Nine Revolutions of the Stars Technique

Chapter 848 Destroy the Heavenly Dragon with Two Swords

He's going to lose.

One defeat means death.

Miles away.

The old man in Moluo Domain had a smile on his lips.

It is true that Han Yang is extremely talented, but after all, he is not a real Martial Master, just a small Martial Master.

Even with the blessing of endless Hongmeng purple energy in Tianwu Paradise, he still lost so quickly?

If this situation continues, at most one stick of incense will kill Han Yang...

Mo Wuya, who was holding the hilt of the knife, had fighting spirit boiling in his eyes, but in the end he never made a move.

Han Yang was clearly out of his depth. If he took action now, he could only say that he was taking advantage of others, and it was not a fair fight at all.


After all, Wu Zun is just Wu Zun.

Even if it is an old monster with a soul that seizes its body, it will still be unable to bridge the gap in realm.

This point made Mo Wuya disappointed...

On another sand dune, a majestic-looking middle-aged man appeared out of thin air.

The sun and moon robe he wore was particularly conspicuous in this place.

Beside him, four warriors also wearing sun and moon robes soon appeared.

Brother Murong, it seems there is no need for you to personally avenge Lan'er. Han exhausted!

An old man complimented with a smile.

The middle-aged man remained expressionless, and the corners of his eyebrows even twitched faintly.

Seeing this scene, the four people around him looked at each other and could see the gloating looks in each other's eyes.

Murong Ming!

The captain of the Sun Moon God Sect's Divine Punishment Team and the strongest genius in the Sun Moon God Sect.

He was even given the name Ming by the leader Yue Lun Zun personally, which symbolized infinite glory in the Sun and Moon Cult.

He and Murong Lan are father and daughter!

The father and daughter were on the same team of God's Punishment Team. This was the first time in the history of the Sun and Moon God Sect.

Both father and daughter are talented people. Such geniuses are usually very domineering and bully others.

Not long ago, Murong Lan died at the hands of Han Yang, which made many people in the God's Punishment team feel very good.

Seeing Murong Ming's angry look, their mood became even more cheerful.

I wish I could cut off the head of this beast with my own hands and avenge Lan'er!

Murong Ming hated Han Yang so much that his teeth itched with hatred.

The four people next to them wanted to continue joking, but suddenly they all turned around and looked to the west with greatly changed expressions.

Over there, there was a giant black-bone python that was hundreds of feet long, coming at lightning speed.

What frightened everyone was that this giant python, with its first two horns, seemed to be on the verge of transforming into a dragon.

What kind of monster is this...

All the black jade skeletons along the way were as if they were nothing under the strong wind of the black bone python, and were easily blown away. The four strong men of the God's Punishment Team suddenly took a breath of air.

The combat power of this black python is far superior to that of the black jade skeleton.

Even compared to the golden skeleton that appeared before, it is not far behind.

The four of them were secretly glad.

Fortunately, this monster came all the way to attack Han Yang. If it attacked them, they would probably be unable to stop it...

Before Ice Lotus.

Han Yang also discovered the black-bone giant python rolling towards him.

As expected...

The people behind the scenes here would never sit back and watch Chen Qiaoqian refine the ice lotus.

The appearance of this black-bone python had long been expected by Han Yang.

Forget it, let me see how much fighting power I still have left without the blessing of the Nine Phaseless Transformations...

In Han Yang's eyes, red threads began to spread.

The art of beauties that had been integrated into the Nine Transformations of Wuxiang was once again stripped out by Han Yang alone.

Beauty, turn on.

His hair turned as red as blood in an instant.

At the same time, the Seven Souls Fierce Soldier Swallowing Thief in his hand also trembled ferociously.

Han Yang took a deep breath, stretched out his left hand, and the Buddha-killing knife fell on the other palm.

Here's magic soldier?

The giant black-bone python's huge eyes made of will-o'-the-wisp were fixed on the Buddha-killing knife that Han Yang had just taken out.


The next moment, like an enraged ferocious beast, it gave up rushing towards the Ice Lotus and instead slammed into Han Yang with great rage.

The Buddha-killing knife once killed Buddha.

The blade of the sword was still stained with the blood of Buddha.

For the black-bone giant python, which belonged to the eight tribes of Tianlong during his lifetime, this was undoubtedly a supreme blasphemy against his faith.

For a moment, it rushed towards Han Yang crazily.

All the black jade skeletons along the way were crushed into dregs by it.

Wherever it goes, there is no stopping it.

So strong. This big guy... can he block it?

Mu Shanxiang has a book-shaped field above his head, holding a gentleman's sword, with a bit of regret in his expression.

She really wanted to have a fair and just battle with Han Yang to see how defiant this little warrior who could defeat the Martial Saint with the Martial Master Realm was.

For this reason, he even did not hesitate to assist Han Yang and intercept many black jade skeletons.

Unfortunately, manpower will eventually be exhausted.

She can't help Han Yang now. If Han Yang loses to this black-bone python, he will only die here today.


Jixiangtian was also covered in wounds at this time.

Mu Shanxiang blocked the south.

Han Yang blocks the north and west.

She is alone in the East.

Among the three, she is the weakest.


Even if she awakens a third-level spirit body, her strength is still not as good as Mu Shanxiang.

People like Mu Shanxiang are truly the proud daughters of heaven, invincible in this generation, and the strongest person in a sect that has emerged in thousands of years.

Now, Mu Shanxiang can't save Han Yang, and Ji Xiangtian has no chance of rescue.

He could only watch helplessly as his master, Han Yang, faced danger alone.

Looking at the giant black-bone python flying by along the way, Han Yang held knives in both hands and couldn't help but brew his own momentum.

At this time, he only had the ninth level of martial arts, plus the blessing of the beauty technique on his body.

That's it, no external force.

This battle can be called a truly dangerous battle, a battle of life and death.

Unable to stop the black-bone giant python, perhaps he had no choice but to use that move, but in this case, the price would be too huge. If he was reborn in the ninth life, everything would disappear.

This is a crisis that Han Yang has never encountered before.


As the black-bone python continued to approach, Han Yang's breathing became calmer and his expression became calmer.

Reborn in the ninth life, he has faced death countless times, but... he has never been afraid.

Even though this was his ninth rebirth and his last chance, if he died, he would be doomed, but he still had no fear.

Born to be a god of war, he only fights...that's all.


Ten feet!

The giant black-bone python has arrived.

Han Yang could even smell the rotten smell exuding from this big python.


The sound of swords resounded throughout the sky.

The formless gods and Buddhas are cut, and the green dragon is broken.

A sleeve of blue dragon!

Dragon versus python.

Han Yang finally chose to fight without retreating.


does not exist.

Just fight.


Amidst the roar of the dragon, the tip of the Seven Souls Fierce Soldier's knife hit the dragon's horn on the head of the black-bone python.


All the death curse seals sealed in the fierce soldier swallowing the thief poured out in an instant.

Within an hour, Han Yang killed no less than ten thousand black jade skeletons, equivalent to tens of thousands of ninth-level martial ancestors.

Now, the death curse mark formed on the blade suddenly turned into a green dragon, and all of them hit the black bone python's head.


The sound of the dragon's horns breaking was like a mountain collapsing and the earth cracking.

Han Yang's body was also hit hard and flew out.

But the Swallowing Thief in his hand is worthy of the name of a fierce weapon. This sword deserves to be able to cut off the pair of sharp dragon horns of the black-bone giant python.

The giant python let out an earth-shattering roar, and its offensive was suddenly blocked.


Immediately afterwards, the second sound of swords sounded.

Buddha-killing knife.


I will save you and go to the Western Heaven.

It is full of irony to use the Buddha-killing sword to perform Buddhist salvation techniques.

The effect was beyond everyone's expectations.

In the previous confrontation, the black-bone giant python's overall strength was reduced by 70%. Now, the Buddha-killing knife was like tearing open its huge head.


The sword flashed past.

A huge black body split into two and gradually disappeared into the void.

Two swords, destroy the dragon.

The black-bone giant python, one of the eight guardians Jialan, was killed by Han Yang with two swords with all his strength.

I actually...won. You are worthy of being my chosen opponent.

A smile appeared in Mu Shanxiang's eyes.

But at this moment, her expression suddenly changed.


Good luck

The Xiangtian Girl appeared with a black lotus on her feet, holding the majestic Demon-Conquering Pestle in her hand, and slammed into Han Yang's back.


Garuda has bone wings, vibrating the bone wings, and its sharp claws seem to be able to tear apart everything, and grab Han Yang's head. .


There was also a ferocious Yaksha ten feet tall, stepping out of the sand, piercing Han Yang's heart with the trident in his hand.

The three protectors, Jialan, who were no weaker than the black-bone giant python, arrived here without knowing when. At the same time, they surrounded Han Yang and launched a killing blow...

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