Nine Revolutions of the Stars Technique

Chapter 857 Those who are warlike will perish.

Murong Ming and others all looked at King Liuli Ming with shocked expressions.

In an instant, the injuries of the seven Martial Saints were healed, including Zhuge Ye's soul-tearing wounds.

This kind of ability can only be described as a miracle.

Originally, because of Han Yang's previous remarks about Ming Wang Ming Fei, they had a little doubt about the identity of Liuli Ming Wang.

But at this time, all they felt was shock.

In the entire Qingtian Realm, there has never been a miraculous existence like King Liuli Ming.

The existence of this deity is absolutely superior to all things in the blue sky world.

King Liuli Ming continued to say solemnly and solemnly: My domain is my Buddha Land. In the Buddha Land, if I am immortal, you... will not be destroyed!

As soon as these words came out, the eyes of Murong Ming and others looking at Han Yang became more and more ferocious.

Han Yang, you killed my beloved daughter. Today, I will avenge him!

If there is a demon in the world, it can only be me, Demon Wuya. Today, you will die.

Han Yang, if you dare to hurt my soul, I will use your flesh and blood to repay you twice as much...

The fighting spirit began to boil and spread among several people again.

The scene in front of him actually made a smile appear on Han Yang's face. He looked at the halo of flames behind Liuli Mingwang's head, chuckled and said: Fake the name of Mingwang, and even the halo of law can be disguised. Now, I'm really curious about your identity.

Liuli Mingwang said indifferently: You people from the small world, how dare you talk about the law and the name of Mingwang! Xia Chong Yubing, I don't know how high the sky is and how high it is.

Her words made even Murong Ming and others laugh at her, but they didn't find it harsh.

King Liuli Ming has completely conquered their hearts with his miraculous methods.

Stop talking nonsense and kill him first.

Mo Wushuang's body once again had a fierce light. Fang Tian's painted halberd in his hand shook, and he was the first to take action.

However, what was different from the previous time was that there seemed to be a looming skeleton behind him.

And his strength soared a little.

Seeing that a war is about to start again.


Suddenly, a ray of light suddenly appeared above the ancient temple, located between the two.


The Fangtian Painted Halberd in Mo Wuya's hand used his momentum to penetrate the phantom body with one strike, but it did not cause any damage to the opponent.

This made Mo Wuya startled.

It's that...Zhan Tianzi!

Is he the one who opened the Divine Ruins?

Yes, it was him who dragged many people from the Tianwu Continent into the Divine Ruins and then disappeared without a trace!

Mo Wuya and others did not recognize the identity of the phantom, but Zhuge Cheng and others recognized it at a glance. It was the Emperor Zhan who opened the Shenxu.

The moment Emperor Zhan revealed his whereabouts, the eyes of Liuli Mingwang burst into cold murderous intent.

At this time, she no longer looked like the majestic King Ming, but more like the wrathful King Kong.

Emperor Zhan smiled and cupped his hands at Han Yang: To be able to attract her to use the virtual fire halo, you are worthy of being...His Royal Highness the Demon Emperor.

Han Yang was quite moved by the reunion of old friends, and nodded with a smile.

Only then did Emperor Zhan turn around, look at King Liuli Ming and said calmly: I have no choice but to open the Divine Ruins, just to take refuge, so why do you have to push me so hard?

King Liuli Ming shouted coldly: Evil heretics, everyone will find them and kill them!

As her voice rose, a jade-colored skull stretched out from the huge halo of flames behind her head. Finally, a jade-colored skeleton crawled out with a ring of fire burning like the back of her head.

One statue!

Two statues!

In less than a few breaths, seven fire ring skeletons appeared beside King Liuli Ming.

Each of them possesses the strength of a martial saint.

What's even more frightening is that the weapons in their hands are exactly the same as those of Murong Ming from before.

This scene made Murong Ming and others feel shuddering.

Perhaps, their quick recovery from injuries was not without cost.

To a certain extent, this Prince of Glazed Glass could simulate a skeleton puppet that was no different from them.

Seeking skin from a tiger? !

Such an idea arose in the minds of seven people at the same time.

King Liuli Ming kept saying that Emperor Zhan and Han Yang were evil heretics, but judging from the situation before him, she was more like... a real evil.

Emperor Zhan sighed: So, do you and I want to fight to the death?

King Liuli Ming said categorically: We will continue until we die!

No more luck, Emperor Zhan's voice turned cold: Then, as you wish!


The moment his voice fell, a sudden change occurred.

The space dozens of miles around the ancient temple began to tremble and hum in an instant.

The next moment, one world split into two worlds.

King Liuli Ming and the Ring of Fire Skeleton were isolated in another world, but Han Yang and others still stayed in the current world.

Han Yang, you have one month! After one month, I can only let her...return to the second world.

Zhan Tianzi seemed to be suffering from severe pain, and even his voice became extremely distorted.

Evil heretics, die!

The sudden change completely angered King Liuli Ming.

Boom boom!

She launched a killing spree.

The seven fire-ring skeletons around him also released the same attacks as Murong Ming's seven, trying to break through the world barrier.

But in the end, he was still pulled into a new world and disappeared in front of everyone.

Until the end, even the angry roar made by King Liuli Ming disappeared.

There was deathly silence in the sky above the ancient temple.

Han Yang and Murong Ming stood opposite each other, seemingly in shock.

Zhan Tianzi, he took away the omnipotent King Liuli Ming?

As a result, after they are injured, there is no possibility of recovery.


Mo Wuya at the front roared ferociously and took action for the third time.

He just wanted to fight Han Yang, regardless of the consequences.



But at the moment when he took action madly, Murong Ming and Zhuge Ye suddenly retreated without any hesitation.

Previously, with the domain blessing of King Liuli Ming, they were all defeated by Han Yang. Now, what should they fight with?

Except for the lunatic Mo Wuya, no one wants to fight, and no one dares to fight.

Just enough for Mo Wuya to hold it up.

Liu Qingshu and four others followed closely behind, each one running away faster than the other.


When Mo Wuya realizes that something is wrong and wants to retreat, where is the chance?


The sound of swords sounded.

The formless gods and Buddhas are beheaded.

The sword light rises into the sky.

Among them, there is the god of war, the evil Buddha, and the formless one!

Past, present and future, three lives are intertwined.

This knife is more like cause and effect.


The moment Mo Wuya crashed into Han Yang's domain, thirty-six stars rotated and the domain suddenly became solid.

Deified realm, deprived.

Mo Wuya, who looked like a madman, discovered that the connection between himself and the law had been deprived of him.

If a Martial Saint loses his laws, he is just an ordinary Martial Ancestor, even worse than an ordinary Martial Ancestor.


The light of the sword passed by, and a head flew high into the air.

I don't accept it!

The head flew in the sky, still roaring unwillingly.

I... just want to kill you, I don't need you to submit.

Han Yang smiled and kept walking, stepping on the magic clouds in the sky, chasing the other six people crazily.

Those who are warlike will perish.

As the number one demon in the Moluo Domain, Mo Wuya was arrogant and arrogant. In the end, he paid the price with his life because of his bellicosity, and became the first genius of any major sect to fall into the hands of Han Yang.

Han Yang, you, don't chase me, I have no enmity or enmity with you...

When Hong Qianqiu saw that the first target of Han Yang's pursuit was him, he couldn't help but begged and begged.



The knife fell from his hand, and his head flew up.

Without even a decent counterattack, Hong Qianqiu was beheaded with a knife.

Murong Ming and the other five people's scalps were numb when they saw it. They had already lost their fighting spirit and they all hurriedly separated and fled.

Right now, it's all about escaping.


Thunder exploded.

Han Yang's figure appeared behind Zhuge Cheng.

Zhuge Cheng's cultivation level was the weakest among all the saints, but he was just here to make up the numbers. At this moment, he was simply paralyzed with fear.



Another one dies!

The ancient temple alliance completely fell apart because of the departure of King Liuli Ming, and the remaining saints all became lambs to be slaughtered by Han Yang...

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