Nine Revolutions of the Stars Technique

Chapter 859 Two Little Fighters against the Martial Saint

I'm so impulsive! I knew that Han Yang was a monster, so why did I lose my mind and choose to be his enemy...

Liu Qingshu slapped himself twice, and the scarf on his head was knocked crooked.

He usually prides himself on being a cautious person.

It was precisely with this cautious mind that he overcame many geniuses who were more talented than him and became the second disciple of Tiandao Academy.

But after being promoted to Martial Saint this time, he became a little confused. He actually wanted to join forces with everyone to surround and kill Han Yang?

Now that things are going well, Mu Shanxiang has fallen, Mo Wuya has been killed, and Murong Ming and Zhuge Ye may be in trouble.

With so many first-year talents from various sects put together, they didn't even hurt Han Yang's hair. It was simply... tragic.

I'm just an insignificant person. Wouldn't Demon Emperor Han leave the others alone and come after me specifically...

While fleeing, Liu Qingshu comforted himself.

At this moment, the transmission note on his waist vibrated slightly.

When he picked it up and looked at the information above, Liu Qingshu's face turned pale with fright.

Zhuge Ye is dead.

The number one member of the Lianxin family was also hunted to death by Han Yang.

Not only that, Hong Qianqiu disguised himself as a woman, but he did not escape Han Yang's pursuit.

Demon Emperor Han kills people regardless of strength or weakness. He will kill whoever is easier to catch first. one can run away. the eyes of Demon Emperor Han, Mo Wuya, Zhuge Ye, Hong Qianqiu and I are probably all ants, and there is no strong or weak distinction at all...

Liu Qingshu was almost desperate, feeling that he would not escape death in the end.

At this moment, the sky in the world of Shenxu gradually darkened.

The world-destroying divine light is coming soon.

Damn it!

House seemingly endless rain.

The number of swastika characters he had devoured was not enough to allow him to escape from the world-destroying divine light. He had to find a dilapidated temple to hide in first.

But staying in one place is tantamount to leaving one's life and death in Han Yang's hands.

If time goes on, he will be found sooner or later, and then... he will die.

Liu Qingshu, the second disciple of the dignified Tiandao Academy, felt so aggrieved that he wanted to cry.


After a stick of incense, the world-destroying divine light finally arrived, and Liu Qingshu could only keep his head down and rushed into a dilapidated temple a few miles away.


After entering the temple, he exhaled helplessly.

It's a good thing to live for a while. At least, I am still alive now, and I have already lived longer than Mo Wuya, Zhuge Ye and others...

But just as he entered the center of the temple, Liu Qingshu's eyes suddenly widened.

Because there are two women in this dilapidated temple.

One is standing and one is lying down.

The woman lying down was looking at him.

The two just looked at each other, big eyes staring at each other.'re not dead?!

After a moment of confusion, Liu Qingshu jumped up like a cat whose tail had been stepped on, pointed at the woman incoherently, and started yelling.

The woman frowned and said coldly: My injury has not healed yet, so why don't you be surprised?

Liu Qingshu was also very angry.

A sudden surprise?

Why on earth do you think I was surprised?

Mu Shanxiang! Can you explain why your life talisman was broken even though you are not dead? You... teamed up with Demon Emperor Han to deceive us?

That's right, the person lying in this dilapidated temple is the seriously injured Mu Shanxiang.

Liu Qingshu was going crazy.

God knows how sad he felt when he learned about Mu Shanxiang's death.

As a result, he was lying here fine and not dead at all.

Mu Shanxiang said expressionlessly: I was defeated by Han Yang and captured alive. He had tampered with my fate.

This is the truth, and it also gives a reasonable explanation.

But Liu Qingshu felt his scalp numb when he heard it.

With trembling fingers, he pointed at Mu Shanxiang and shouted: What about your transmission talisman? Han Yang is not even with you, why don't you use the transmission talisman to communicate with us...

I forgot.

Mu Shanxiang looked innocent.

She really forgot.

After Han Yang left, she was immersed in grief and couldn't extricate herself. She kept thinking about her future martial arts path and where she should go. How could she have time to deal with Liu Qingshu and the others.



Liu Qingshu was speechless. He really didn't know how to scold this irresponsible guy.

The next moment, he suddenly got excited and looked at the little girl standing next to Mu Shanxiang.

Auspicious Heaven?!

He recognized the rumored number one witch under the Great Demon Emperor Han Yang.

Ji Xiangtian bared his teeth and smiled at Liu Qingshu with a cold smile.

Liu Qingshu was almost frightened and fled out of the ruined temple in a hurry.

Now, he has a lot of Han Yang's sequelae. Whenever he hears or sees people or things related to Han Yang, he will be subconsciously frightened.

Stepping back, half of his body was about to leave the dilapidated temple. Only then did Liu Qingshu realize that Han Yang was not there, and the auspicious sky in the dilapidated temple was only the cultivation of the Martial Ancestor.

Even if the Martial Ancestor is at the ninth level, he is definitely no match for the Martial Saint himself.

You bastard! Demon Emperor Han is not here, so he just needs your life!

In an instant, Liu Qingshu vented the shock he suffered from Han Yang onto Ji Xiangtian.


The terrifying blow belonging to the Martial Saint blasted towards Ji Xiangtian.

You! Stop...cough cough cough...I told you to stop!

When Mu Shanxiang saw that Liu Qingshu actually took action against Ji Xiangtian, he suddenly felt anxious.

She saw with her own eyes that Han Yang gave all the benefits of killing the black jade skeleton, the golden skeleton, and the protector Jialan to Ji Xiangtian to help Ji Xiangtian advance. This shows that Ji Xiangtian has a very important position in Han Yang's heart.

If he died at the hands of Liu Qingshu, Tiandao Academy would definitely be in big trouble in the future.

Unfortunately, Liu Qingshu, who was promoted to Martial Saint and became extremely angry, no longer had much respect for Mu Shanxiang that he had in the past.

Not to mention, Mu Shanxiang was seriously injured and had no time to protect himself, and he was being chased by Han Yang all the way. He was frightened and had accumulated a lot of negative emotions and needed a way to vent them.

He turned a deaf ear, and like a madman, he went towards the auspicious sky to kill.


A green lotus blooms.


The green lotus is broken.


Ji Xiangtian once again used the Jixiang Seal to fight Liu Qingshu.

Liu Qingshu's body just swayed, without moving a step, but Ji Xiangtian flew upside down from the temple like a kite with a broken string, and fell into the world-destroying divine light.

Although Ji Xiangtian activated a third-level spirit body, Liu Qingshu was also a third-level spirit body.

Not only was Liu Qingshu's cultivation higher than Ji Xiangtian's, but as the second disciple of Tiandao Academy, he was a genius among geniuses and had strong martial arts talent.

Maybe Ji Xiangtian has the ability to defeat an ordinary first-level martial saint, but facing Liu Qingshu, he is still a little short of it.


Liu Qingshu, who was unyielding in power, gave a ferocious laugh and pointed the judge's pen forward in his hand, preparing to take Ji Xiangtian's life.

At this moment...


A Bai Shengsheng's small hand hit the judge's pen, sending sparks flying everywhere.

A red phantom was blown away seven or eight feet away, with blood on its palms, but it quickly recovered.

The person who came was none other than Xiao Jiuer in zombie state.


With a ferocious roar, Xiao Jiuer stared fiercely at Liu Qingshu's neck.


Liu Qingshu had obviously heard of the reputation of the Zombie Saint and knew how difficult zombies were.

But at this moment, he was so overwhelmed with anger that he couldn't care about this?

You all die.

A book rose above his head, and the forbidden technique was opened.

Liu Qingshu rushed towards Xiao Jiuer and Ji Xiangtian like a crazy demon.


A shadow rose behind the auspicious sky.

Her body instantly transformed into a goddess of great auspiciousness. She stepped on the green lotus with her feet, held the flowers with her fingers, and then quickly formed the mudra.

A bright sun rises from the sky.

Sun wheel seal.

One of the seven Mahamudras of Zhigang Zhiyang.

A word 王 appeared faintly between Xiao Jiuer's eyebrows, and his pupils turned completely golden.


Two children, fighting against the Martial Saint...

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