Nine Revolutions of the Stars Technique

Chapter 876 Fight even if there is no chance of death

Han Yang is burning.

His body is turning into rays of light, dispersing into the void, facing collapse and disintegration.

With Han Yang's current state, even if he was promoted to the fourth level of Martial Ancestor, he could only use the sixth phase of the Nine Phaseless Transformations.

The seventh turn is overload.

If used forcefully, the consequences range from serious injury to coma.

As for the eighth turn... after it is turned on, you will basically survive nine or even ten deaths.

But Han Yang was reborn as the ninth generation, the sixth generation of war god, how could he be afraid of war.

Just death.

Facing an invincible and powerful enemy, let alone a narrow escape from death, it would be a real ten-death encounter, and he would choose to fight against all odds.

The fourth level of the Martial Ancestor, the eighth level without form, the second level of the Holy Body of Heavenly Dao.

At this moment, at least in terms of realm, Han Yang has surpassed Yang Ziyu.

King Ming!

Yang Ziyu shouted loudly and thought of it, and sacrificed the Nine Heavens Qingyu, the holy weapon of the Qingyu Temple, but he was still worried and had to ask Liuli Ming King for help.

He didn't expect that at the last moment, Han Yang would have a way to make a comeback.

This level of magical power was intimidating to him.

Prince Liuli Ming also showed a look of shock.

He had received inheritance from ancient times and knew the glory of the Buddha Land in the past.

Even when the Buddha Land was at its most prominent in the God Realm, there were no monsters like Han Yang.

In other words, if Han Yang was placed in the divine realm at this time, most people in the same realm would be his opponent.

If such monsters were allowed to join forces with the Lord of Shenxu and the Emperor, he would never be able to turn around in the world of Shenxu.


Liuli Mingwang himself clasped his hands together and sat cross-legged.

His realm is determined by the laws of Shenxu.

Nowadays, the Lord of Shenxu, Zhan Tianzi, is a first-level martial saint, and he can only maintain the highest level of first-level martial saint.

It is obviously impossible for a first-level Martial Saint to defeat Han Yang.

There is only one way...




King Liuli Ming formed a seal with his hands, and rays of light peeled off from the ring of fire behind his head and converged towards Yang Ziyu.

A ring of virtual fire formed behind Yang Ziyu's head.

Prince Liuli Ming was sacrificing himself to forcibly increase Yang Ziyu's strength.

In just a moment, Yang Ziyu was about to break through the bottleneck and break through to the true fifth level of Martial Saint!


At this moment, Han Yang's indifferent smile came to everyone's ears.

This laughter seemed to be laughing at an ant using its arms as a cart.

And this laughter, like the voice of heaven, possesses incredible power.


The sound rippled and swept towards Yang Ziyu.


The illusory ring of fire that had just formed behind Yang Ziyu's head instantly shattered.

Prince Liuli Ming spat out a mouthful of blood and his eyes suddenly widened.

How is it possible! You can actually destroy my Buddha's method of sacrifice...

This method of his is a method of offering sacrifices in the Buddha land of the God Realm. Not to mention the barbarians of the Qingtian Realm, even Zhan Tianzi, the master of the God Ruins, cannot destroy the sacrifice process.

But at this time, his initiative to sacrifice was easily broken by Han Yang's chuckle.

Little Prince Ming, how can you talk about Buddha...

Han Yang stretched out his hand and moved forward.


There was a sound like a shattering mirror.


Yang Ziyu roared in despair.

He was shocked to find that no matter how much power he exerted, he could not resist this terrifying destructive power.

Even the connection between him and Jiutian Qingyu was stripped away.

To be more precise, the moment Han Yang pointed his finger, the laws of this world collapsed.

Yang Ziyu's body began to collapse from the inside out.

Even the soul is slowly dying.

No... I am a third-level spirit body, and I want to ascend to the upper world. How can I die here...

Yang Ziyu couldn't accept such a result at all. He screamed in despair: King Ming! You promised to help me get promoted, help me...

When people are on the line between life and death, they often place their hopes on unrealistic things.

At this time, Yang Ziyu pinned his last hope on Liuli Mingwang himself... even though Liuli Mingwang himself was only a first-level martial saint.


King Liuli Ming was aware of the current crisis, but was helpless. He showed compassion and slowly closed his eyes.

As his eyes closed, his body instantly transformed.

The ring of fire at the back of his head collapsed and gathered into his body, finally condensing into a relic.

This relic turned into a stream of light and shot towards Yang Ziyu.

Even at this time, the relic was still hundreds of feet away from Yang Ziyu, but Yang Ziyu felt the surging power within it.


At this moment, Yang Ziyu felt the power of the gods in the relics!

Hahahaha! Han Yang, you are dead!

Survived from desperate situation, Yang Ziyu laughed endlessly.

As long as the relics enter his body, he will definitely be promoted to the fifth level of the Martial Saint, and he may even break through two levels in a row and be promoted to the sixth level of the Martial Saint!

By then, Han Yang will undoubtedly die.

However, Han Yang did not show any fear on his face, but instead showed ridicule.


Yang Ziyu was a little puzzled when his eyes suddenly blurred.


The third and fourth layers of barriers, which were originally stacked together, were forcibly separated.

Yang Ziyu and Han Yang stayed on the third floor.

And the relic... was lost on the fourth floor.


This is the distance from heaven to hell.

Yang Ziyu stretched out her hand weakly, but was unable to prevent the separation of the two worlds.


The sound of swords sounded.

The seven fierce soldiers swallowed the thief, and with a pop, they pierced Yang Ziyu's eyebrows.

The No. 1 Qingyu Guard of the Qingyu Temple, with a face full of reluctance and extreme despair... fell!


Emperor Zhan looked up to the sky and laughed: Brother Han, how are you cooperating with me...

He himself looked extremely miserable.

Forcibly uncovering the barrier of the fourth level of the Divine Ruins world is far beyond his ability at this time.

Even if it was only partially opened within a few hundred miles, it almost caused his body to collapse.

At this time, Emperor Zhan was not much stronger than those skeletons.

Han Yang did not answer his words, but rolled the blade forward.


All the remaining skeletons were turned into powder.

Brother Han?

Zhan Tianzi's expression suddenly changed, and he realized that something seemed wrong with Han Yang's situation.

Qiaoqian is in trouble...

When Han Yang uttered the last few words, most of his body had turned into light and disappeared, and even his face became blurry.

Emperor Zhan's heart trembled suddenly.

The price Han Yang paid for bucking the trend seemed to be greater than he imagined.

Brother Han, you must hold on...

Regardless of his injuries, Zhan Tianzi waved his left hand forward.


Descending from the third floor to the second floor instantly brought him and Han Yang to Chen Qiaoqian's location.

The second world of Shenxu, before a stick of incense.


Mu Shanxiang's body was blown away by the terrifying force, and his chest was almost penetrated by the moon.


An ice lotus appears.

But it was shattered by the moon wheel in an instant!

Come here and kneel down for me!

Yang Xiao stretched out his hand with great arrogance and suddenly grabbed Chen Qiaoqian.


Xiao Jiuer roared, turned into a red light, and hit Yang Xiao's palm.


Yang Xiao gave it a nonchalant squeeze, and Xiao Jiuer's body was covered in bruises and almost shattered.

Even if the zombie body is immortal, she cannot resist the attack of a peerless genius like Yang Xiao.

In just one moment, he was on the verge of death.

Get away!

The eyes of the auspicious sky are split, and the hands are quickly forming seals.

Sun wheel seal!


But Yang Xiao just waved his hand and tore apart the surging Haori.

How dare a group of ants from the lower world bare their teeth at me!

After being blocked several times in succession, Yang Xiao was also angered.

He laughed evilly, and with a flash of the moon in his hand, he was ready to kill Mu Shanxiang, Xiao Jiuer, and Ji Xiangtian.

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