? Dare to attack the Martial Saint! Die!

She suddenly stretched out her hand and pressed towards Emperor Zhan.


The angry dragon transformed by Emperor Zhan collided with her palm.

Facts have proved that Martial Saint is worthy of the name of Saint, and not every genius is qualified to attack Martial Saint.

With a loud noise, Zhan Tianzi's body was thrown heavily.

I don’t know how many bones were broken throughout the body.

But he's not dead!

The muscles on his body twisted and recovered at a speed visible to the naked eye, instilled by the Hongmeng Purple Qi.

This is the Martial Saint...really very strong!

Emperor Zhan looked at the old woman, his eyes boiling with fighting spirit.

Ever since he was defeated by Han Yang and given the Little Wuxiang Kung, his realm has begun to advance rapidly. He went into seclusion for two years. When he came out of seclusion, he found that things and people had changed. The Tianwu Continent had completely changed. Ascended to the upper realm.

The aura of the upper world was so rich, coupled with the blessings of heaven and earth, Emperor Zhan couldn't hold back and chose to retreat to the realm again.

Directly from the King of Martial Realm when he met Han Yang, he entered the Martial Sect and Martial Lord in a triple jump.

He had been cultivating to the ninth level of martial arts, and the purple energy of heaven and earth could no longer advance him, so he chose to leave.

It can be said that he is the one who has benefited the most from this Tianwu Ascension.

No less than Chen Qiaoqian.

When he was promoted to the ninth level of Martial Lord, he thought he was invincible and could protect Tianwu.

Unexpectedly, the legendary Martial Saint could be so powerful.

not dead?

There was a hint of gloom in the old woman's eyes.

What the hell kind of place is this Tianwu Blessed Land?

Not to mention the birth of a heaven-defying Han Yang, there was also a guy who called himself the Emperor of War. He was only a ninth-level martial master, but he could resist her death with one move.

Two invincible geniuses were born in succession, as well as a third-level spirit body and a zombie!

There is no other place in the entire Qingtian Realm where so many geniuses can be born in one era.

She originally didn't put Tianwu Blessed Land in her eyes, but now, a touch of greed appeared in her eyes involuntarily.

If I could take this place as my own...

At this moment, a voice sounded in her ear.

Stop playing around! Now that Han Yang has become famous, things will change later. Kill that kid quickly and capture Chen Qiaoqian and others!

Hearing this voice, the old woman couldn't help but get excited, and hurriedly and respectfully replied: Yes!

The owner of the voice is a sixth-level martial saint!

He was also the one who defeated Patriarch Jueyun's sword intent and was the real talker of the Sun Moon God Sect's coming to Manzhou.

Junior! It's a pity that I have to kill you...

The old woman turned her hand and found a long sword.

Zhan Tianzi frantically ran the small formless skills in his body to stimulate his formless holy body.

Not enough! Still not enough!

The formless holy body, coupled with the small formless body that has entered the second level, allows him to fight beyond the first level.

But it was still not enough for him to attack the Martial Saint.

As long as the old woman takes action, she may also...certainly die.

Han Yang, I hope you can come back in time...

Emperor Zhan didn't want to die, nor did he want to watch Han Yang's woman being taken away.

returning a Favour many times more.

Han Yang not only spared his life that day, but also granted him supreme magical power.

But he couldn't do anything for Han Yang.

He had been in seclusion for two years. Before he came out to find out the details of the Shenbang organization, Han Yang had already killed everyone, destroyed the Shenbang organization, and even killed the goddess of the upper world.

Previously, he missed it.

Today, we will never let this happen again.



As the formless holy body continued to stimulate, haloes of light spread in all directions along his body.

In less than a few breaths, it swept the entire Tianwu Continent.

At this moment, he is the real master of Tianwu Continent.

Every time you breathe, you can breathe with the Tianwu Continent and share the same fate!

This is a secret that was discovered only after he was promoted to Wuzong.

It turns out that he is the real master of Tianwu Continent!

The formless holy body was specially created to protect Tianwu.


To be more precise, the formless holy body was specially created to protect the sacred ruins.

When all methods were unified and promoted to Wuzong, he clearly sensed the existence of Shenxu and could even borrow the power of Shenxu at any time.

Only then did Emperor Zhan understand his true mission.

He understood that opening the Divine Ruins at this time would definitely be a disaster for Tianwu, who had no power to protect himself.

But, he had no choice!

In order to protect Han Yang's relatives, he had to open the divine ruins.


As the formless holy body was activated again and again, his body became more and more consistent with the divine ruins.

Finally, the fluctuations between the two aligned perfectly.

An unparalleled power was transmitted from the divine ruins to his body.


His momentum began to rise rapidly.

First-order Martial Ancestor!

Third level Martial Ancestor!

Sixth level Martial Ancestor!

Ninth level Martial Ancestor!

In just a few moments, Zhan Tianzi's state remained unchanged, but his aura suddenly rose to the level of a ninth-level Martial Ancestor.

On the other side, the old woman's eyes widened in disbelief.

This ancient and wild aura made her involuntarily fearful.

It's as if life is beginning to wither.

kill him!

At this time, the voice of the messenger of the Sun and Moon God Sect came to her mind again.


The old woman mustered up her courage and struck with her sword.


Zhan Tianzi clasped his hands together, his face showing the look of King Kong's angry eyes.

The next moment, his fingers were like holding a flower, and he moved forward slightly.

If Han Yang were here, he would definitely recognize that this was the evil Buddha's big hand seal that he obtained from the Shen Ruins...the demon-suppressing seal!


The demon-suppressing seal falls.


The old woman was instantly crushed into scum!

This is not the power of Zhan Tianzi, but the power of Shenxu!

A first-level martial saint was easily suppressed like this.

At this time, Chen Qiaoqian and others also learned about the origin of Emperor Zhan from Xiao Jiuer.

This... is an enemy who was defeated by Han Yang?

Are you kidding me?

The ancestors of Fanxing and Juxing were both stupid.

Chen Qiaoqian and the others didn't know how powerful Wu Sheng was, but they knew it very well.

A terrifying being who rebelled against the Martial Saint, was actually defeated by Han Yang?

It's incredible just thinking about it.

Should I say that he deserves to be Han Yang?

After killing the old woman, Emperor Zhan glanced at the void with indifferent eyes: Aren't you coming out yet?


There was a flash of light and shadow, and the messenger of the Sun and Moon God Sect appeared.

He looked at Emperor Zhan with cold eyes and said calmly: You are very strong, but it's a pity that you only rely on external force and are not my enemy! Why don't you tell me your secret, and I can spare your life...


Before he could finish his sentence, Emperor Zhan took action brazenly.

Sun wheel seal!

A bright sun rises!

The surrounding space of hundreds of feet was burned to ashes.

The terrible flames roared towards the messenger.


A bright sun rose from the messenger's hand.

Sun Moon Divine Sect, Hao Sun Divine Art!


The two wheels of Haori collided together.

Emperor Zhan's expression suddenly changed dramatically.

The next moment, the connection between him and Shenxu became even tighter, making half of his body become void.

He is about to be dragged into the ruins of the gods!


He finally realized that the other party was deliberately irritating him and tempting him to strengthen the connection with Shenxu so that he could be pulled into Shenxu and thus open Shenxu.

Haha... the pitiful barbarians from the lower realm have no idea about the mystery of my upper realm magic...

The messenger's eyes showed contempt, ready to wait for Emperor Zhan to reveal the secret.

But, at this moment, a cold voice sounded from the void.

So, you must know how powerful the divine power of the upper realm is...then take my sword!


The sound of swords sounded.

There is only one color left between heaven and earth.

It's... the color of this sword.

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