Nine Revolutions of the Stars Technique

Chapter 845 The poor guy whose body was taken away by Han Yang

This is my chance!

Zhuge Linglong realized that this was her perfect opportunity to kill Han Yang, or use Han Yang's hands to kill the golden skeleton, swallow the swastika characters, and unlock a third-level spiritual body.


Zhuge Linglong's eyes instantly turned black.

A ripple spread from her heart in all directions.

The martial arts of the Lianxin Family is completely different from other major sects in the Qingtian Realm.

Other martial arts families cultivate the physical body and temper the sea of ​​consciousness, but the Zhuge family, a family that cultivates the heart, cultivates... the heart.

The heart is their core.

They can use their hearts to derive all kinds of incredible powers.

This is also the origin of the name of the Lianxin Family.


Zhuge Linglong's heart suddenly shook at this moment.

The ripple vibrated like a ripple, spreading rapidly and sweeping across the two golden skeletons in an instant.


The golden skeleton body trembled slightly with Zhuge Linglong's heartbeat.

But... they seemed not to notice it and continued to pounce on Han Yang crazily.

To be precise, it pounced on the huge ice lotus that Chen Qiaoqian was refining behind Han Yang.



The most terrifying thing is the evil Buddha chanting emanating from their movements.

Even though the auspicious heaven is several miles away from here and far away from the front, it is still affected by the evil Buddha's chanting. The swastika text between the eyebrows keeps spinning and flashing, and there are faint signs of being saved.


A golden skull has its hands in a seal, forming the shape of a vase!


Another golden skull is formed into a flower shape!

Compared to the black jade skeletons that only know how to attack randomly and have a simple mind, these two golden skeletons are extremely intelligent and can even perform magical big hand seals.

Two turns are not enough? Then... try my knife again!


Four halos of light exploded around Han Yang's body.

The formless nine-turn was directly promoted to the fourth turn.

His aura once again rose to a terrifying level.


The sound of the sword sounded again.

It was at this time that a sudden change occurred.

The will-o'-the-wisps in the eyes of the two golden skeletons that were attacking suddenly flashed, turning from golden to black.

It is no different from the previous demon killings that were affected by the inner demon technique.


A streak of magic flame rose into the sky from the golden skeleton.

They have been controlled by Zhuge Linglong, and have even been superimposed with fire techniques.

Hahahaha! Shenxu should be the blessed place where I, Zhuge Linglong, canonized and become a Taoist!

Zhuge Linglong was overjoyed after successfully enchanting two golden skeletons. She looked at Han Yang with burning eyes and said with a contemptuous smile: Han Yang, no matter how strong you are, today, you still cannot escape death.

The next moment, her heart started beating violently again.


The will-o'-the-wisps in the eyes of the two golden skulls became increasingly hot and jumping.

The breath on his body is also rising incredibly.



The Aquarius Seal and the Nianhua Seal struck down one from the left and the other from the right.

Zhuge Linglong's chaos and the cooperation of the golden skull formed a perfect three-on-one.

That's okay...

Han Yang nodded, uttered four words, and a halo exploded around his body again.

The ninth turn of formlessness, the fifth turn.

After turning on the fifth turn, his body immediately began to collapse.

Even if he is promoted to the half-step Martial Ancestor Realm, rank five is still his limit.

However, due to the improvement in cultivation, the terrifying strength superimposed by the Nine Formless Transformations has also been incredibly improved.



The sound of swords clanging was endless.

A terrifying sword light shines in all directions.


The two golden skeletons roared loudly, and their big handprints covered the sky and the sun.


The sword light and the big handprint collided.

The next moment, time and space seemed to freeze.

The two golden skeletons were suspended in the air, like frozen amber.

Everything seems to be at a standstill.

But the next moment, there was a crisp sound of bones breaking, breaking the silence.


Golden skull, bones broken.


Their bodies were thrown heavily.

The sharp blades of the Seven Evil Soldiers shattered their bodies, even their skulls were shattered by 90%, and the will-o'-the-wisps instantly became dim.

Not far away, Zhuge Linglong's eyes widened in disbelief.

How can it be!

What kind of forbidden technique is this that can push Han Yang's destructive power to such a terrifying level?

Before she could recover from the shock, Han Yang slashed and killed her again.


In the buzzing sound, the blade is like a dragon.


Zhuge Linglong gritted her teeth and activated her second-level glazed goddess spirit body, trying to stop Han Yang's counterattack with the blade.

But when the sword in her hand collided with Han Yang's, she realized how wrong she was.

Kill the first-level Martial Saint?

Han Yang's sword could probably kill even a third-level martial saint.


The spiritual sword in Zhuge Linglong's hand flew into the air.

The seven ferocious soldiers tore open the realm of her inner demons in a devastating manner, and instantly dispersed her glazed goddess spirit body.


On his graceful and delicate face, Zhuge Linglong's two black eyes were covered with bloodshot eyes, looking as ferocious as a banshee.

The inner demon body-stealing technique.

This is a sure-fire technique that can harm both sides of the Lianxin family.

When the body is destroyed and is about to fall out of strength, the warriors of the Lianxin family can instantly burn the essence of the body, strengthen their souls, and rush into the enemy's sea of ​​consciousness.

If successful, you can seize the opponent's body, occupy the opponent's body, and turn defeat into victory.

If it fails, of course it will be complete physical and mental death.

The Lianxin family practices the rare divine soul martial arts. The divine soul is far more powerful than other warriors in the Qingtian Realm.

The probability of success in seizing the body at the same level is at least 70%.

Not to mention that in Zhuge Linglong's eyes, Han Yang was strong on the outside but weak on the inside. Although he was powerful in combat, his real level was only half a step into the Martial Ancestor.

The gap between the state of existence and one's own existence cannot be measured in terms of Taoism.

Therefore, she was confident that she would be able to successfully seize the body if she had no choice but to use the inner demon body-stealing technique.

Hahaha! Han Yang, I won't kill you, because from now on, I am you, and you are me...

In Han Yang's sea of ​​consciousness, Zhuge Linglong's spirit laughed crazily.

However, as she smiled, she gradually realized that something was not right around her.

Her spirit body slowly raised its head.

What came into view was a giant god standing tall on the sky and on the earth.

This giant god has three heads and six arms.

There are three heads and three faces, one is the god of war, one is the evil Buddha, and one is the god of war.

In Han Yang's sea of ​​consciousness, this giant god stood tall and tall like a god.

And Zhuge Linglong claims to be a powerful soul, just like an ant the size of a fingernail crawling at the feet of the gods.

Impossible...what is this? Your soul can't be so powerful...

Zhuge Linglong simply could not accept such a result.

The Lianxin family has always been known for its powerful soul, so it can easily charm others.

But what we see now is that Han Yang's soul strength is thousands of times more powerful than hers.

Even the ancestor of the Dingding Ding in the family has a soul that is less than one hundredth or one ten millionth as strong as the giant god in front of him.


The giant-god-like soul of Han Yang sneered, opened his mouth and blew a breath.


Zhuge Linglong, who was extremely arrogant and thought he could seize Han Yang's body, was blown to pieces by this breath, and his soul was completely annihilated...

outside world.


The blade passed by.

The body without the soul guarding it stood like a dead person, and was beheaded by a knife.

Zhuge Linglong, the second person from the Lianxin family with inner demons, died.

Miles away.

A young man who was as wild as a barbarian shook his body and looked at the person next to him with great annoyance.

Is this the enemy you talk about as not worth mentioning?

Zhuge Cheng beside him was completely stunned.

It is reasonable for Han Yang to be able to kill Zhuge Linglong. After all, Han Yang currently has the reputation of being the number one genius in the Qingtian Realm, and he uses his Martial Master to counterattack the Martial Saint.

It is not surprising that such a peerless genius has such strength.

However, Zhuge Linglong's inner demon body-stealing technique also failed?

This made Zhuge Cheng feel cold in his heart.

I know, I definitely figured out the truth of the matter. No wonder...he can do it in less than a month

In a short period of time, he soared from the second level of martial arts to the ninth level of martial arts, and his strength has not been compromised at all?

He is clearly a tens of millions of years old monster who has taken Han Yang's body long ago! He is Han Yang... But in fact, he is not the Han Yang we saw at all...

The young man who was as wild as a barbarian was the first person under the Martial Saint of the Lianxin family... Zhuge Ye.

He felt that he had found the truth behind Han Yangke's fight against the odds.

Han Yang is a tens of millions of years old monster.

Well, what a poor creature whose body was taken away by a thousand-year-old monster...

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