Nine Revolutions of the Stars Technique

Chapter 880 Breaking through Han Yang’s guard

Murong Ming is not dead, but he is not far away.

His eyes widened with anger, his eyes were bloodshot, and he roared in a desperate tone: Fu Qingyu, I am a dog that belongs to Han Yang now. If you dare to kill me, Han Yang will never let you go!

In order to survive, he even said the words be a dog directly.


Fu Qingyu chuckled and said: As far as I know, Han Yang is already half dead and on the verge of death. Do you think he can still kill me?

Fu Qingyu is confident that with her current level of third-level spirit body and third-level martial saint, coupled with her invincible Taoist skills, she may not lose even if she faces An Hongyu and Black Star Sword Master.

Han Yang?

Not to mention that Han Yang was on the verge of death now, she was not afraid even at his peak.

She is different from those losers who relied on their spiritual bodies to reach the first rank.

She is the one who can truly crush spiritual bodies with her own strength.

Now that he has a third-level spiritual body, he is no longer afraid of anyone!

Murong Ming smiled ferociously: Don't forget, even if Han Yang was on the verge of death, he still stepped on Yang Xiao to death!

No one knew how shocking it was to see Yang Xiao being trampled to death.

Although Murong Ming was the No. 1 Son of God in name, he knew very well that his future would be somewhat reluctant to even become a protector.

And Yang Xiao is a person who is expected to become a ninth-level martial saint and succeed the leader of the cult.

Such a genius was trampled to death by Han Yang and almost simultaneously crushed Murong Ming's martial arts heart.

In Murong Ming's heart at this time, Han Yang was simply an omnipotent god.

That's because your Sun Moon God Sect's magic stick is too useless...

Fu Qingyu moved his fingers forward slightly.


Blood sprayed everywhere.

Murong Ming felt that his sea of ​​consciousness was about to be pierced, and he hurriedly shouted: There is also Emperor Zhan! Emperor Zhan also has invincible power and can easily suppress you, you...

So much nonsense...

Fu Qingyu finally lost interest in bickering with Murong Ming and thrust forward with his finger.


Murong Ming, the number one son of the Sun and Moon God Sect, did not die at the hands of Han Yang and Emperor Zhan, but actually died at the hands of the Qingyu Temple, which was supposed to be an ally.

Enemy attack!

Maybe he didn't want to die so useless.

At the moment before dying, Murong Ming screamed loudly, exposing Fu Qingyu's whereabouts.

Fu Qingyu waved his hand and threw the body aside, looking indifferently at Xiao Jiuer and Ji Xiangtian who were coming after hearing the sound.


Qinglian is coming!

Lotus seal!

Ji Xiangtian took action first and sealed Fu Qingyu with the large hand seal that controlled the widest range.


Xiao Jiuer's palm changed from white to jet black, and it was as ferocious as a ghost's claws. With a cold sound of breaking through the air, it grabbed Fu Qingyu's heart.

Both of them are now third-level spiritual bodies and second-level martial saints.

I am confident that even if Yang Xiao comes again, we can join forces to fight.

But they obviously underestimated Fu Qingyu's strength.


Ten feet!

One foot...

Just when Xiao Jiuer's palm had pierced Fu Qingyu's clothes and was about to penetrate his flesh, Fu Qingyu smiled slightly and suddenly raised his hand.


A slap was like lightning, hitting Xiao Jiuer's head.

This slap directly hit half of Xiao Jiuer's head until his nose was black and his eyes were swollen.

If it had been anyone else, he might have died at this time.

Even with the body of an immortal zombie, Xiao Jiuer couldn't help but shake the regrown skin with a confused look on his face.

As for Jixiangtian, it is even more miserable.

The lotus seal was broken instantly.

Ji Xiangtian hurriedly formed the seal again and released the sun wheel seal.

However, Fu Qingyu reached out his hand lightly and pierced the Haori in one go.

It's as if the temperature that can burn everything doesn't exist.


His fingers pierced Ji Xiangtian's forehead, and he was about to kill him before his eyes.


The sound of swords sounded.

The sword talisman left by the Star Reaching Sword Master to Chen Qiaoqian exploded.

A fierce sword light blasted towards Fu Qingyu.


Although Ji Xiangtian's forehead was penetrated by fingers and she might die from a headshot at any time, she still roared fiercely with a ferocious face.

She is not afraid of death!

Because behind her is the master Han Yang.

While Han Yang was still awake, she would never allow anyone to disturb her master's healing.

Even if he died because of it.

However, at the next moment, something happened that made her desperate.

Fu Qingyu suddenly opened his mouth, and with a bang, he bit the Star Reaching Sword Master's sword talisman's light between his teeth.

The Star-catching Sword Master was originally a sixth-level Martial Saint, but at this time, Fu Qingyu was no longer weaker than the Star-catching Sword Master himself, let alone just a small sword talisman.


The sword light shattered.

Fu Qingyu licked his lips and said with a smile: Is this the sword intention of the Star-catching Sword Master? It tastes good. When I leave Shenxu, I must taste the taste of her own moves.

Ji Xiangtian's eyes widened, filled with despair.

Even though she almost died, she had never been so desperate.

Han Yang is right behind him. If he can't stop this woman, then...

Little girl, you can die too...

Fu Qingyu smiled indifferently and thrust his finger forward.

Not long ago, she stabbed Murong Ming, the first god son of the Sun Moon God Sect, to death with just such a finger.

Seeing that Ji Xiangtian was about to be shot in the head, Xiao Jiuer roared and rushed forward.


Fu Qingyu flicked his fingers, and a green feather penetrated Xiao Jiuer's chest, leaving a hole the size of a bowl.

The small body was even blown hundreds of feet away.

Even with an immortal zombie body, Xiao Jiuer still couldn't get up for a long time, and could only watch Fu Qingyu's fingers piercing Ji Xiangtian's head.


At this critical moment, an ice lotus bloomed and froze Fu Qingyu's fingers.


Fu Qingyu raised his head and saw Chen Qiaoqian, dressed in a bright yellow dragon robe, flying toward her with a Nine Heavens Green Feather in hand.

This is not how you use the sacred weapons of my temple!


A ray of Buddha light burst out from Fu Qingyu's body.

The angry-eyed Vajra spirit body.

As a woman, what she awakened turned out to be one of the most suitable spirits for fighting, the Angry-Eye King Kong.

Not only that, what others awakened was just the goddess of the eight tribes or the spirit body of the Yaksha, but what Fu Qingyu awakened was the Vajra of the Buddha Sect, the real god of the Buddha Sect.

bring here!

Under the blessing of the Angry-Eye King Kong, Fu Qingyu suddenly stretched out his hand and grabbed Chen Qiaoqian.

Chen Qiaoqian had only obtained Jiutian Qingyu for a few days, and was far from being able to refine it.

The so-called holy weapon is only a more powerful weapon in her hands.

Facing Fu Qingyu's attack, Chen Qiaoqian's face darkened, and she used Xuanbing Spirit Body and Jiutian Qingyu to the extreme.


There was a loud bang.

Chen Qiaoqian was directly blasted away, and even the Nine Heavens Green Feather in her hand was taken away.


Complete crushing.

Fu Qingyu single-handedly crushed the three strongest people in Tianwu Paradise except Han Yang.

Even if Chen Qiaoqian awakens the third-level Xuanbing spirit body, reaches the second-level martial saint level, and holds a holy weapon, she is not a single enemy.

This woman's power made everyone in Tianwu Paradise despair.

Fu Qingyu waved his hand and threw away the half-dead Jixiangtian, and joyfully began to play with the Jiutian Qingyu in his hand.

With Jiutian Qingyu, I can break through again and be promoted to the fourth level of Martial Saint... By then, even if I meet your Xingxiu Palace Black Star Sword Master, I can fight!

Her eyes sparkled with excitement.

From today on, she will step into the second sequence of the Middle-earth Divine Continent and become as famous as the Cardinal of the Green Feather Temple, the Four Guardians of the Sun and Moon Sect, and the Three Saints of the Stars and Seas...

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